sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2014

Serie Cosmos e Debate com Participação da Matrix/DNA Theory

Meu ultimo comentario postado  ( My last post in "comments") :

Episodio 12 - The World Set Free - ( mais comentarios no fim deste artigo)

[–]TheMatrixDNA   (1|0)
Deniers of man-made greenhouse effect are repetition of a old natural evolutionary history. Their social status is as big and medium predators, addicted to a way of leaving, after reaching a comfortable life, becoming super-specialized at keeping the status quo. Natural History has shown that Nature does not permit such behavior and always find a way for destroying, discarding the whole species. It happened with dinosaurs ( do you believe on the lie of giant meteors?!), and it is happening with the king of the air ( eagles), the king of oceans (wales), the king of land ( lions)... But the best sample explaining their "instincts" is the words of King Louis XV: "We know that people will finally cut our heads out, but, what we can do? We are addicted, we don't know how to leave without these long parties and orgy"
It is up to each human being if we will leave their minds and values ruling the human society... we know the fatal destiny. Or... Am I wrong?

Resposta de leitor: 

redditsuckmyballs 1 ponto  (1|0)
What are you on about?

Minha resposta

That our social systems still mimics the rules of the jungle. Shared into big predators, medium predators and preys. Humans acts like any other animals, there is no intelligence applied towards the transcendence of human species, while humanity keeps these kinds of social arrangement. And we know how Nature deals with animals: you are fired, going to extinction, this is your unavoidable destiny. If not now, or the next year, you will finish when the planet will not support yours life.
But, as think Tyson, still there is hope. Only if we build a kind of social system that does not mimics animals. And there are lots of possibles social systems, under other kind of rules. For doing that, it is missing a world view that would transform the human animal instincts into transcendental intelligence. I think that the Matrix/DNA world view could do it.

E mais este: 

[–]TheMatrixDNA   (1|0)
Tyson, advocating the academic world view - and after discovering that it is impossible to prove that the stupid matter of this lost planet alone could create "life" - now is changing directions, searching another sources , but, inside his box. He says that organisms surviving under extreme conditions is indication that life came from other worlds, planets.
There is also the absurd alternative suggested by creationists. But there is a third alternative, a more rational one, that he and the academic staff does not know.
After discovering a model of astronomical systems' building blocks totally equal to DNA's building blocks, Matrix/DNA Theory found that "it is not organisms or organic molecules coming from other astronomical bodies... it is the entire astronomical system coming to here, naturally nanno-technologized and mutated by Earth's environment and materials. Mechanisms for adaptations to any level of environmental conditions, inside a limit of the spectrum, are registered into biological systems. What do you think about this theoretical alternative?

Resposta de leitor:

RockasaurusRex 1 ponto  (1|0)
I think that this is as credible as the Time-Cube.
( É claro que ele nada entendeu do que postei acima e a cosmovisão que estou sugerindo é tão diferente da que ele acredita que jamais ele iria entender algo sem ao menos algumas semanas estudando-a. Mas,... como disse Einstein, o autor não tem que provar que sua teoria está correta, apenas mostrar que ela faz mais sentido do que as outras). Portanto vou dar uma resposta insistindo nessa linha:

Time cube is believing that stupid matter of losts planets could create alone biological systems, aka "life". Saying that life came from other planet than Earth is merely avoiding the problem. But, if we see universal evolution as the evolution of a unique natural system, coming since the Big Bang ( super-particle system, atomic system, stellar system, galactic system, biological system) we also see that all these systems have the same fundamental formula-pattern, which is DNA at biological evolution and Matrix at cosmological evolution In other words: all natural systems have DNA ( or Matrix, it is the same thing).
You need see the formula of Matrix/DNA, pictured at my website. There is a way for connecting all seven kinds of astronomical bodies into a working system. It is enough supposing that astronomical bodies changes shapes due the same process of life cycle that change the shapes of humans bodies, and calculating the evolutionary position of each body/shape connected by chronological age. The big surprise is discovering that the resulting circuit is a perfect working system. It happens that this system is same configuration/functionality of the seven atomic groups that composes a lateral pair of nucleotides. Merely coincidence? Impossible! So, any lateral ( horizontal) pair of nucleotides is a working system, each atomic group ( 2 sugars, 5 nitrogenous bases) performs the function that an astronomical body performs at astronomical systems.
On this way,the world becomes pretty more rational for understanding it. But then, the modern academic world view must change like we had to change when discovering that is the Earth orbiting around the Sun and not the other way around. Again!


Neil deGrasse Tyson Blasts Creationism In New 'Cosmos' Episode (VIDEO)

I am proud to be American, most because this is the unique country that have not being dominated by one doctrine. This controversy is healthier because keeps the human mind opened towards its evolution, producing creativity because it is stimulated by the competition of two different world views.  I will mention one example: the question about irreducible complexity.

While the Darwinian Modern Synthesis' world view believes that each life's properties are reducible to LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor), the ID's world view brings on cellular properties suggesting that they were connected by intelligent creation. Only here in America, the materialists and creationists and students are stimulated by the fight from the another side, to continuing the search for their "LUCA".  I think that Russia, England, etc, the dominance of materialist doctrine works as Science-stopper, it is not such stimulated.

My personal investigation suggested a third world view: " There is irreducible complexity in relation to Earth because LUCA was born as an astronomical system, so, there is no irreducible complexity in relation to Milk Way".

Now I ask you: if my theoretical results will be the right one, and if the students know this third possibility, who will discover the truth? America, because here humans brains are being challenged by their fellows countrymen. Thanks atheists, thanks creationists, THANKS AMERICA!


"the question about irreducible complexity."
--Show me an example of irreducible complexity that isn't just an argument from ignorance fallacy.

"Only here in America, the materialists and creationists and students are stimulated by the fight from the another side, to continuing the search for their "LUCA". I think that Russia, England, etc, the dominance of materialist doctrine works as Science-stopper, it is not such stimulated."
--No, in most other developed countries people actually accept science instead of clinging to irrational beliefs for emotional reasons.

"My personal investigation suggested a third world view"
--Key term "personal". Do you really think that you've discovered something that is both 1) so profound that it overturns large segments of modern science, and 2) so simply that a layperson could discover it? I'm not saying such a thing is impossible, only exceedingly unlikely to the point of practically being impossible.

1) Irreducible complexity?
For not mention those advocated by ID, tell me:
a) I know that reproduction is reducible to replication which could be initiated by primordial RNA. From here, RNA, replication is reduced to what physical process of non-organic matter?
b) The first RNA/DNA, or the ability for memory and code: what was the element doing that before them? Please don't point out crystals...
3) The mammal ability to keep eggs inside a womb, is reduced to which prior species or any natural system?
Ok, I mentioned just three now that I remember, which can be reduced to LUCA, if my model of the building block of galaxies will be proved right.I am sure, there are tens more...

2) People of those countries are not accepting the Science that the founder fathers at Iluminism were talking about. It was Science by Science, the search of knowledge of Nature for getting the freedom from ignorance and increasing the power of humankind for getting a better life. At that time there were 500.000 persons being tortured by slavery, today there are 7 billion? We lost, against numbers there is no reasoning. And that is because Science is funding for getting profit, military power, and is being used by the big predators for slavery of the the prey. They are not practicing natural science any more, but materialism and mechanicism, which drive every research to selecting one and discriminating other data.

3) No, I have no beliefs, only doubts.

"The first RNA/DNA, or the ability for memory and code: what was the element doing that before them?"
--Don't know, but that doesn't equate to evidence that nucleic acids are irreducibly complex. Surely you know that.

"The mammal ability to keep eggs inside a womb, is reduced to which prior species or any natural system?"
--Not sure. But you could just trying using Google.

All of your examples seem to be little more than pointing to a knowledge gap and claiming irreducibly complexity. That's not IC, that's a logical fallacy.

#2 -No idea what you're talking about.

You: "Don't know, but that doesn't equate to evidence that nucleic acids are irreducibly complex. Surely you know that".

Me: And it doesn't equate to evidence that nucleic acids are reducibly complex to something existing at Earth before the first nucleic acids. I know that all elements composing the nucleic acids are terrestrial elements ( carbon, nitrogen, etc.) but I don't know any structure organized by those atoms that could be the prior evolutionary link.And nobody knows it. Things becomes easy if we consider the astronomical model from matrix/DNA Theory, where the nucleic acids as bits of informations of RNA/DNA has the same configuration of the building block of astronomical systems. It means that nucleic acids are not reducible to a terrestrial LUCA, because LUCA is an astronomical structure to which Earth belongs to...

You: "You could trying just..."

Thanks by the link, I will see it with time. But I had made extensive research and never found any other explanation than the Matrix/DNA Theory.

You: "That's not IC, that's a logical fallacy"

I think that the fundamentals explanations from the current reductive scientific world view about how this stupid matter of this lost planet invented, created from nothing, the life's properties (metabolism, reproduction, sexual apparatus, breathing, etc.), is a logical fallacy. It is mystical.When you ask questions they answer like you did: "Don't know..." It is like creationists when you asked explanations: Oh...nobody knows the mind and purposes of God..."
" I don't know any structure organized by those atoms that could be the prior evolutionary link.And nobody knows it."
--So all we have is an unknown. There was a very recent paper that hints at a possible explanation. The findings are very preliminary and don't fully address the question of how the first molecules of life arose, but it does point to the distinct possibility that it all happened on Earth.

Non‐enzymatic glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway‐like reactions in a plausible Archean ocean

"I had made extensive research and never found any other explanation than the Matrix/DNA Theory. "
--Ok, so 'we don't know' is the best answer. I agree. We don't know exactly how life began. It's an area of active research.
You: "There was a very recent paper that hints at a possible explanation"

Thanks by the link I will read it. But I am sure it does not adress the process of reducible complexity. There are hundreds of papers like that, each one bring new useful information, but all them try to describe the formation of the first nucleic acids, based on new connections among atoms, new catalysts, etc. This is argument used by those that advocates irreducible complexity, the very fact that the nucleic acids are not reducible to an atom, or anything else.

At Matrix/DNA Theory I am suggesting a model of astronomical building blocks that has the same configuration and functionality of a lateral pair of nucleotides. If the model will be proved right, we found the ancestor to which they are reducible.

The secret here is that a lateral pair of nucleotides is a complete system, works as a system. So it must be reducible to a prior system.

You: "We don't know exactly how life began. It's an area of active research."

That's great! And yours words explains why I am critizing Tyson here. We don't know exactly how the universe began. Then, the students should be stimulated to practice Science, because it is an area for active research. Byt, when Tyson says that there was a Big bang and made by a small marble containing all energy and galaxies, he is doing the same that a priest saying that there was god. Final answer, no need more research.Same case for consciousness developing from brains of primates. Or life coming from non-organic matter.

At Matrix/DNA Theory, makes no sense talking about how life began. We talk about how biological systems were developed from atomic and astronomical systems. If one is "life" all of them must be too. That's why I elaborated a new cosmological model:for to fit as evolutionary link between these systems. The method is sample: comparative anatomy between the systems as ancestors and the system at the evolutionary top.

'Cosmos' Host Attacks Young Earth Creationism in Episode

12:12 PM on April 05, 2014
These people debating the age of the Universe forgets the relativistic effect of space/time on observers. Creationism could be right as an observer talking about the origins of human consciousness, which coincides with the beginnings of life perceiving the Universe, and materialists could be right as an observer talking about the origins of universal consciousness, which coincides with the origins of the Universe. This is a complex issue for Matrix/DNA Theory describing it here, but it shows that it is arrogance when human beings debates what they don't know. 

The other argument against ID - the invention by Earth of eyes - also is a relativistic issue. Think about this:

Any female womb can reproduce the image of an existent being into another being. Do womb have eyes, vision? Oh, it is not the womb, but an entity, called genome/DNA, inserted inside the womb. Yes, but long before the sea creatures, the first living cell was doing it. It does not matter if there is genome or not, the first cell saw one image of a creature and reproduced it. It happens because the natural mechanisms for developing eyes or another way for knowing images is disponible in the Cosmos since its origins. The Matrix/DNA Theory can explain how a single vortex at a galactic nucleus 10 billion years ago could "see" external images.

I think that these people, both, materialists and creationists, haven't thought enough the data we have today. If they do it, will finish this debate, which makes no rational sense.


 Gary Heinrich Jr. (theone0031)
    In today's world of superstition and denial, Mr. Tyson is like a breath of fresh air and his logic, undeniably true!

    I don't think that China, Korea, Russia, Germany, England, etc, are being ruled by superstition and denialists leaders. And I think that their social systems are wrong, because still based upon the primitive animal and salvage rules of the jungle, shared into predators and preys. Then, I am careful when I am suspecting that Tyson's logics is going to the same direction of those countries. Of course, should be worst if Tyson's logics was going towards religious superstitions.

    But, please, show to me, where and when you saw any natural process reaching extreme singularity? Like that supposed by the theoretical model pointing to the existence of black holes produced by singularity? My personal investigation has suggested that Nature never permits to anything reaching singularity. When any natural system, body, object, collapses or expands, it is stopped before the last and no-backwards state of singularity. It is transformed before reaching that point. If Nature had permitted it, the Universe never could build and fixing the first atom, never leaving out from the initial chaos. Evolution is the result of a universal natural system walking up a stair, lifting up three levels, falling two, stopping at a platform before reaching the first, and begins new evolutionary cycle from the second level, lifting up more three, etc.
    There are no ghosts monsters cannibals black holes hidden into galaxies' nucleus. Maybe there are merely single vortexes. But, if you change black holes by vortexes, the whole Tyson's logics and meanings falls down  

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx )

    TheMatrixDNA • 8 minutes ago 

    "American television audiences seem more interested in competitive singing than real science."
    And the culprit are people like Tyson, who are the new sacerdotes of the dominant doctrine at schools. Like any other religion, the disciples that go to church and listen to the priest, are blind and inactive for inquiring and improving the old scripture, because who has the power of getting informations direct from the source (God) are not them. The modern student never mind that would be possible to be another Newton, Einstein, Halley - they were the apostles like Matheus, Paulus, etc, which were alive when informations were disponible and fresh, could be got by someone direct with the source. Today there are millions of scientists and discoveries happens with teams that have access to most powerful technology. The diminution of assistance from the Cosmos of Sagan and the Cosmos of Tyson is due the normal evolution of any doctrine. When faith is established, curiosity is dead.
    But, Tyson and those communicating Science today are unconscious about the disservice they are doing to Science. "Today we know how a comet is born..."says Tyson. Who had watched the formation and birth of a comet?! "There was the Big Bang and before that a microscope atom..." My God, this is not the language of Science! Prove it, through lab experiments! "Today we know how a star is born..." But, such event must take millions or billions years, how could the human species culture that began 15.000 years ago watching such event? Computer simulations, mathematical calculus, theories about light waves, etc... is not scientific fact. It is theories.
    Science-stoppers. If they have the final answers for everything, how the youngers will be stimulated for searching,... what?!
    Applying the ancient method of comparative anatomy among natural systems, I got total different answers about the origins of the Universe, life, stars, comets, etc. There are lots of another methods and possible theories. A TV program wishing to stimulate kids for Science should give voice for all different theories, and the controversy would keep opened minds instead faithful minds. The modern academic world view elaborating the scholar curriculum today is not scientific anymore and the founder fathers of Illuminism failed in a trap: they criticized religions, but, their creation became same thing.
    E o meu reply a mim mesmo, publicado:
    Tyson began this episode holding a baby. Just what I should do in a TV show for communicating the opposite world view. Inserting a camera inside a fresh ovule, watching the spermatozoon coming as a comet, having its membrane-envelope exploded in a great ovular explosion like the Big Bang, the matter expanding like a blastulae where galaxies should be cells, than, the shapes of fish, reptile, mamifero, recapitulating biological evolution, and finally, showing a baby at my arms, asking to people which or what's the baby that this Universe is generating? Creationists should be satisfied: "it is the son of God!" Them, showing that inside this Universe it seems that is occurring a normal process of genetic reproduction, I would talking by suspicion that it must be the son of a natural non-magical conscious ex-machine system. And we could do this show with the same real scientific facts, only changing theories. The communicators of Science today ( as Lawrence Krauss with his "Something from Nothing", or Dawkins given personality and purposes to a bunch of atoms called genes, or Hawkings seeing ghost black holes where there is none) forgot that Cosmos is Nature like which we have here because they are listening to the world view narrated by simulations of the electro-mechanical brain which became the spy of non visible macro and micro-dimensions through its mechanical sensors... The real scientific facts we have today are pointing out that our Universe is more like a living thing than the machine aroused by chance they are believing... Creationists are wrong, but, sorry, the academic mindset is wrong also... Then, teach first only the real facts, no computer simulations. Them, teach all theoretical controversies, all interpretations of those facts, this will stimulate the mind of our kids...

    Este novo show intitulado "Cosmos" ainda vai dar muito o que falar, principalmente porque mexe com a mais inquietante pergunta atormentando humanos - qual a verdade sobre a minha existencia e a existencia deste mundo? Vai dar muita discussão porque o programa pretende ser uma resposta a esta pergunta, mas não apresenta com lógica, racionalidade, sensatez, as provas para sua resposta, dando margem a quem não partilha da mesma ideologia revoltar-se e aclamar sua revolta. Por isso vou abrir este capitulo para ir acompanhando o desenrolar do evento.


    E no artigo do Los Angeles Times, eu participo nos comentarios:

    Oklahoma Fox station accidentally cuts evolution scene from 'Cosmos'

    • Meu comentario:
    • Louis Morelli Guest - March, 13, 2014
    Insisting with magical thinking that life and universe emerges from magical accidents is a science-stopper and plays the game of the other face of the same coin - the creationism magical thinking - then, we have this game-war going again and again.
    This is a war between two different and poetic telling of the same event, both half/truth, half/wrong. Neil's interpretation of universal history is external world based while ID is the same universal history internally DNA based. Expansion, contraction of human mind, both wrong because both are extremes, while the right one is a third interpretation, the product that arises from extremes conflicts and interactions.
    Why Neil and his colleagues does not go to Oklahoma court claiming this "cut"? Because the advocates of creationism could ask scientific proofs for biological evolution and Neil can not show them, besides lots of evidences. And why Neil can not show a lab experiment where non-organic matter evolves into human beings and consciousness? Because the Darwinian mechanisms (VSI) are not enough for producing biological evolution, there are hidden variables still unknown that are missing for a successful lab historical reproduction of biological evolution. There are four hidden variables as suggested by Matrix/DNA Theory. These hidden variables connects biological evolution with cosmological evolution by a unique chain of causes and effects, but, then, the final interpretations seems to be metaphysics, which is not the wish of Neil's materialistic view point.
    Host and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson shares a story about meeting an inspirational force in his life in the series premiere episode of "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey." (Daniel Smith / Fox / March 13, 2014)

    março | 2 | 2014
    A escola recebe uma criança vinda de uma familia que tentou preencher algumas paginas de sua mente com um tipo de educação, e acrescenta mais outro tipo de educação. Da soma destas duas educações surge uma personalidade baseada numa interpretação particular do mundo, a qual é seu/sua filho(a). Até a pouco tempo coincidiam a educação familiar e escolar, ambas interpretavam o mundo do ponto de vista da religião judaico-cristã. Nos tempos modernos a escola mudou essa interpretação e uma diferente espécie de personalidade está sendo construida dentro das mentes dos jovens. Se esta nova interpretação é a melhor ou não, não cabe a mim decidir, porem, sinto que ela contem maus ingredientes, que podem afetar a vida dos jovens. Por exemplo, a maioria dos jovens do mundo agora estará assistindo uma nova versão de “Cosmos”, que foi apresentada por Carl Sagan nos anos 80, e agora será apresentada por um astrofisico, Neil Tysson. Logo de cara, deparo com uma frase proferida por ele, a qual me incomoda. Diz o seguinte: ” Nossas moleculas são originadas por estrelas que explodiram e espalharam estes elementos através da galaxia.”Ora, isso não é verdade cientifica! Isto é teoria em moda num determinado e temporario estado de evolução das Ciências Humanas. Não existem dados comprovados cientificamente para fazer tal afirmação. Mas se foi dito por um representante da moderna escola acadêmica, os jovens engolem isso automaticamente como se fosse verdade estabelecida. E assim caem numa armadilha fatal.Ninguem filmou uma estrela explodindo e seus atomos vindos para a Terra tornando-se as moleculas da vida aqui. Os calculos matematicos atuais e os modelos astronomicos da fisica atual sugerem que isso aconteceu, mas… existem muitas evidencias sugerindo que a Matematica e a Fisica não possuem suporte cientifico e informativo para explicarem o que é a Vida. Mesmo que tivessem filmado esta sequencia de estrelas explodindo, moléculas organicas vindo e se formando em mais complexas moleculas, etc., ainda não seria suficiente para sacramentar a teoria. Pois vamos supor que temos um filme de um homem vindo da Asia, chegando aqui e explodindo uma bomba. gerando estragos. Este filme não explicaria nada do ocorrido, pois a causa, a razão, e o planejamento da ação, estariam invisiveis dentro da cabeça do homem, que poderia ter conexões com seitas religiosas, etc. Assim é a vida: as suas causas, suas razões, seus controles, não aparecem no filme feito pela fisica e a matematica. Continuam desconhecidas pelas Ciencias Humanas, esta é a verdade que a escola tem que deixar bem claro aos jovens.  Mas se a imprensa disser que o homem é um terrorista, a maioria dos espectadores já encerram o assunto pensando que entenderam tudo, sabem tudo. Assim tambem a escola moderna diz que o mundo é pura matéria, e todo jovem que assistiu o filme sairá pensando que entendeu tudo, sabe tudo.Que tipo de personalidade terá uma pessoa que acredita que veio de explosão de estrelas… ao sabor do acaso? Será uma personalidade mais saudavel ou mais doentia do que aquela personalidade que acredita que veio de uma entidade mágica existindo no céu? Mas se estas duas interpretações do mundo estiverem erradas, que estrago teremos feito nas mentes dos nossos jovens?E podem estarem erradas pois existem muitas outras possibilidades de se montarem teorias com os poucos dados realmente aprovados que as Ciências tem hoje. Basta pensar um pouco sobre estes dados espalhados sobre uma mesa e ver como se podem conecta-los de manira nunca imaginada antes. Eu mesmo, um semi-macaco vindo das selvas como escravo fugido da civilização fui capaz de mkontar uma fdestas teorias que ninquem, baseado em todos os dados da Ciencia, consegue derrubar. Na minha teoria, existem astros produzindo os elementos, os elementos se tornando moléculas, estas chegando à Vida como está hoje, porem, em toda esta história é mostrada uma entidade invisivel oculta no meio dessa matéria, com suas causas, suas razões, seus planos, fluindo atraves da galaxia. Não é materialismo, não é deísmo, não sei ainda o que é, mas uma coisa é certa porque estou aqui como prova: ela dissemina uma nova visão da existencia e o seu  novo código moral. Mas o mais importante: toda vez que nela falo faço questão antes de avisar: trata-se de mera teoria. E mais: nãp pode ser a verdfade Ultima porque o meu pequenino cérebro não tem capacidade para conhecer a Verdade Ultima. A Ciência, a Igreja, seus professores, seus cientistas e sacerdotes deveriam ter a franqueza e a honestidade moral para dizerem isso.     Eu penso que as estatisticas revelam que dentre a enorme massa de estudantes drogados hoje a maioria é da parte materialista e não da parte dos misticos. Posso estar errado. Que respeito terá por seus pais uma criança que “sabe” que seus pais são meros macacos melhorados? Se realmente forem não seria certo mentir ou ocultar isso dos jovens, mas ninguem tem provas cientificas de que isto é certo. Existe o filme da sequencia da evolução dos fósseis, mas o filme não revela a invisivel causa dentro do agente da evolução. Como o homem-bomba que veio da Asia, a Vida mantem seus segredos ocultos à escola moderna, esta não poderia estar formando, impondo, tipos de personalidades a crianças ingênuas. Estão substituindo o errado por outra coisa igual que carrega o mesmo êrro em seu bôjo? Todo humano tem o direito de chegar aos seus 21 anos como dono supremo e exclusivo da sua mente, para preenche-la por sua própria conta na sua vida adulta. Você tem que se unir a mim nesta luta inglória e solitaria, se tens algum amor por nossas futuras gerações. Depois da mente preenchida, o humano será para sempre um escravo daquela ideologia… e de quem tira proveito dela. Link para o artigo:Neil DeGrasse Tyson Explains Why The Cosmos Shouldn’t Make You Feel Small o seguinte comentario postado no artigo:TheMatrixDNA•  Sat, March, 01, 2014
    “Our molecules are traceable to stars that exploded and spread these elements across the galaxy,” he explains.
    Don’t say that, it is no good for kids and you could be teaching a wrong world view forming a wrong personality. There are no data that makes our molecules traceable to exploded stars, I challenge you bring them on the table. My mother did not explode for giving me birth. Reptiles did not exploded for giving birth to mammals, Earth did not exploded for giving birth to life. Every kind of birth that we know were ruled by genetic process. Why one should invent mechanisms that never was seen at any place, for explaining the unknown? What is the difference here with religion? Now, Matrix/DNA Theory is suggesting models about how life emerged here by astro-embryogenesis process, which is the prior non-biological mechanism of genetic transmissions. These models suggests that biological systems came from astronomical systems, not by explosions under chance that never could building something complex as organic molecules. There are models suggesting that building blocks ogf galaxies fits very well as ancestrals of the first cell system. No explosions, no magics, no origins, everything running inside an universal chain of causes and effects since the Big Bang. Kids knowing that we came from beyond the Big bang, beyond the Universe, will have a more heathier mind than those believing that we arose by chance from exploded stars, which is merely a theory.
    He’s talking about the fact that when stars explode they create ( cook) the heavier elements such as carbon and iron. These elements are what we are made of. Hence why we come from exploding stars.
    A theory, from a scientific perspective, is an explanation for an observation that has been confirmed by the evidence. By saying that it “is merely a theory” is a gross ignorance of science in general. Relativity, evolution, plate tectonics and germs being the causes of disease are all theories.
    This is why we need Cosmos to air to the United States and the world.
    You never will be able to show that “when stars explode they create ( cook) the heavier elements such as carbon and iron” and you know that. It is not logical that heavier atoms are produced throught explosions,instead, it is logical that they are produced by implosions, collapses. Like my theory is suggesting they are produced by galactic nuclear vortex mixing stars dust. And you really think that an infant mind of an American kid will be formed as a good citizen while believing that his/her origins remonted by explosions and events by chance?! By the way, it is not a scientific statement and can not tought as thru to our kids. Cosmos is necessary and good for our culture, but, it can not be used by any ideology.
    Minha resposta a Vulpess55:
    TheMatrixDNA – march, 04, 2014
    You confirmed what I said. A theory, from a scientific perspective, is an explanation for an observation that has been confirmed by the evidence. When the explanation is confirmed by real facts, it is no longer a theory, it is a scientific statement. Now, please, show me the real fact ( a movie of the event) proving that heavier and more complex atoms are formed by cooking at explosions. I am not a physicist but everybody knows that high temperatures dissolves the most complexes elements and medium to low temperatures permits the organization and  formation of them. Is it wrong? The theoretical astronomical model of Matrix/DNA suggests another mechanism for formation of those heavier elements and instead esxplosions they are based on implosions, collapses at lower temperatures. By the way, it is not a scientific fact, it is a theory, built by a private world view and the series Cosmos – a good and necessary initiative for leaving Science to people – could not be driving by any ideology.
    Outro artigo:
    Neil DeGrasse Tyson Takes on the Cosmos
    Palavras de Tyson: “…. because the country needs an infusion of what it is to celebrate and embrace science literacy and what value that can have in your life
    Wired: The show isn’t only about space, it’s also about the scientific process and what science means. Was this focus on scientific evangelism a planned part of the series?
    “… there’s an appetite out there that had previously been underserved….”
    “…. There’s an inner geek in us all, an inner bit of curiosity that people are discovering, and they like it…This is another opportunity in the mainstreaming of science…”
    “…. those who are studying how you go from organic molecules to self-replicating life. That transition remains a mystery and it’s got a lot of people scratching their heads, so I’m watching that space to see what comes out of it… “
    ” Tyson: It’s important because it’s humbling. And it’s always better to be humbled than to be bigheaded. You’re humbled because you learn how small you are in space, how small you are in time, and this benchmarks how you feel about yourself and about othersI think with the cosmic perspective it’s very hard to lead armies into war. I don’t think it’s ever been an astrophysicist who’s done that.”
    ‘ NASA says: “I want to find out scientifically how the universe works. I will send a space probe, I will use a telescope, I will do whatever I need to do to learn that.’
    “… But here’s the test – if you go to a geologist and say, ‘We can send you to this one spot on Mars, or we could send 30 rovers to 30 different locations, for the same cost, and you get all the data back from those 30 rover, which do you choose?’ They choose the rovers, in a heartbeat.”
    Meu comentario postado aqui:
    TheMatrixDNA• Friday, march, 07 – 2014
    Thanks Neil, our people need information about real Nature and stimulus for their evolution. But there are several dangerous prejudices caused to people due the scientific evangelism and ideology, you could fix it before going to public. Instead stimulus for curiosity this is a killer of curiosity like any other religion and instead bringing on the human bein for to be synchronized with natural evolution this ideology is driving them to go “more and more away off the bean”. I can’t explain it here. Let’s see what you said:
    “… embrace science literacy and what value that can have in your life…”
    Science is the new sacerdote interpreting the real world for kids. Better than those of “magical thinking” still it is a very limited and reduced thinking. Then we can not teach our theories as scientific statements, like you said “…how you go from organic molecules to self-replicating life”. This is not scientific fact, it is theory, there are lots of rational possibilities for emergence of primordial cells systems. I have found one: my theoretical models of building blocks of atomic and astronomical systems has the same configuration and functionality of a base-pair of nucleotides, of living cells systems and till the configuration of human brains. Since that those building blocks are systems and not organic molecules, life has no origins here, it is not different from our ancestrals till the Big Bang and beyond it, inserting a very different world view into the mind of human beings. What will be as adult a teenage believing that parents are merelly descendants of monkeys? But while neurology does not explain the interaction between synapses and thoughts nobody can say scientifically that humans are resumed to monkeys. This is theory. What will be a teenage believing that is merelly product of stars dust and big bangs? My models tells a different history keeping the mind opened for a more proudness ancestry and humans more concerned about the whole Humanity. I have merelly a theory, but, as I can’t do it with yours theory, you also can not destroy my theory because you have no scientific data for it. The series Cosmos could be beautiful and a great initiative, an heroic act, if it could drive the public to be open mind. Not only humble as you said, because humbly leads creatures to be like preys and unhappy. See my model of “The Human Cosmic Code” and unterstand what I am saying.
    And yours suggestion to NASA is not all mentally healthier correct also. Physics and Maths has developed tools that are extensions of humans brain’s  sensors for studying the invisible micro and macro dimensions, then, have connected these sensors to a electric-mechanical brain. The computers are furnishing the informations of these dimensions and by simulations, are building these theories and our world view. But as any different observer other than the biological brain with its own sensors, the mechanical brain will select data that fits its level of perception and descriminating all data outside it. So our scientists studying the Cosmos are like microbes living inside cells inside the skeleton of a human body grasping only the mechanical natural laws and projecting these mechanical laws towards the coverture of soft meat and mind. It does not works. The result is this mechanical world view where could be possible something coming from nothing! I applied a different method, the reverse one, starting from biological systems and projecting these laws over the skeleton, the structure of Cosmos, and the results are suggesting processes, mechanisms, out there, that scientists are not grasping. It is theory against theory, different investigative methods, but equally rationals. Ours goal must be teaching all controversies, all theorys, for not closing and killing our evolution.
    Thanks Neil, our people need information about real Nature and stimulus for wish their evolution. But that are several dangerous prejudices caused to people due the scientific evangelism and ideology, you could fix it before going to public. Instead stimulus for curiosity this is a killer of curiosity like any other religion and instead bringing on the human bein for to br synchronized with natural evolution this ideology is driving them to “more and more away off the bean”. I can’t explain it here. Let’s see what you said:
    “… embrace science literacy and what value that can have in your life…”
    Science is the new sacerdote interpreting the real world for kids. Better than those of “magical thinking” still it is a very limited and reduced thinking then we can not teach our theories as scientific statements, like you said “…how you go from organic molecules to self-replicating life”. This is not scientific fact, it is theory, there are lots of rational possibilities for emergence of primordial cells systems, I have found one: my theoretical models of building blocks of atomic and astronomical systems has the same configuration and functionality of a base-pair of nucleotides, living cells systems and till the configuration of human brains. Since that those building blocks are systems and not organic molecules, life has no origins here, it is not different from our ancestrals till the Big Bang and beyond it, inserting a very different world view into the mind of human beings. What will be an adult a teenage believing that parents are merelly descendants of monkeys? But while neurology does not explain the interaction between synapses and thoughts nobody can say scientifically that humans are resumed to monkeys. This is theory. What will be a teenage believing that is merelly product of stars dust and big bangs? My models tells a different history keeping the mind opened for a more proudness ancestry and humans more concerned about the whole Humanity, I have merelly a theory, but, as I can’t do it with yours theory, you also can not destroy my theory because you have no scientific data for it. The series Cosmos could be beautiful and a great initiative, an heroic act, if it could drive the public to be open mind. Not only humble as you said, because humbly leads creatures to be like preys and unhappy. See my model of “The Human Cosmic Code” and unterstand what I am saying.
    And yours suggestion to NASA is not all mentally healthier correct also. Physics and Maths has developed tools that are extensions of human’s brain sensors for studying the invisible micro and macro dimensions, then, have connected these sensors to a electric-mechanical brain. The computers are furnishing the informations of these dimensions and by simulations, are building our world view. But as any different observer other than the biological brain with its own sensors will select data that fits its level of perception and descrimating all data outide it. So our scientists are like microbes living inside cells inside the skeleton of a human body grasping only the mechanical natural laws and projecting these mechanical laws towards the coverture of soft meat and mind. The result is this mechanbical world view. I applied a different method, the reverse one, starting from biological systems and projecting these laws over the skeleton, the structure of Cosmos, and the results are suggesting processes, mechanisms, out there, that scientists are not grasping. Ot is thery against theory, different investigative methods, but equally rationals. Yours goal must be teaching all controversies, all theorys, for not closing and killing our evolution.
    What do you propose? Anyone with a TV and antenna will be able to watch this show. What better way to get the word of science to the masses. Tyson, by his own admission, was as close-minded as you. For 3 Seconds!
    Minha resposta:
    Anyone that is an evangelist believing on humans theories about the Universe is not 3 seconds closed mind, but 1 second, in relation to cosmological time, even that he/she lives all life doing it. I hope that Neil be careful and makes the very distinction between theories and real scientific facts.
    - See more at:
    Comentario Geral:
    Tyson is a magical thinker, sorry. Science to the public, yes, but, not associated with mysticism, graphic arts and computer simulations. There are two evidences for an initial big explosion and lots of evidences that the human body came from monkeys, but many more evidences for others non magical theories. See Matrix/DNA Theory, for instance: Nature applies nanotechnology for instance resuming an adult human into a microscopic genome and from it developing a baby. Then, before the origins of this Universe, there was a big natural and conscious systems, which was resumed into a microscopic genome. As a human body has its initial moment of origins by a big explosion of chromosoma envelope at the center of the egg liberating the genome, that’s the origins of this Universe. As any human body takes 7 or 8 months for getting conscious, the baby of that extra-system took 13,7 billion years for getting conscious.
    Comparative anatomy between living and non-living systems discovered the link between Cosmological Evolution and Biological Evolution. It is the building block of atoms and galaxies and its configuration/functionality is the same of a base-pair of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. So, DNA is merely the biological shape of a universal genome called Matrix and this Universe is a kind of egg where is occurring a process of genetic reproduction. The first shape of this genome at the Big Bang was light waves, which shows a sequence of frequencies and vibrations that is the same sequence of any life’s cycles changing the shapes of biological creatures. Light has the code for life. Now, I challenge Tyson to debunk this theory with proved known scientific facts.  If you tells the Universal History based upon a Cosmic Calendar and talks about 13, 699 billions years in 20 minutes and after that, you need years for talking about the last 10 minutes, it means that you does not know anything about those 13, 6 billions years. At that past time, all forces producing the complexity we see here and now were producing something in the Universe. Where are them? The models of Matrix/DNA Theory are suggesting what they did.  Magical creative accidents is an absurd belief.
    Postado e publicado em:
    Toddman Jason - 1 day ago
                            Not half as absurd as this garbage you're spouting.
    Louis Morelli - Monday, march, 17
    To Toddman: Why not mentioning real proved facts as fopundations for yours personal opinion? let's begining with yours tiny microscopic atom or something else that exploded and created this Universe...!!! The 28 down rating for this posts, with no mention to real facts shows how is working this modern doctrine.
    American Avenger1 day ago
                            I liked the original Cosmos series much better. The original Cosmos had much better music and Sagan's voice is special. That said....Sagan was still a Godless biased Liberal who would not even admit that the existence of God was a possibility.
    Louis Morelli
    Yours comment was hidden due to low rating. See how works the modern academic doctrine. You are getting the right reaction to yoers says: "those who does not admit the existence of ( my kind of believed...) God is a Godless bisaed liberal" This is an affirmation coming from another doctrine. Why not forgetting ours doctrine and attaining to the facts brought by Tyson?
    Joe17 hours ago
                            I thought the calendar/history of the universe thing was very good, put a lot into perspective. But most of the program wasn't scientific enough, too simple....maybe they're starting out slowly and waiting to gain an audience then will go deeper into the science, hope so.
    Dead Orc Map17 hours ago
                            I agree Joe, but both my kids loved it and they want more, so it must have hit the mark!
    Louis to Dead Orc -
    Did yours kid accepting that a tiny microscopic atom full of energy was the first cause generator of this Universe? That the monkeys' brain as known today was able to produce consciousness? There are no scientific proved facts for believing on that. You have the right to educate yours kids as you want, but, when you come to public saying what yoy are doing, I have the right to say what I am doing to my kids: "This is not proved, these are merelly hypothesis, this is a science-stopper,does not believe in it, keep yours mind opened for to be stimulated to continuing a non-biased search about these issues..."
    Complex Being12 hours ago
                            Why do atheists claim to be logical when THEY not science, arrived at "The existence of God is unlikely"? Today's atheists are like children. They want to pack a powerful punch and leave you angry, speechless, or they just want you to troll them back to feed their childish fantasy. They are becoming more aggressive as well.
    Yes, you are right. Atheists and deists are the two sides of the same non rational coin. The whole thing in this Universe is pointing out a rational naturalistic theory that here is occurring a normal process of genetic reproduction, and this theory drives us to draw a model of what's behind the Big Bang and beyond the Universe: a natural and conscious system. No magical gods and no magical randomness... welcome to the agnostic world.
    Primewonk21 hours ago
                            Oh man, the creotards are not going to be happy with tonight's episode.
    I wonder if the Fox station in Oklahoma City will "accidentally" delete any reference to evolution from tonight's episode of Cosmos like they did last week?
    And those like you that loved the episode will not going to be happy when all kids will be indoctrinated by Tyson's world view. There are hidden natural forces responsible by universal evolution, but the way that Tyson is interpreting evolution is a closer-mind and science-stopper, avoiding that we go on the right track. Why not be honest and advising when he is showing a real scientific fact and when is showing merelly a hypothesis or theory?
    - See more at:
    Interessante artigo que copio para analizar aqui:
    Will ‘Cosmos’ Miss the Big Bang in Science Communications?
    March 12, 2014 | by: Bob Lalasz   -
    Meu comentario postado aqui ( não publicado ainda, aguardando moderação):
    Louis Morelli:
    If you take LUCA (the last universal common ancestor of all living beings)out from Earth and put it in the sky, you can getting the whole diversity of lifeforms at Earth. And the most recent data are suggesting that the building blocks for life came from the external space. But, there is no scientific answer for the origins of LUCA in the sky. It is theory saying that life came from non-organic matter as it is theory saying that there is a God creator. Same thing for what's caused the Big Bang. So,if Tyson explain this real problem instead talking theory as scientific statement, he would earn two points: 1)avoiding hurting the feelings of most populations that still believes in other theories, spreading the seed of doubt and slowing btinging these people for loving science; 2) avoiding that his show works as a cience-stopper, producing closed minds around a fake final answer, since that doubt is more stimulus for searching. See for instance what happens when we theoretically put LUCA in the sky, how the mechanisms and understanding of evolution is changed, as did Matrix/DNA Theory.
    2 * Episodio:
    Neil deGrasse Tyson Addresses Creationists' Evolution Fears in 'Cosmos'
    Meu comentario postado:
    Tyson should not be affirmative about topics that Science has no proved facts and enough data for. The environment is the agent making natural selection? Prove that any reptile or sea creature developed by itself the apparatus for pregnancy and the environment selected it. It makes no sense. Prove that the first hominides have bodies more strong and healthier at the wild than monkeys for to being selected. Prove that a non-organic molecule was selected by the enviroment among all non-organic molecules... But, every problem for understanding evolution is solved when we know the universal formula for natural systems as suggested by Matrix/DNA Theory. It's not the terrestrial environment alone, it is not the self wish of creatures alone, it's not the 3 variables (VSI) suggested by Darwinian view of evolution alone. The causes are very pretty more and more complex than Tyson thinks as suggested by models of Matrix/DNA. Why are there such formidable diversification of life forms? If known data is suggesting that there was a unique common ancestor for all of them? The crude primordial environment had no such equal diversity were each new shape should be due to a specific kind of niche. But, when Matrix/DNA takes out the common ancestor from Earth's surface and locates it in the whole galaxy, as a thermodynamic systems ruling under the thermodynamic forces of entropy causing fragmentation of that celestial closed system, into infinite diversified fragments, and shows how each fragment is restaured biologically at earth surface, the diversity of life is enough explained. The problem with matrix/DNA Theory that Tyson's ideology does not appreciates is that this world view is pointing out to an external ex-machine conscious system as generator, and it lieaves an opened door to those educated by religious theories.
    Publicação no facebook hoje: (17 março):
    Inconformado! Ninguem é obrigado a gostar de um assunto que eu aprecio, mas não consigo entender como seres humanos conseguem viver ignorando este assunto! Todos os animais ignoram ele, mas humanos... já deviam estarem um pouco mais evoluidos! O assunto no meio intelectual-filosófico hoje na imprensa e Internet é a serie Cosmos, que qualquer um pode assistir no canal
    e a briga que isto levanta entre religiosos e não-religiosos. O efeito que o episodio de ontem, domingo a noite, provocou na mente de milhões de espectadores, principalmente crianças e jovens... a ira que provocou nos religiosos, principalmente pastores, sacerdotes, etc. A excelente fonte de informações sobre assuntos dos quais temos sido curiosos porem não tinhamos as informações certas, por exemplo, a origem e evolução do olho. A preocupante doutrina do apresentador falando de hipoteses  e teorias como se já fossem fatos e comprovados cientificamente... E eu perdendo uma grande oportunidade para divulgar meu trabalho, pois poderia entrar nos milhares de debates que estão ocorrendo agora com uma teoria que ninguem conhece, enriquecendo os debates e portanto, as escolhas da Humanidade sobre qual caminho trilhar em seu futuro. Mas me falta um bom tradutor ao lado corrigindo meus textos, falta alguem levantando os sites onde a noticia foi divulgada e postando meus comentarios. isso aumentaria os já 300 mil hits por m6es que meu website está alcançando e daí, até pensar em aproveitar isso financeiramente para sustentar estes trabalhos. Mas não aparece uma unica alma disposta a investir o tempo que esta desperdiçando para me ajudar nesta causa. Até a Ucrania, a Turquia, etc., estão visitando mais meu website do que o Brazil, apesar da dificuldade de idoma que eles tem. Como disse de Gaulle: "brasileiros não são para serem levados a sério, ainda..." Triste, mas estes fatos comprovam a verdade.

    Episode 3

    ‘Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey’ Episode 3 Synopsis: Newton, Halley, Gravity, and Comets

    Ensaio para meu comentario:
    Newton's view of Solar System is the same situation if you try to understand a terrorist from Afganistan only in economicus bases, whithout knowing the influence of religion. Newton's calculations are based upon the visible details of astronomical bodies ( mass, movements, position, etc) without knowing the invisible forces that connects those bodies and causes the movements (the religion of the sky). Then, his calculations got right some results, like you can get right some results from the terrorist, because his actions are related to economy also.
    The reason that astronomical bodies are self-atracted and gets the composition of systems is that those bodies obeys the same force of life's cycle that our bodies obeys. And the life's cycle force comes from the division of primordial light waves into different frequencies, vibrations. The life's cycle force transforms a unique biological body into several different shapes ( blastula, fetus, embryo, teenager, adult, etc.), and transforms an astronomical unique body into several different quantities ( mass, size, etc.).


    Cosmos Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Silliness  - ( veja meu comentario acima, no inicio, que foi publicado beste artigo da NSCE. )
    Louis Charles Morelli commented on this article. March, 26,

    Tyson is destroying an ancient mystical world view with another modern mystical world view. Replacing religion by religion. What is the advantage? If you say that have answers for those fundamental questions you are doing a bad service to Science. Like any other religion the disciples stops making questions. You have provided it.
    There is a naturalist and rational explanation for the existence of this Universe, life and consciousness, which does not appeal to imaginative constructions never saw here, as does the Tyson's world view. And this new explanation, called "The Universal Matrix/DNA Formula of All Natural Systems and Life's Cycles", is not offensive to those that needs to keep hopeful of afterlife and gods in the sky, because it leaves the door to those fundamental existential questions, opened to human imagination. Opened to scientific inquiry. That's what we need now.
    Posts e outros enquanto o wevsite was down. Passar tudo para website quando voltar ao normal.
    It is so simple. God created the heavens and earth. He is the beginning and the end. How he done this no one can really prove through science or the bible.
    Louis Charles Morelli ·  Top Commenter · Colegio Maxi
    Neither God can prove that he created because I was searching the registers of patents in Washington and I am telling you, nobody patented the Universe...
    Gregg Kolpin ·  Top Commenter · Powell
    Find the Middle Way. 
    Creationists are ignorant. Evidence indicates the original Hebrew creation scenario is scientifically accurate when you consider that God is very large and operates on a Large Timescale. For these Bible thumpers to claim the Earth is only a few thousand years old is ludicrous. Their position is counterproductive to the possibility for humans to acknowledge the involvement of a Higher Authority in physical creation and evolutionary process.
    On the other hand, scientists are arrogant fools. Current scientific knowledge of physical reality is corrupt and based on imaginary, hypothetical and fictitious principles spun and twisted into pseudo reality with higher mathematics (Figures don't lie but liars figure). Current human knowledge of biological process is impressive. Humans are beginning to understand molecular biology and genetics. Considering humans are on the threshold of understanding, manipulating, and modifying biological systems on their own, how can they be so arrogant and not consider that God already does this? Take a closer look at the DNA. Five elements used to make a nucleic acid that determines how an organism will grow and what it will become. Perhaps only an accident of chemical processes from chaos but not likely. Evidence of Intelligent Design.
    Louis Charles Morelli ·  Top Commenter · Colegio Maxi
    Yes,... but never nobody saw a DNA appearing by magics. By while magics exists only in human imagination. Then, why not standing with the most rational? There was/is a natural system before and beyond this natural Universe that can, genetically, transmit its genetic code that - like the spermatozoon ay the center of an ovule - explodes in Big Bangs generating cosmic egg called universe(s) . We have found that the building block of biological DNA is merelly an improved reproduction of the building blocks of galaxies, which came from the configuration of atoms and finally, from waves of light, the primordial Matrix.. This is a normal genetic process, but, then, God is sooooo natural like we are ( See the models at Matrix/DNA Theory).
    Resposta do autor ao meu post que começa assim: "American television audiences seem more interested in competitive 
    "Prove it, through lab experiments! " A problem here with this branch of science is that the experiments are being done, in places such as CERN, but the results are so bloody complicated and difficult to understand that the media, which has of late been stripped of most real science reporters, resort to ridiculous phrases such as the "God particle." So I would say that lab experiments do offer support for the ideas of astrophysics--it's just that few people can understand them in a substantive way. I certainly can't. Have you ever read a real particle physics papers? I can't get one sentence in before going, "Huh?" :)

    Minha resposta ao autor:

    "lab experiments do offer support for the ideas of astrophysics.... I can't get one sentence..."
    The problem with those lab experiments is that the final Universe they are getting is a Universe that has nothing to see with the Universe that we see here and now, producing the biological organization of matter, life, consciousness, etc. The Cern is proving the Standard Model, which is about the mechanic skeleton of this Universe, like some bacterias internal to the skeleton of our bodies could make a theory about the bone skeleton, but it should be far away from the description of a human being.
    Yes, I try to read those papers searching something related to my theory but look this: "... the Higgs boson makes the vacuum expectation value of H the spinor (0, v). The generators for rotations about the x, y, and z axes are by half the Pauli matrices σx, σy, and σz, so that a rotation of angle θ about the z-axis takes the vacuum to..." How we, humble mortals can follow their specialized knowledge on that field?
    Reading those paper I can grasp what matters to my theory, like this phrase: " The part of the gauge field in this direction stays massless, and amounts to the physical photon..." Since that my models are suggesting that light waves emitted at the Big Bang had encrypted in it the process of life's cycle that imprinted movement on inertial mass towards the creations of systems, from atoms to galaxies to human beings, and light is resumed to photons, I think that just this massless part worked as a Matrix with informations that tunneled the skeleton for the soft meat, or life, and finally, the complex brain producing consciousness. Like inside of our skeleton there are flows of subtle substances and nervous signals producing biological properties that those bacterias can not perceive, inside the skeleton know by astrophysics are flowing subtitles flows that give to galaxies primordial biological properties, and the experts can not grasp it.

    If so, a Theory of the Universe ( and not a theory of everything because it is impossible) need the participation of biologists, neurologists. If we leave it only for Physics and Math, we get absurd theories like these announced by creationists and by materialists like Tyson, Krauss, etc.
    Sobre Cosmos Episode 4
    12 Fans
    New methods are suggesting that natural light waves have hidden complexity that was never grasped by current scientific method and not mentioned by any religion. Like the strong indication that natural light waves have the code for developing life as we know it. Any interpretation of the world based on human knowledge is lost time and a inquirer stopper if one belief that it knows the thru. 

    I will mention a sample about the complexity of light waves: 

    If you are an adult today, can you see yours past shapes, as teenager, child, baby? No, but these shapes are still alive and registered at yours DNA. So, if you could watch yours DNA, you should see all yours shapes at same time. That's what the Tyson's team and methods are seeing when watching the natural waves of light flowing through the Universe. Because the first light waves emitted by at the Big Bang is a Universal DNA, called "The Matrix/DNA". If you see the graphic of the model of electromagnetic spectrum of light waves elaborated by Matrix/DNA Theory, you will understand that those variations of vibrations/frequencies/colors seen at light waves is the first primordial cause that imprints the life's cycle process on inertial matter. And Tyson does not know it. Tyson does not knows that age of something natural is a relativistic question, it is dependable of the intentions/knowledge of the observer. 

    Yours own age today is accounted beginning at yours birth or when began yours adult shape?

    Post complementando o de cima: 

    I will suggest an example here: why stem cells are so important, building the new for replacing the old? Because we are going to the lowest regions of DNA, where are registered informations for building embryos. We are bringing on those informations from the past time of a human body for acting over an environment from the future, the adult shape, which is the newest state of the same body.Time machines?

    DNA does not show to us the object it did in the past because we are seeing DNA as mass. Natural lights waves from the Big Bang spreaded by the Universe are the primordial state of DNA, when light was not mixed with dark matter yet, it was free of mass ( you need see my theoretical graphics about electromagnetic spectrum, for understanding this theory).

    That's why light shows all objects that it has produced at 13,8 billions years at once. That's why we seeing those stars that are not there anymore. They were stem stars. But, if we could do with klight the same we are doing with DNA, we could bring on those stars to existence again! And this is curious food for thoughts, stimulating the scientific endeavour.

    "The sequence of frequencies/vibrations/colors of light waves spectrum are the same sequence of shapes/functions of living bodies under the process of life's cycles."
    --Um...what? Can you provide a source for this? Like a review article or something.

    "We are discovering that above the astronomical bodies' movements ruled by Newtonian Mechanics is a hidden coverture of biological processes (then, relativism), suggesting that the whole is alive!"
    --Yeah...gonna need a source for that.

    "So, the light bringing the image of a distant star, calculated to be dead 10 billions years does not means that the star does not exist anymore:"
    --Depends on the type of star. Cosmologists are able to predict the lifespan of different stars. I don't know the exact details of this, I'm a layman in this area.

    "So, there is past and future for humans as observers, but not from the Universe and DNA's perspectives"
    --Huh??? What does DNA have to do with star light???
    1) Review article? From the 21 century scientific academy? At this time humans academic science was half-science because it was stopped at the reductionist method and not applying the another half, the scientific systemic method.But at the jungle were people separated from academy applying the systemic method. Who could making peer-review of scientific papers about natural phenomena should be Mother Nature and not a temporary state of human sciences. Do you remember the medieval scientific academy making review of articles from Copernicus, Galileo, Mendell, etc.? Which desastre! No, my friend, my compromise is with Nature, no papers for these people.
    2) What source do you have showing from the state of the world before life's origins that the biological organization of matter was not existing yet? That they falls to earth from "constructive accidents" caused by "magical randomness"? Both, you and me, have theories about sources, that's it.
    3) No, they don't. They even doesn't know that astronomical bodies changes shapes, from planets to pulsars to quasars to stars, like yours body do it. They believe that these changes of yours body were invented by the stupid matter of this lost planet.
    4) So, do you believe that DNA is a Earth's creation, it did not came from the Cosmos with its positive and negative lights? So, the stupid matter of this planet is more intelligent than Bill Gates for creating working programs? DNA is biological shape of a universal Matrix's formula, from atoms to galaxies.
    I have reviewed your original post and rebuttal and have concluded that they are nothing but a collection of words loosely gathered to form structures that nearly resemble actual sentences. If, as I suspect, the intention was to create the illusion of scholarly prowess, I feel it necessary to inform you that the attempt fell far short of the mark.

    Another completely different possibility is that you are a chat-bot programmed to make forum posts of a random, vaguely scientific nature. If that is the case, then kudos to you and your maker. Entertaining indeed.
    You don't have rational foundations for precipitated conclusions about other different interpretations of natural phenomena than the one that you learned at yours school. I have rational foundations for doing it about yours interpretations because it took me 50 year reading yours world view and everyday reading scientific papers produced by yours interpretation. For doing the same about a world view that took 30 years for being elaborated and at environments that you never knew, you need reading 10 years my world view. You will have bad times when facing an alien which brain has a different hard-wired structure than yours, if you continuing making these infantiles conclusions. When facing this kind of situation, the right thing to do is "bring on over table yours facts, real proved facts and yours calculations producing yours theory". Like I am asking you: "Bring on over the table yours real facts and/or evidences pointing towards an initial Big Bang and the calculations for yours primeval atom..." I can do it just now for explaining my different interpretation of the initial not-so big bang and the formulas used for calculations that resulted on a primeval like-DNA . I am waiting yours demonstrations...
    I mean this in all earnestness: what language is your post written in?

    Two asymmetrical world views produced by two different hard-wired brains, both fighting by the conquer of same territory, means war - if both are salvages. One can not understand one word from the other, not due to the difference of languages, but due the difference when interpreting the real facts and events of the natural world. And each one will be sure that he is right, the other is wrong.

    But, when two different hard-wired brains have the more highest level of evolution, instead war, there is attraction, because they know that the other is a great opportunity for their continuing evolution. They know that if they share the new territory, both will have more earnings. The effort for understanding the other language will leave to understanding the other world view.

    The materialist doctrine that dominates Science is working for its prejudice. For example, when they ignores and fight the theory of irreducible complexity, even that the theory is produced by scientists.As result, materialists researches supported by us, the tax-payers, are crazy looking for LUCA at Earth's surface and at the microscopic level, believing that all life's properties are reduced to LUCA. But, if my world view is right, if my theoretical anatomical model of LUCA is right, LUCA exists at the astronomical level and its projection upon Earth's surface can't be detected yet by scientific tools, because LUCA comes shared into photons. 

    There is irreducible complexity in relation to Earth, but not in relation to Milk Way. Due the two fighters scientists groups, our Science investigation related to this issue is losing time and money, it is stopped here.  

    if EVO and ID were joined, both should earn.

    12 Fans
    This show is a great job but it is coming infected by a virus. Instead stimulating the practice of Science, it will work as a science-stopper. Is the virus that spreads the another side of the same coin, religions. Tyson is doing good when calling people for Sciences, but is doing bad when telling theories as scientific proved facts, like this one: "There was the Big Bang, which was produced by a microscopic atom with high energy..." The smaller atom is not a scientific proved fact, so, one can not talking about what is a scientific theory ( the Big Bang) using it as supporter for an speculative hypothesis. It works like any other religion where the sacerdotes have the final answers and the disciples are stimulated to stop the search for answers. 

    The sky of Tyson is full of ghosts, like any other religion: the invisible cannibal black holes, the gravity watchmaker, the magical initial smallest atom, the monkeys brain able to create consciousness, the blind agent of evolution, etc. And his friends adds more ghosts: Krauss believing on "something from nothing"; Dawkins believing on genes as personalities with future intentions, Hawking believing that natural systems could reach extreme singularity, the absurdities that is coming from quantum theories. I think these people have lost the control of their minds, like any other fundamentalist religious. 

    They need go back to the real scientific great cause as dreamed by the founder fathers, the Illuminists, Sir Francis Bacon, etc.
    ·         1
    1,084 Fans·Hamna Shida
    Sure, except that you don't understand a thing about the science or scientists you rail against. 

    How do I know that you ask. Lawrence Krauss. You never read his work which you make abundantly clear in you statement regarding his 'beliefs'.
    12 Fans
    That's the problem I am pointing out and you are repeating the errors of Tyson: the focus is not the knowledge about scientists or scientific used method today or creationists. The focus must be resumed on Nature. Real world, real nature, proved real facts.

    Same way that you are precipitated and making mistakes saying that I never read Krauss without knowing me, you are expressing precipitated mistakes about the real Nature, because you lost the mental faculty for thinking about the real world. Leave out the air conditioning, yours artificial lab and yours virtual traditional culture, come here at the Amazon jungle, you will wake up for the real Nature. How the Higgs field gets from quantum vibrations the force for furnishing mass to photons?!
    SUPER USER·229 Fans·Always remember to tip your ninja.
    I absolutely love this show and Dr. Tyson - I think he has completely refreshed the original Carl Sagan version (still love Sagan!). Also, it brings to light the fact that we are very new to the universe, we are very, very small and the possibilities are endless in space.

    All that being said, people believe in creationism, deities and religion for a variety of reasons, the main being that it makes them feel [insert emotion here]. Whether they feel protected, connected, saved, happy, whatever it is - it works for them and that's really all that matters. But science and the discovery of things beyond what we have "known" cannot be discounted. Science, math and discoveries about our world and being have made things today possible and will continue to in the future. People can equate discovery to a "God", but then you are really trying to push your religious beliefs on others and that's not cool ;)
    12 Fans
    Yes, but it seems you have not noticed the prejudices for human kind hidden in the show. It pretends to furnishes ultimate answers which makes people feel very bad. What's a human believing that the Universe was created by chance at a big explosion of an small atom, that inside the invisibles galaxies nucleus there are cannibal monsters that one day will destroy everything we are building now, and that our state of consciousness came from ape's brains? But, neurology does not know how neurons are related to thoughts. Nature is showing here that it creates very complexes universes like human bodies starting from tiny and smallest objects like spermatozoids. The big problem for scientific inquiry is now to search what's were the informations hidden at that small atom that produced this Universe. A spermatozoon is indication that before the new complexity created there was a very complex system ( the human species). So, which was the very complex ex-machine system?!

    But if one believes on magical randomness, magical blind forces as watchmakers, magical nothing producing something...and spreads his/her beliefs through schools he/she is doing a disservice to human kind, like any other religion. The show stimulates the change from "imaginative fantasies" by "drugs' produced fantasies", since that this embryo of consciousness we are carrying inside our heads needs fantasies as any child.
    24 Fans
    Yet not ONE scientist can explain how the first cell or gene developed and turned into living, breathing human beings with all their connecting and functioning organs.
    ·         4
    SUPER USER·1,831 Fans·I'm too sexy for this T-shirt
    ummmm, yes they can

    ER USER·622 Fans·Shine your light, but don't blind anyone.
    I have no problem with evolution and creation in harmonious co-existence. My God, the Creator, is timeless. Assigning time to my God is a contradiction to my God's omnipresence. The numbers in the Bible? The Bible is known for its figures of speech. In 6 days God created everything, and on the 7th day He rested. It could have been 6 hundred, 6 thousand, 6 million, 6 billion, etc. years. My God is above time and space which validates His supreme and infinite omnipotence. Now, we can argue till kingdom come, but God is and will always be.

    The Matrix/DNA to ER USER: ( ver se foi publicado)
    Like "time" is not a force neither a substance, merely a human invention for controlling the chronology of those events from the long chain of causes and effects, gods are merely humans inventions for predators controlling preys. Have you seen any god or time?! Have you touch them?! Do you know someone that did it?!
    If you keeps yours reasoning resumed to the real world here and now, you gets natural and rational ultimates answers. Like, "who or what created this Universe and how this Universe created life?" Ask to Nature, not to scientists or creationists. And Nature will show you that it created yours own body through a "big explosion of a spermatozoid at the center of an ovule full of amnion and the explosion was produced by the smallest thing called genome which had informations inserted by an ex-machine, natural conscious and intelligent system which name is human species". Now go to observe the Universe and see that this history can explain everything contained inside this "universe". Why not accepting the simple and humbly explanation of yours real cosmic mother?! Why, instead it, you are building imaginative complexity and ghosts like time and gods? Why Tyson is believing on initial magical atoms full of energy but empty of informations?!  That's not the way Nature is working here and now and nobody saw Nature working as Tyson believes. Go to see the world view of Matrix/DNA Theory, it is a calling back to yours real roots
    Science studies the natural world..that's why Creationism will never be a scientific theory because it says something "super-natural created the universe...all science can do is say "I don't know" if they can't find a natural Creationists should just relax and leave science to the scientists and stick to religion

    12 Fans
    "so Creationists should just relax and leave science to the scientists and stick to religion"

    And professors and public communicators of Science should stick to Science. If you try a never tried before scientific experience, taking LUCA ( the Last Universal Common Ancestor of all living beings) out from Earth's soups and surface, putting it as an astronomical model of the state of the world prior life's origins, like I did with Matrix/DNA Theory, the Darwinian theory and its mechanisms are changed, and so, the final meaning of our existence. If you try to interpret the Big Bang based on Nature's method applied here and now, you will get a different thing other than "the ex-machine small atom". Why there are no scientists doing things outside the box?! The academic world has became a new doctrine?
    54 Fans
    The atheist claims to have such a mastery of all knowledge as to be able to authoritively declare that in no corner of the vast universe of existance is it possible that there is a being beyond his ability to measure, define and catalogue.
    To hold such a belief one must be deaf and blind to what is right in front of his face.
    If the genetic code of the simplist possible life form were converted to a radio signal, and recieved by SETI -Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence, it would be hailed as irrefutable proof of an intelligent origin.
    How loud does God have to shout for you to hear Him? 
    Nearly 200 years after Darwin, the idea that life simply arose by chance has become so ludicrously impossible to prove that "Science" now seriously proposes that it came from somewhere else, hopefully where the laws of chemistry and biology don't function as they do here.
    No atheist baiting effort would be complete without a scripture qoute ( makes them foam at the mouth) so;

    "22:Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    23: And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things." Romans 1:22-23
    12 Fans
    "If the genetic code of the simplest possible life form were converted to a radio signal, and received by SETI -Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence, it would be hailed as irrefutable proof of an intelligent origin."

    Nope. If the genetic code transmitted by a giraffe were converted to a radio signal it would not transform the giraffe into an intelligent being. That's what we did at Matrix/DNA Theory: supposing that the genetic code came from a real hidden natural system, what should be its model, anatomy, structure? There is a method for investigating it: comparative anatomy between all known natural systems, from atoms to galaxies to cell's systems, etc. The final result we got is a theoretical model where there is no genetic code, DNA is merely a pile of copies with mutations from an original natural non-intelligent system: the building block of atoms and galaxies, called "The Matrix/DNA". But, since that this natural formula goes beyond the Universe's limits, we don't know the first source, if it is intelligent or not.

    If yours god created this world with cannibal monsters like black holes and lions, scorpions, snakes, yours god is corrupted, by my moral standard.
    SUPER USER·561 Fans·The Prince of Wassoon
    "The atheist claims to have such a mastery of all knowledge..."

    As if your post is worth reading after opening with such an absurd straw-man. 

    Try HONESTY! You set an example for Christians with lies and fallacy. Basically... You are making everyone else look bad.
    12 Fans
    That's what you get after saying "there was a big explosion caused by a smaller atom full of energy that grew to the size of the Universe..." This is a statement from a mastery of all knowledge. We will not earn the fight against religious lies with another lies...
    SUPER USER·561 Fans·The Prince of Wassoon
    I'm not sure I understand...

    We do have knowledge of the Big Bang happening. In fact, our understanding of it recently became a whole lot clearer after the Higgs-Boson discovery. 

    What happened before the Big Bang is unclear, so I'm pretty sure nobody here is claiming any "mastery of all knowledge". We have SOME knowledge... Not ALL knowledge.
    12 Fans
    The Higgs-Boson discovery reinforced the Standard Model Theory, not proved the Big Bang interpretation of Universe's origins. Yours own body's origins was caused by a big explosion of a spermatozoon inside an ovule, but the interpretation is due to biological process, not a process interpreted by Physics or Math. Why the Universe's origins should be interpreted different from what it is doing here and now, if Nature is the same everywhere?! 

    What happened before yours own "big bang" you know it: there were a natural system, non-magical, conscious and intelligent, that never applied intelligence or other method than the genetic process for producing big bangs. This ex-machine system is called "human species". So, why do you have imagined a totally different producer of universes, like a small atom...?!

    EPISODIO 4 – Muito importante informação neste post:

    Does he also explain why his ratings have dropped 60% since the first episode? He ought to keep the religion trashing out of the show, it would be a lot better. Saying creationism is impossible didn't add anything to the show, it's only a distractor. This from a non-religious amateur astronomer who believes in the science. His personal agenda has tainted the series already. That might help explain the dive in the ratings.
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    12 Fans
    Very well said...
    ·         1
    112 Fans
    If I'm honest with myself I wasn't sure how I felt about Tyson's mention of the 6,500 age of the earth belief. Yes It's always good to point out the fallacy of that belief, but in a show about science I wonder if it should be mentioned at all. I wonder if it should just be left as the side show that it is. 

    But then I reminded myself that where I come from there is little to no science vs. religion debate, at least not in our politics and certainly not within our public school system, so I'm looking at it through a different lens. Then it saddened me that such a technologically advanced country such as America is forced to have this debate because of some medieval hold-outs among your population and leadership. To that end I applaud people like Tyson, Nye, Sam Harris and other America scientists who put themselves out there publicly to defend against this nonsense.
    12 Fans
    Are you honest when not mentioning the another non-scientific talks of Tyson, like "there was a big explosion caused by a smaller atom that expanded to the size of the Universe..."? Or when you not mention the Tyson talks that we came from apes without showing the Neurology discipline explaining how neurons are related to thoughts and consciousness? 

    I believe that you are honest, the problem is that you are blind due a established doctrine upon yours country by some contemporary holds-out among your population and leadership. Religions have different faces...

    12 Fans
    If you are an adult, yours past shape as child or teenager have not disappeared totally: the informations that built those shapes are still encrypted and alive into yours DNA, at the regions below the region related to adult shape. At Matrix/DNA Theory we are discovering deep secrets hidden in natural light waves, like those emitted at the Big Bang. Tyson, the scientific community, and creationists, does not know that. The sequence of frequencies/vibrations/colors of light waves spectrum are the same sequence of shapes/functions of living bodies under the process of life's cycles. It means that natural light emitted at the Big Bang had the code for creation of life from the space's substance, as dark matter. It means that for understanding the Universe is not enough the fields of Physics and Math, it needs the participation of Biologists, Neurologists ( the image of the Universe 10 billions years ago is the image of the ancestral of the human brain today), Chemistry, etc. We are discovering that above the astronomical bodies' movements ruled by Newtonian Mechanics is a hidden coverture of biological processes (then, relativism), suggesting that the whole is alive! So, the light bringing the image of a distant star, calculated to be dead 10 billions years does not means that the star does not exist anymore: it is registered and alive in the cosmic light wave's code. So, there is past and future for humans as observers, but not from the Universe and DNA's perspectives.
    207 Fans
    "The sequence of frequencies/vibrations/colors of light waves spectrum are the same sequence of shapes/functions of living bodies under the process of life's cycles."
    --Um...what? Can you provide a source for this? Like a review article or something.

    "We are discovering that above the astronomical bodies' movements ruled by Newtonian Mechanics is a hidden coverture of biological processes (then, relativism), suggesting that the whole is alive!"
    --Yeah...gonna need a source for that.

    "So, the light bringing the image of a distant star, calculated to be dead 10 billions years does not means that the star does not exist anymore:"
    --Depends on the type of star. Cosmologists are able to predict the lifespan of different stars. I don't know the exact details of this, I'm a layman in this area.

    "So, there is past and future for humans as observers, but not from the Universe and DNA's perspectives"
    --Huh??? What does DNA have to do with star light???
    12 Fans
    1) Review article? From the 21 century scientific academy? At this time humans academic science was half-science because it was stopped at the reductionist method and not applying the another half, the scientific systemic method.But at the jungle were people separated from academy applying the systemic method. Who could making peer-review of scientific papers about natural phenomena should be Mother Nature and not a temporary state of human sciences. Do you remember the medieval scientific academy making review of articles from Copernicus, Galileo, Mendell, etc.? Which desastre! No, my friend, my compromise is with Nature, no papers for these people.
    2) What source do you have showing from the state of the world before life's origins that the biological organization of matter was not existing yet? That they falls to earth from "constructive accidents" caused by "magical randomness"? Both, you and me, have theories about sources, that's it.
    3) No, they don't. They even doesn't know that astronomical bodies changes shapes, from planets to pulsars to quasars to stars, like yours body do it. They believe that these changes of yours body were invented by the stupid matter of this lost planet.
    4) So, do you believe that DNA is a Earth's creation, it did not came from the Cosmos with its positive and negative lights? So, the stupid matter of this planet is more intelligent than Bill Gates for creating working programs? DNA is biological shape of a universal Matrix's formula, from atoms to galaxies.
    SUPER USER·339 Fans·Composer
    I have reviewed your original post and rebuttal and have concluded that they are nothing but a collection of words loosely gathered to form structures that nearly resemble actual sentences. If, as I suspect, the intention was to create the illusion of scholarly prowess, I feel it necessary to inform you that the attempt fell far short of the mark.

    Another completely different possibility is that you are a chat-bot programmed to make forum posts of a random, vaguely scientific nature. If that is the case, then kudos to you and your maker. Entertaining indeed.
    12 Fans
    You don't have rational foundations for precipitated conclusions about other different interpretations of natural phenomena than the one that you learned at yours school. I have rational foundations for doing it about yours interpretations because it took me 50 year reading yours world view and everyday reading scientific papers produced by yours interpretation. For doing the same about a world view that took 30 years for being elaborated and at environments that you never knew, you need reading 10 years my world view. You will have bad times when facing an alien which brain has a different hard-wired structure than yours, if you continuing making these infantiles conclusions. When facing this kind of situation, the right thing to do is "bring on over table yours facts, real proved facts and yours calculations producing yours theory". Like I am asking you: "Bring on over the table yours real facts and/or evidences pointing towards an initial Big Bang and the calculations for yours primeval atom..." I can do it just now for explaining my different interpretation of the initial not-so big bang and the formulas used for calculations that resulted on a primeval like-DNA . I am waiting yours demonstrations...

    ·         1
    208 Fans
    Science is based on two unwritten assumptions. One, that the laws and processes we discover here on Earth apply throughout the universe. And two, that the universe makes sense. If the Creationists are correct, then the laws of physics and chemistry are meaningless, and the universe is nothing but fun-house mirrors and illusions. They'll say that God created the universe with all those scientific clues in place (fossils, radioactive decay, etc.). Well, if that's possible, then the universe could also have been created last Tuesday at 2 PM. With everything, including your memories, created in place. Neither statement can be tested scientifically. Just from a personal standpoint, I don't particularly like the idea of a deity who plays practical jokes on his creations. I liked the first edition of Cosmos with Carl Sagan, and I'm enjoying the current version.

    Minha resposta:
    Louis Morelli (TheMatrixDNA) ( aguardando moderation)
    My two cents here:
    1) The laws and processes we know  on Earth as a planet are not the laws and processes we know on the biosphere at Earth's surface and human beings. So, what laws from here applies to the Universe? It's clear that the planet laws came from the ordered state of Nature observed as the Cosmos, while the biosphere's laws and processes came from the chaotic state of Nature ( remember, biosphere is not yours ordered urban environment, it is the salvage world of the jungle). The results of my personal investigation, resumed at The Matrix/DNA Theory, is suggesting a different world view from materialists and creationists. Materialists have the bad habit for making projections of biosphere laws, like violence and savagery, upon the Cosmos, elaborating theories of ghosts cannibals and predators black holes, explosion of supernovas, creative explosion of universes... everything wrong, there is no explosions and violence at the Cosmos. Creationists have the bad habit for making projections of humans values, anthropomorphisms, over the Cosmos, as gods thinking like humans, gods  acting over humans lifes, etc., everything wrong again: any human-like emotional being should not create sons and daughters and animals for living in a designed a world that permits torture, suffering, as we see at this biosphere.
    2) The Universe makes sense as a reproductive genetic process of the natural system that generated it (See Matrix/DNA explanations). No talking and magical gods needed.
    0 Fans
    Neil didnt take into account the acceleration of universe could have taken place more than the speed of light or the speed of light may have been faster than what we measure now... or for that matter when God created the universe and made galaxies 
    Minha resposta:
    12 Fans
    That's funny! Based on yours words, starting from now I will not say, like "the embryo is expanding because it is growing inside the womb", instead I will say "the acceleration of the embryo..." 

    I have a question: Which was the goal of God for creating millions of galaxies, billions of stars, trillions of planets, out there, if they were totally un useful for Adam and Eve, and are un useful for human beings, cats and dogs?!!! I know that for ancient people, God did it for the pleasure of humans' eyes, but I don't know the explanation of modern creationists. Is it not a waste of time? Don't you think that should be better if the sky, instead stars, contained Youtube videos for us watching? That's what should do an intelligent human engineer designer...
    Criacionista: "the creator became a creation, took a form of man to save mankind in sentences that humans of any generation can fathom and accept the salvation"

    Resposta- -“Yeah, cause that makes sense. An all powerful God needs to sacrifice Himself to Himself to save humans from Himself.”


    Seems the writer of this article conveniently left out Tyson's explanation of the human eye that pretty much slams the "intelligent design" belief.

    "Tyson tackles the design argument as it prevailed before Darwin, using the phrase “Intelligent Designer.” In focusing on the evolution of the eye, Tyson says, “In the beginning, life was blind.” The echo of Genesis is striking. The evidence that eyes evolved in water, and retain non-optimal features for out-of-water viewing. The eye is thus evidence for and not against evolution – it shows that nature is at work, and doesn't do what an intelligent designer would do, namely start over to create an optimal eye for land creatures."

    Got the above quote from patheos

    Parajournalism - The formula for developing eyes is disponible in the whole Cosmos and since its origins, accordingly to astronomical models of Matrix/DNA Theory. So, it is possible that the formula is ex-machine, but the same formula must be from natural and non supernatural source, and inserted into this Universe by genetic process, so, it did not need intelligence. There are problems for understanding evolution because the Darwinian Modern Synthesis is merely about biological evolution, forgetting that the roots of all life's properties came from Cosmological Evolution. Then, believing that the stupid matter of this lost planet invented things so complex like eyes leads to a materialist world view which the Cosmos does not authorize it. 

    There is no evidences for supernatural intelligent designer, but, there are lots of evidences that biological evolution is product of previous design, like occurs with any genetic reproductive process. 



    Comentario geral:

    Tyson says that light still have lots of secrets for us, like the secret code. He never minded what kind of secrets are hidden in light that I am discovering using a humble method: comparative anatomy among natural living and non-living systems, which has changed my our world view into what I am calling "The Matrix/DNA Theory". Some of these ( theoretical) discovers are:

    1) Light has the code for imprinting  life on inertial matter due the sequence of light waves' frequencies is the element that inserts the process of life's cycles to natural objects and organizes them into working systems;
    2) Light is the ex-machine and primordial shape of the genetic code. Under evolutionary process this code has passed on atoms, galaxies, arriving here as the base-pair of nucleotides, the fundamental unit of information of biological DNA. To its universal presence, I called the code as "The Universal Matrix".
    3) The action of light photons coming from stars like the sun over terrestrial matter was the ruler of abiogenesis, applying natural nanotechnology, copying the building blocks of atoms and astronomical systems as the first cell system;
    5) The building blocks of astronomical systems are perfect closed systems and attacked by entropy they becomes biological opened systems. The knowledge of the Matrix/DNA formula for natural systems, pictured at my website, reveals the seven universal systemic functions, ans a new opened door to a super-science and technologies;
    6) There were no origins of life and Universe, everything is product of transformation from a unique universal system coming before the Big Bang and obeying a unique chain of causes and effects, like we see at any genetic process of reproduction; Even galaxies has a hidden coverture of biological processes, which are the ancestors of life's properties.
    7) The interactions of light and matter at atomic scale will be know by knowing the action of genome over amniotic liquid inside an ovule, because what happens here is merely evolution from what were happening at hidden dimensions of space/time.

    Lots more surprising suggestions are coming from this method of investigation, there are hundreds of suggestions for new scientific experiments, that's what our students need just now for loving science and continuing the work.

    See the theoretical graphic of eletrocmagnetic spetrum of light waves as the code for life e precursor of DNA, at

    Postado em:


    Ive had a revaluation after watching the program about black holes and I have no way to prove it but what it all of the universe that we live in is contained in a black hole and the black holes we see are gate ways to other black holes that contain more universes I hope some body can make sence of what im trying to say its more outstanding than I can possibly explain


    Religions are created when people replace the hard work of searching natural explanations for unknown causes of observed effects by the comfortable flight of imaginations. Put on our attention now on black holes could be the beginnings of another new religion. My personal method of investigation suggests that instead these ghosts cannibal monsters inside galactic nucleus there are single vortex built by natural causes. The principal counter-argument against these theorized black holes is that never, nowhere, has someone observed matter going back to singularity, as should be necessary for arising black holes. Everything is transformed before reaching that point, and this is what Hawking/affiliates are forgetting. Black holes are just now distractions preventing us to think rationally.

    - Debate no Reddit: 

     [–]Wat_1234 22 pontos  atrás
    If all matter in the universe started compressed the size of a marble right before the Big Bang, why did it expand? Wouldn't the gravity of all mass be really strong and become a super black hole or something?


    That's the cause I prefer the Matrix/DNA world view; all unknown natural phenomena are interpreted based on known natural phenomena. Tyson's world view is based on never saw natural process, events, structures.
    So, for example, the Matrix/DNA answer for yours questions would be:
    That "marble" was not merely a ball full of compressed matter, energy. We can see here and now a natural picture that could explain it. I am telling about the very fact that an entire and adult human body is reduced and compressed inside a genome inside a microscopic spermatozoon. Nature applies nanotechnology long ago before humans discovering it. But... then Nature knows how to apply "giantology" ( this world i have invented just now), which makes that little "marble" expanding towards the size of an adult human body. Why not about universes?!
    That little "marble" was not a ball full of energy, but a ball full of information for building universes, like any genetic reproductive process. Like the expansion of the womb, placenta, and fetus inside a pregnant woman occurs, that's what explains the universal expansion we are watching just nlw as little and microscopic beings. So, the logical questions that arises here - as where the energy of this universe comes from - will be answered looking to the source of energy entering the womb. Then, we have several hypothesis: 1) Another bigger universe?; 2) Galaxies are the fossils of our ancestors and we are using energy inside these fossils?; 3) Are we are like those bacterial cells that composes the human body, but, inside the universe's body? 4) is it the Universe based on a pulsating source exploding like big bangs from where is coming the energy?
    I think that the "primordial genome" makes more rational sense than the Tyson's ghost ans supernatural little marble beyond the Wall of Forever... Have you seen something like that?!

    [–]Jveredika 0 pontos  atrás
    That's a really good question. I'm assuming the force of the explosion was greater than the gravitational pull.

    [–]TheMatrixDNA   atrás
    Accordingly to Matrix/DNA Theory you must be right. The gravitational pull is the negative counterpart of positive light emitted by the Big Bang, accordingly to that theory. Think about oceans waves and counter-waves; the counter waves that goes back are weaker than the wave producing it. Primordial light waves were the force that gave dynamics, movements to the spatial inertial matter. As described by Matrix/DNA Theory throughout its theoretical picture of electromagnetic spectrum, the primordial light wave contains the same sequence of any life's cycle, so, light must have the code for imprinting life over matter. Material bodies are produced by photons that breaks out from the waves like foam, and those photons have the force for composing the whole wave again. This force inside material bodies are interpreted by humans as "gravitational force". It is merely a try of those photons of light inside those bodies to pull the other informations contained into others bodies, informations that are necessary for re-build the entire system that is a light wave. ( Sorry if I can't explain it with normal words in English, which is not my native language)

    [–]MCMXCII 5 pontos  atrás
    By this logic, electrons and other elementary particles should interact rarely as well. The reason why neutrinos don't readily interact is because they don't carry color or electric charge. They can only interact via the weak and gravitational forces.

    [–]TheMatrixDNA   atrás
    Sorry my disgusting two cents here, guys, but the thru is that you never will understand interactions among electrons and what else is going inside atoms if you does not put yours foot back on the soil. Excess of mathematical metaphysics and the effort for understanding the universe only from Physics perspective is creating a wrong world view. Atoms are natural systems and so, they are our ancestors, like virus ou bacterias are our ancestors. Then, inside atomic systems must have all brute forces and process that became evolutionary the life's properties we have today. While we does not locate those ancestors brute or primordial shapes of these living properties inside atoms, we will not understand them. At Matrix/DNA Theory I am building a new theoretical model of atoms, because I am looking and inserting the calculated brute forces inside there. Electrons jumps electronic levels for expressing organs of atoms, like signals inside DNA expresses genes. Each electronic wave have one potential expression of one systemic function, these organs are normally hidden, only expressed if the wave contains electrons.
    Think about this: you are walking on the street, suddenly you see a liver alone flying above the soil. You look to other place and see a liver, a stomach and a heart, together flying... They belongs to humans bodies that are invisible, less those organs you are seeing. This is what looks those lighters atoms that does not have the seven electronic waves occupied by electrons. This is what looks a DNA expressing only a bunch of genes.
    Atoms are the primordial prototypes of biological living systems, my friend. The theoretical models of atoms we have today are not showing the whole history. Interactions among electrons inside an atom will be understanding as the primordial interactions among organs inside a human body, or interactions among organelles inside a cell system... Or do you believe that biological systems were invented by randomness, falling from the sky by magics?!

    Rapido post para difundir:

    This is a great job, but it could be better. Tyson is showing some real proved scientific facts, then, showing the elaborated theories ( as Darwinian Evolutionary theory, the Standard Model, etc.) for explaining the connections among the real data. But, he puts such emphasis on those theories that the public think they are proved fact also, as if all questions were answered. This is a science-stopper instead stimulating the young mind for practicing sciences.

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    Louis Morelli:
    The next Cosmos show, 20 or 30 years from now, will be very different. Instead neutrinos coming from before the creation, we will see the formula that was inside that primordial tiny marble, and how it created atoms, galaxies, human beings, till consciousness. The formula, called "The Universal Matrix/DNA", will change the world view suggested by Tyson.


    For 'Cosmos' Host Neil deGrasse Tyson, TV Filming an Otherworldly Experience

    This is a great job, but it could be better. Tyson is showing some real proved scientific facts, then, showing the elaborated theories ( as Darwinian Evolutionary theory, the Standard Model, etc.) for explaining the connections among the real data. But, he puts such emphasis on those theories that the public think they are proved fact also, as if all questions were answered. This is a science-stopper instead stimulating the young mind for practicing sciences.

    Tyson's theories were elaborated by the world view that has driven the scholar curriculum. My personal investigation ( The Matrix/DNA Theory) has suggested that this world view is far away off the beam. Of course, my world view couldn't be complete and the ultimate thru also ( no human brain can do it), but, for me it makes more sense and is a stimulus for continuing science curiosity.

    Let's take the "primordial marble full of energy containing all matter, galaxies...". It is an absurd non-sense! What's suggesting Matrix/DNA Theory for explaining the possible "Big Bang"? As a naturalistic method developed at the naked Nature, Matrix/DNA explanation is based on a real natural event proved here and now. There is a similar event to universes arising "spontaneously and continuing expansion". I am talking about yours own body. There was a microscopic "bubble", called "ovule". Inside it there was a "big explosion" of a spermatozoon membrane. Then, occurred the expansion of a complex structure.

    So, the Tyson's world view problem is "what 'was inside the primordial thing that he calls "the tiny little atom"? What was outside that "smaller primordial atom"? The academic world view has invented a ghost, supernatural, magical "primordial atom", never saw anywhere, anytime. Lawrence Krauss, the best-seller of this world view is talking about "Something from Nothing"! Dawkins, a believer on his ultimate thru is given personality, purpose, future intentions, to a bunch of atoms called "genes" ! These people loose the control of their minds, but, the worst, is that they are driven our generation to the same fate.

    Why not a program like the genome inside the primordial bubble? Why not an outside space full of the counterpart of amniotic liquid? A world working as wombs for new universes? As suggested by the models of Matrix/DNA Theory? Here there is no ghosts, no supernatural and magic randomness creating order from chaos, no magical gods, only a natural, conscious, ex-machine system, producing genetically those primordial bubbles. And bring on to the table any scientific proved fact for debunking my world view. There ins't...

    EPISODIO 7,0,3592697.story#vcomment  ( esperando moderação)  ( esperando moderação) ( meio esquisito isso aqui - ver para onde foi o post)

    TheMatrixDNA16 minutes ago

    Great! This episode brought back real Science, leaving theories aside.

    The conflict between Paterson and the owners of these corporations is result of the salvage rules of the jungle between predators and preys, inherited by humans, which rules are expressed by all kind of social systems created till now. It is terrible that some humans does not care that other people, especially children, are born sick and being tortured all life.

    These people are being contaminated by lead inserted into our products? I don't care. They are pagans, result of their sins in the Paradise, condemned to be our slaves - we, the ones selected by God! ( that's the animalized mind's predator).

    It is curious the transformation of the jungle's social system into the human social system. There, lions and tigers rests at the hill waiting the preys working, transforming grass into fresh meat, and when the prey is fat, they came taking the fruit of their work. At insects social systems, the predators take the honey produced by the laborers. But,... humans created a symbol for representing the energy that flows inside the system - the symbol called "money" - and when the predators takes the money of the laborers, they are vampirizing their energy.

    The example of Paterson means that there are no gods, no supernatural forces, for helping human kind to be free from this virus. The exorcism from this "selfish gene" is dependable of Humanity itself, dependable of its wishes to do that. It is great that among billions of humans sometimes emerges someone not contaminated like Paterson. It is curious why the preys (95 % of human kind?) does not acts like Paterson. The explanation is the cultural virtual Matrix elaborated by predators since the antique tribes, using religions and other tactics for interpreting wrong the real world, and inoculating these wrong interpretations inside the preys' minds.

    At Matrix/DNA world view we have interpreted again and differently all natural phenomena. This biosphere is product of the chaos produced by entropy attacking the real generator of biological systems - the astronomical system that surround us. The salvage rules are expression of the chaotic state of Nature, but, we, human beings should be the flow of order that lifts from chaos, and Paterson is a kind of hopeness that we will do it.

    But, despite the Tyson's great job stimulating people towards Science, he has advocating a new shape of the old wrong world vision, the milenar virtual culture, when talking about his theories that are interpretations of natural phenomenas. He, unconsciously, is feeding the virtual Matrix. The Matrix/DNA Theory, is the effort of a counter culture trying to do the Paterson's heroic job.


    Meh, the show is slowly losing viewers. It starting with a strong 8.5 million and now has around 3.9 million and going down. Its not a good show simply because there is no point to any of its episodes.

    I think the cause of losing viewers is the contradiction between the goal ( stimulating people for practicing and loving Sciences) and the the final message of the content ( stimulating nihilism, as religious state of mind, which is a science-stopper).
    When Tyson said at the first episode that there was a Big Bang and produced by a small atom containing all matter, all galaxies of the Universe, he unconsciously, pictured the new modern magical god. Like any other religion, the watchers got the final answer from the priest, and can not reply to it. Neither these people are stimulating to think, to search, which is the propulsor of scientific endeavour.
    At Matrix/DNA Theory, we are interpreting all known natural phenomena with a different approach, and the final world view is great for stimulating the continuity of search, keeping people with an opened mind. Our models does not points towards a final answer, instead it, they are suggesting a fascinating model of that producer of the Big Bang ( and a biological interpretation of the Big Bang, not merely the interpretation from Physics and Math that Tysons' world view is advocating)

    EPISODIO 8 - “Sisters of the Sun”

    Females will be stimulated to pay attention on Astronomy by their own nature, when the current model and Cosmos knowledge will change. The sky of Tyson is curious but without any link with humans, despite the "stars dust". The astronomical model of Matrix/DNA Theory has lately more right previsions than Tyson's model, but it reveal an almost living Cosmos. Clearly this modern academic sky is the wrong Cosmos, because it evolved into humans, so, the principles, the designs, the properties, of life, must be there, and the Tyson's sky even does not mention the search for them.  

    I think that females will fix the sky, bringing it yo its real meanings, configuration, purposes, because females are more identified with immediate nature, while males has the tendency to jump the immediate for trying to theorize the afters ( a difference showed by the male hunter and the domestic female) . 

    Not stars, but astronomical systems, are real ancestors of biological systems, like reptiles are humans' ancestors. Metabolism, reproduction, birth and death, breathing, everything we have here, must be there, in its primordial shapes, mechanically functional. The Cosmos of Matrix/DNA Theory has a cover of biological organization of matter, which explains the real nature and creation of humans bodies, its organs, functionality, and impulses, intuitions, behaviors. But is not the male preference for Math and Physics that will grasp the Biology in it. 

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    'Cosmos' recap: Science is more than a boys club,0,3471131.story#ixzz30JCZRGCG  

    Postado em Reddit:

    I have lots of questions here: 1) The astronomical scale of time is billion times larger than humans scales of time. Then, any movement in the sky must take more time than the whole time of human existence. Included any "explosion". I don't know of any "explosion" in the sky has been saw by naked eyes or otherwise. How astronomers explains their models going against the relativism of time? 2) The Cosmos has created, evolved, into biological systems, and humans. The Tyson's sky has no place as evolutionary ancestor and link with us. All biological properties ( metabolism, replication and/or reproduction, breathing, organs systemic functions, etc.), were invented, created from nothing, just here, by the stupid matter of this lost planet?! Where was the information for it?! 3) Any electromagnetic spectrum of light waves shows that light waves are propagated by the same process that a human body is propagated through time by the life cycle process, changing its shapes while getting old. So, it is logics that the light waves emitted at the Big Bang already have the property of life's cycles. By the current astronomical model, this property is not present in our ancestors, the astronomical systems. But they re-appears at biological systems. Don't you see that this model does not makes sense? Astronomical systems must be under the rules of life cycle's process, astronomical bodies must change their shapes into new kind of astronomical bodies. Are you trying to fix the current astronomical model for obeying natural logics?

    [–]brettmjohnson 1 ponto 
    1) There have been several astronomical "explosions" that have been visible to the naked eye. They are called Supernovae. Although supernovas are frequent, many are too distant to see with the naked eye. Visible eye novas are rare - only about once per century. Interestingly there were two type 1 supernovas 32 years apart, in 1572 and 1604, at the very beginnings of modern astronomy. Tycho Brahe saw the first, and Johannes Kepler saw the second. And these two would eventually spend years working together. Before Brahe's 1573 paper on the supernova, the stars were thought to be permanent and unchanging. The sudden appearance of a new, bright, star challenged that view.
    2) Huh? 3) What??

    1) Please, can you tell a link registering any saw explosion, even by modern instruments? My personal calculations are suggesting that new stars are not due "explosions", but due collapse of the surface crust. So, the sudden appearance would be due externalization of nucleus' light. What do you think?
    2) I will try the same question by other words: all properties of biological systems must be existent as brute forces and elements at the state of the world before life's origins. I think that's logics. Mt question is: where are those forces and elements and how the modern astronomical model shows them at galactic or stellar systems?
    3) I call as "the process of life's cycle" this force of biological systems that makes them changing shapes during a lifetime. My personal models are suggesting that this process is responsible by the several different shapes of astronomical bodies we know today ( planet, pulsar, star, quasar, etc.). So, the official academic theories about these bodies formations would be wrong. My question is: which data the official academic theories have as evidence or for proving their theoretical models?


    The sky of Tyson makes no sense, the current astronomical theoretical model is far away off the beam. I will list a few questions, but, I have lots like these: 1) The astronomical scale of time is billion times larger than humans scales of time. Then, any movement in the sky must take more time than the whole time of human existence. Included any "explosion". I don't know of any "explosion" in the sky has been saw by naked eyes or otherwise. How astronomers explains their models going against the relativism of time? Ity is clear that this astronomical model is result of antropomorfism projected into Cosmos, when the reverse way should be the right one: projecting the Cosmos into biological systems. 2) The Cosmos has created, evolved, into biological systems, and humans. The Tyson's sky has no place as evolutionary ancestor and link with us. All biological properties ( metabolism, replication and/or reproduction, breathing, organs systemic functions, etc.), were invented, created from nothing, just here, by the stupid matter of this lost planet?! Where was the information for it?! 3) Any electromagnetic spectrum of light waves shows that light waves are propagated by the same process that a human body is propagated through time by the life cycle process, changing its shapes while getting old. So, it is logics that the light waves emitted at the Big Bang already have the property of life's cycles. By the current astronomical model, this property is not present in our ancestors, the astronomical systems. But they re-appears at biological systems. Don't you see that this model does not makes sense? Astronomical systems must be under the rules of life cycle's process, astronomical bodies must change their shapes into new kind of astronomical bodies. Are you trying to fix the current astronomical model for obeying natural logics?


    [–]Valarauth 1 ponto 
    Are you just screwing around to annoy people? If you are not then you should refine and clarify each one of those points into something intelligible and take them over to /r/askscience or /r/explainlikeimfive. You are just misrepresenting middle school level science and complaining that you don't understand it. I advise that you lose the attitude though, because being blatantly wrong and acting like you are smarter than the world's top academics isn't going to get a positive response. Ignorance is fine, but bold ignorance is just annoying.
    I am not asking yours advise and not yours opinions. Please, go to the questions. If you don't understand it ( and I understand that is due the difference of language and most due the difference of world views) you can pointing what you didn't understand, but be reduced to facts, not personal opinions.
    I will try to clarify the first question: particles have a lifelong of 17/millions of a second. So, a particle can not watch our explosions because it take more time than their lifetime. In relation to Cosmos, we are like particles.If there are astronomical explosions, neither our entire specie could know it is an explosion. Explosion are relative to the time of the observer. If it is small, the time of the big ones seems slow, if it is big, the time of the smallest seems fast. I am waiting a video, a movie, any thing about someone watching a explosion of a star. But, my motive is not merely pointing out the incoherences of Tyson's world view. Is that my different world view is based on different cosmological model. Both are based on same scientific facts, but the facts are organized on different methods. So, when Tyson says that a star exploded, my model suggests that the star in-ploded, collapsing over itself. The increasing of luminosity and radiation is due the nucleus coming outside. I have not watched it, that's why I repeat: it is a theory that stars collapses. But Tyson says that stars explosions are scientific fact. I am asking the proof.

    The AskScience of Reddit is a good job related to other fields of Science, but it is politically incorrect about Astronomy. The rulers says that only "scientists" can answer questions. But...are there scientists of the Universe?!! Of course, not, maybe there are students of the Universe, making theoretical explanations about the far away phenomenons. There are lots of astronomical theoretical models, each one has evidences and weird propositions, the academic staff that does not know the Universe has choose one model, and those that has elected such model are called "scientists". The others authors are not scientists, can not answer the questions there. This is an absurd, politically incorrect. I will propose only one logics:
    Do you think that a population of small but intelligent bacterias living inside a cell of a bone of a human skeleton should be able to make the right model about a human being? They would be very good at Physics and Math because the skeleton is mechanical. But when they try to project their knowledge based on Math and Physics, over the soft fresh meat, its organs and biological process, and further, trying to speculate about humans brains and minds...their theoretical model should be wrong. That's the state of human sciences today about the Cosmos. See the Matrix/DNA Theory astronomical model, it is totally different, but the real data we have today can not debunk it. So,...who are the scientists of the Universe?


    Cosmos' recap: Permian period and 'The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth'

    • Louis Morelli
    •  : 
    A plan for Humanity surviving the longest possible time here is dependable of how much we know about planets:its origins, formations,development, death. The 50.000 years hypothesis is based on our modern theory of planets. But... if the theory is wrong? If the other theory of planet formations, called Matrix/DNA Theory, is the right one?

    There is a scene showed by Tyson that clearly suggests that the current theory is wrong. First he shows the stratas of fossils, each layer relative to those species living that time, each layer being the basics for theoretical model of the others planets of the past. But then, bellow those strata there are three layers: the earth's nuclei, the mantle, the zone of radioactive decay. And Tyson forgets that those layers must furnishes the data for a theoretical model of Earth at that time. So, the nucleus remember an environment of incandescent iron and not the environment full of stardust at the solar system, as suggest the current astronomical model of solar system formation.

    If the last superior strata reveals the climate, the environmental shape of a time, why not do the same the inferior strata?! The model suggesting that planets and all astronomical bodies has its origins inside vortex at the center of spinning stars dust, that the environment at this body formation is equal the planets nucleus, is very more sensitive than the current academic astronomical model.

    But, i know it: The scientific team don't like to lose the theories that they learned as children and taught at school, so, from Copernicus to Galileo, to Gravenger , to Marie, and maybe now to the author of Matrix/DNA Theory, the history repeats itself... But, the survivor of humankind can not be threatened by the survivor of wrong theoretical models...

    "The constellations were different 250 millions years ago" - says Tyson. And how much was different the solar environment 3,5 billion years ago? That's the problem since Oparin trying to reproduce the primordial conditions for elucidating the origins of life. The current astronomical model (Nebular theory, spontaneous formation of astronomical bodies)must be wrong because its model of solar system never could produces biological systems. The forces and elements that drove abiogenesis must be part of this stellar system. So, this system must be half-mechanical/half-biological, as must be the evolutionary link between cosmological evolution and biological emergence and evolution. This planet changes climates and structure not only due external forces, as gravity from Jupiter, Mars, etc., but also due its internal "life". No astronomer has noticed that this planet has the same behavior of any vegetable seed. The nucleus is eaten the external layers, which is like the placenta, and this planet will flourish like a flower, which means at astronomical scale, will flourish as a supernova. The models of Matrix/DNA Theory points out all forces and elements existing at this solar system before life's origins, it makes more sense. But then, our understanding about climate change need to change also.It is about our fate as human beings.



    [–]steyr911 1 ponto 
    I am confused... NDT (Neil D.Tyson) said that a star has two counterbalancing forces that determine it's size: there's the pressure from the heat of it's reactions vs. the force of gravity pulling it together...
    But how does that make sense? I thought Red Giants are cooler than they used to be because they are running out of fuel... after all, they've gone from a blue or a yellow color (implying higher heat) to a red color.... kind of like how if you heat iron it turns red but if you get it even hotter, it should turn white, right? But then by what NDT said about those opposing forces, they should be shrinking, not growing, because they can't resist their own gravity.
    I'm missing something here, can anyone help? How are red giants "red" and still even hotter than they used to be, as evidenced by their expansion?
    TheWrongSolution 3 pontos 
    The red giants are only cooler on the outside. The cores of red giants are a lot hotter, this creates pressure pushing the outer layer outward. As the outer layer expands it cools down, hence the red color.
    There is no scientific data for answering this question, nobody has measured the temperature of neither nucleus and outer layer of stars, we have theoretical models, which, changes with time.There are other astronomical models outside the academia suggesting different answers, like Matrix/DNA Theory: red giant are becoming cooler and red because it is an old, dying astronomical body.
    The wrong academic astronomical model is due the wrong interpretation of electromagnetic spectrum of light waves, so, the wrong interpretations about the state of light that we get here. See another interpretation of light waves at Matrix/DNA Theory, which can not be debunked by the real known scientific proved facts.
    Astronomical bodies has a life's cycle equal to vegetable seeds that they created and produced here. Astronomical systems changes over time by the same reason that human bodies changes shapes from morula, blastula, to cadavers. No? I am wrong? Yes, I know, the academy world view believes that biological systems that emerges inside the body of astronomical systems are produced by a magical and spontaneous event of randomness! They never noticed the Newtonian/mechanical ancestor mechanism of life's cycles operating inside astronomical systems, so, the belief that the stupid matter of this lost planet has created from nothing the extraordinary engineering of this process called "life's cycle". I am not condemning the academy, these things are hard to discover because it needs different methods of research/thinking, I am pointing other alternatives because this issue is fundamental for human destiny: the wrong astronomical model avoid that we understand the right natural causes of climate change.
    Red giants once time were old planets where the nucleus was "eaten" the external geological layers, which works as placenta containing nutrients that the nucleus needs for to feed its nuclear reactions. When the last layer is reached, the whole surface collapses, the light of nucleus came to view expanding to space. This is a supernova, the past non-biological mechanism ancestor of the future mechanism that we see as the flourishment of flowers. The digestion of matter from the external layers continues till finishing, when the star is becoming red, violet, till fragmenting as stellar dust.
    A body that is very hot inside and very cool outside?! Show evidences that it should be possible. I never saw any. Reddit needs to learn how to differentiate theories from real proved facts. When talking about not proved theories, there are no more scientific theories than others that uses the same known and proved data. But, I know, the theology inside the academic staff all times has worked against the right theories.
    My method is the humblest possible: comparative anatomy and evolutionary processes among natural systems, from atoms to galaxies to human cells and brains, and from cosmological evolution to biological evolution. My final results has suggested different models for atoms, galaxies, but the data are the same. My models shows a continuing evolution from the Big Bang to humans, while the academic model has broken Universal History into two blocks with no evolutionary link between them. The gap is fitting with speculations.

    EPISODIO 10 - The Electric Boy 

    (Obs: as linhas estão incompletas aqui mas no Html estão completas. Ver isso.

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    TV Review: ‘Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey – The Electric Boy’

    Nature built the most perfect machine, about 10 billion years ago, which is shown by Matrix/DNA theoretical models and formulas. It is encrypted into DNA, cells systems and till our hands are built having that machine as template. By unknown reasons, the apes lost or did not develop the brains' sensors for detecting it naturally. Where is the insect's antenna? And we, humans, are keeping us far away off the beam due this virtual cultural matrix created by eons of predators domination, lying to people, with wrong interpretations of natural phenomenas. This culture is inserted into the scholar curriculum, our educational system is an aberration. Once time more, Faraday proved it. When Nature re-wires a brain and intelligence fit the gap of those sensors, the scholar curriculum, the "scientific" academy, the peer review system, all under the domination of the owners of the world, try to suppress that intelligence. Faraday, Einstein, Darwin, Copernicus, Mendell... all of them had troubles with this kind of scholar system. Till Newton went through "esoteric studies of cosmology" forbidden that time and now.
    There are 95% of human population still slave of hard work, boxed into "apartments", surrounded by concrete, separated from Earth by a tapestry of asphalt. Human beings are loosing its natural roots, every day going more into this virtual cultural matrix. Science and technology has worked against these people, which is the real Humanity. Because the products from science is appropriated by those predators, for keeping the status quo.
    Like the lines of force are hidden and invisible to the human eyes, there is another thing hidden and invisible that would change totally the way we think the world is: the ancestor of the DNA as the essence of all natural systems, from atoms to galaxies to cells to brains. The mechanisms and processes that still is missing to us for to eliminate diseases and getting a super-technology are there, waiting for us. It began as waves of light emitted at the Big Bang and it imprints the dynamic of systems, life, into the inertial substance that fits space. This universal Matrix/DNA is under evolution, it builds the building blocks of astronomical systems as perfect machine, as closed system, and it falls by entropy over planets surface, building the fundamental unit of information of RNA/DNA, a lateral pair of nucleotides. While human kind ignores it, we never will grasp the real causes of diseases, the secrets for getting total automation of the productive process, with the freedom of humanity from the slavery to brute work. Thanks to predators and their schollar system.

    Instead investing money on Faraday's experiments for getting practical mechanical motors, the "high class", the predators of human kind, asked "mathematical equations". This decision is the culprit for human kind conditions of life today, an absurd aberration.
    It happens that the realm of electromagnetism and light has mechanical and living motions. Math can only grasp the mechanical face, which is under linear arrangement of matter. The another half face is not translated by Math's logics, because it is not linear. Evolution is curve, with intercalations of reverse time and contracting space, which gives the sense of life to matter.. So, half of this world still is there for being discovered, or already was discovered by Matrix/DNA world view, but, then, outside of this social system. 

    I don't know if i should invest more time in understanding your comment because's a comment. So i'm just gonna ask what do you want humanity to do exactly?

    Well...human consciousness emerged at the last second or minute of the cosmological scale of time. It did not opened its own eyes ( it will be a kind of third eye?), the mind can not see its own body, can't know what substance it is composed. It means that human intelligence, or consciousness, or it is an embryo or still a baby with closed eyes. At this age, this state, the baby's world is full of imagination. There are talking ghosts friends and ghosts monsters black holes in the sky, everything is a tool for playing...and there are "scientific theories", as there are "mystical beliefs, aka religions".
    Besides that, consciousness here at Earth is under the first phase of natural systems development. The first phase is about "eggs laid out"; the second phase is about "eggs kept inside, being nurtured till maturity". This process shared into two phases happened with biological systems ( from reptiles - eggs out - to mammals - eggs in); it happened with astronomical systems ( from seed of bodies out - to bodies inside systems), so, it is a natural law, a universal process for all new natural systems. And human "mind" is a new evolutionary shape of this universal system. Then, we are not watched and protected by any kind of parents, or superior intelligence. We are abandoned to our own fate. We can be eaten by predators, or dying under natural tragedies, or being caught at fatal accidents.
    Babies whose minds are driven by phantasies, imagination alone, are the easiest preys, they have no self-defense for facing tragedies, accidents, and a room full of babies should be a chaotic social system. What should be the best baby's property for surviving and getting a better life? Suppressing imagination, fantasies, by a real understand of the environment, about real Nature. This is not what the modern scholar teaching is doing. The scholar curriculum is teaching fantasies due modern human being is going far away off the real nature that had produced it. Our scholar cosmovision has such level of mistakes like had the Middle Age religious schools, believing that the opposite is the thru, like believing the Sun was orbiting around Earth. Stars does not becomes black holes, it is black holes that becomes stars. Reality is just the opposite. There was no abiogenesis.There was no origins of life. There was no origins of universes. There is not DNA as genetic code. There is no genetic translations. There is no initial atom exploding by big bangs. Everything taught by this scholar curriculum is wrong as were the school of Middle Ages.
    So, the baby ( or still an embryo?) consciousness here, keeping infant fantasies, can face a big mouth devouring it, like a little bird when leave its egg facing the big mouth of a snake. The solution should be a quickly return to our natural roots, re-elaborating our world view, our current theories. These theories, these fantasies, were built by Physics and Math alone, but any natural phenomena, for being really understood in full, needs all view points, as Biology, Neurology, Psychology, etc. It needs a systematic approach for seeing the influences coming from a hierarchy of natural systems, most of them invisible to us. That's what a naturalist philosopher, whose mind was built by this virtual culture at modern schools, learned when was lost in the jungle and was obligated to the return to real nature. Humanity needs just now waking up, deciphering the real meanings of existences, for keeping its own existence safe from the dangers that are exposed the creatures that are born from eggs laid out. Make yours own effort for helping yours own species, returning yourself to real brute Nature, or taking the advantage of learning what learned others that has experienced doing it. This experience is related under the title of "Matrix/DNA Theory".

    Episode 11 - The Immortals
    (linhas incompletas aqui, Html com linhas completas?)

    'Cosmos' recap: 'The Immortals' and the origins of life

    • Louis Morelli

    I can't understand the Tysons' mind. Is there an agenda for changing deist religion? Is there an agenda asking responsibility from religious people for keeping this planet suited for life? It will not work saying that individual life is short... and meaning that there is no afterlife It will works opposite to the agenda. Humans are selfish by nature. Tyson need to understand that a belief on short life while keeping the status of a good citizen is possible only for him and few people else that is earning good money, working with what they appreciates, having good life. he does not need a moral code, like those furnished by religions. But 90% of humanity is not satisfied, earning little money and working as slaves. These people are doing that under a faith based on a moral code, due religious conditionnement. Take it from them and we will have social chaos, like those that destroyed past civilizations.

    If we want people with responsibility without science-stoppers religions, we need another foundations for a moral code. Tyson and the interpretation of existence he is transmitting, does not have it. Matrix/DNA world view, based on same data, have it, suggesting that we, as individuals, are also, immortals. It is not "biological" life propagating through the universe, it is a natural system propagating through space/time, which is composed by temporaries hardwares and a unique software that is 13.7 billion years old ( and matrix/DNA shows the diagram/software). The big issue relating to mortality or immortality of human beings is classifying them as biological life or universal natural system (or both). And Tyson, as nobody, knows the right classification. Then, Tyson is biased and pulls science for support his choice. That's no good


    Episodio 11: The Immortals

    Critica do Episódio " The Immortals", da Série "Cosmos - A Spacetime Odissey", pela Matrix/DNA Visão do Mundo

    Baseado no artigo em:

    Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 6.53.22 AM

    O ultimo episodio de Cosmos, sob o titulo "The Immortals", não foi inteligentemente planejado para alcançar o objetivo da equipe, que é motivar os humanos a apoiarem, praticarem e acreditarem na Ciência Humana, eliminando seus misticismos religiosos. O episódio fala em imortalidade, mas não da imortalidade individual, e sim da possível imortalidade do coletivo total, da espécie humana, e pede que se faça sacrifícios hoje do individualismo e vícios consumistas, em nome dessa imortalidade dos "outros", num distante futuro. Eu penso que, considerando a ainda submissão da psicologia humana às características herdadas dos ancestrais animais, a dominância do gene egoísta é muito forte, retardando a era em que virá a dominância do altruísmo, como requer o objetivo dos idealistas da série Cosmos. E Tyson, assim como seus correligionários, são privilegiados por se situarem numa zona "rica" do planeta, vivem espraiando sobre a carnificina que ainda afeta a maioria da população humana nas zonas pobres. Esperar altruísmo de seres que estão lutando aguerridamente pela própria sobrevivência é utopia. A não ser que encontrem uma nova ilusória, porem poderosa fonte de novo código moral, como a que erigiu as religiões.

    Eu penso que os dez episódios até agora transmitiram uma unica visão de mundo que usa a Ciência para transmitir a ideia de que não existe imortalidade individual. Mas o que eles ignoram é que a mesma Ciência pode transmitir a ideia de que existe realmente a imortalidade individual, em bases lógicas e racionais. Para ver isso basta apenas reunir toda a coleção de fatos reais cientificamente comprovados, limpando deles toda a aura impregnada pelas equivocadas interpretações humanas, todas as hipóteses e teorias vigentes, botá-los em cima da mesa e buscar uma nova linha de raciocínio para fazer a re-conexão entre estes dados, re-arranjando-os de maneira diferente, obtendo um novo e diferente quadro final da existência, como eu fiz trocando o ambiente urbano e o laboratório com ar condicionado pelo inferno da selva bruta ainda virgem e intocada pelo humano, deixando o espirito bruto da Natureza guiar o trabalho: os mesmos fatos da Ciência, rearranjados por um novo método, pode fornecer um quadro final totalmente diferente, mas igualmente plausível. No qual a possibilidade da "imortalidade individual" torna-se mais evidente do que a tese da não-imortalidade, como estão sugerindo os resultados que obtive.

    Eu estou entrando nos debates que se seguem nos principais fóruns da mídia, apontando esta questão e criticando a equipe do programa. Estou argumentando que apelar para nobres motivos humanos, como o sacrificar nossos vícios consumistas para salvar o clima do planeta, controlar nossos egoísmos e alienações para reformar a nossa sociedade e eliminar a pobreza, etc., baseando esse apelo unicamente nessa distante futura imortalidade da espécie, enquanto patenteia que é evidente o fim total da existência destes humanos com a morte física inevitável, é pura perda de tempo, não funciona. E aponto que o esperto apelo das religiões à teoria da imortalidade individual é o que tem proporcionado sucesso a estas religiões transformando as tribos primitivas em grandes sociedades modernas. Mas o conhecimento cientifico de hoje poderia aplicar essa mesma estratégia religiosa se baseando nos fatos que compõem o moderno conhecimento cientifico.

    Tenho dito e repetido que a grande falha das Ciências Humanas ( essa falha que está levando a humanidade a destruir seu habitat, a manter sistemas econômicos, políticos e sociais baseando-se ainda nas regras da selva que governa os animais - como essa patente divisão entre grandes predadores ( alta classe), médios predadores ( classe média), e ovelhas, presas ( a classe baixa), a sua incapacidade de eliminar as grandes doenças tradicionais, a escolha de mecanismos mecanicistas naturais para erigir essa tecnologia desumana, etc.) tem como causa a dominância da Física e da Matemática na interpretação do mundo, enquanto a Biologia, a neurologia e mesmo a psicologia se mantem retardadas nessa tarefa. Para principiantes estudarem um corpo humano, a Física pode desvendar tudo do esqueleto ósseo, mas para aí, nada pode falar da parte mole de carnes e sangue, da mente e atividades dos neurônios, e a Matemática não é a linguagem soberana falada pelo mundo natural. Estou me baseando no fato que apliquei mais Biologia ( o que é inevitável quando se aplica o método da anatomia comparada entre sistemas vivos e não-vivos) do que Física e Matemática, e no quadro final obtido estou tendo que re-interpretar cada detalhem todos os faros reais da Natureza, percebendo que a visão de mundo sendo ensinada nos bancos escolares está tão equivocada como era a escola medieval ensinando que o Sol girava em torno da Terra e as espécies criadas por magica, uma a uma. mas a inteligencia acadêmica moderna está totalmente fechada e surda aos meus gritos, sem se atrever sequer a considerar minhas interpretações, porque a Matemática os levou a um nível de dominância da imaginação ainda infantil dessa auto-consciência recém-nascida que eles requerem complexas explicações para o que é muito simples, como o é a Natureza desnuda. Saíram a flutuar numa cultura virtual e um ambiente urbano artificial de maneira que são incapazes de reatar o cordão umbilical entre a sua mente e sua mãe natural. Se o fizessem, concluiriam como eu, que existe mais evidencias para a imortalidade da essência universal que corre dentro das veias humanas, do que evidencias para uma mera existência temporária.
    Vou explicar como:

    Observe os 9 meses da embriogênese de um corpo humano. Lembre-se que um corpo humano é um sistema natural. Observe que apenas depois de 7 ou 8 meses da fecundação, o cérebro se forma de maneira que começa a expressar pensamentos, consciência, esta coisa que denominamos de "mente". Você sabe que não foi o embrião quem, pela primeira vez neste Universo, criou, inventou, a mente que ele está apresentando. Você sabe que esta mente estava inserida no intimo da matéria do pequeno universo do embrião desde a sua fecundação, e mesmo, desde antes dela, existindo antes e alem, em outros sistemas naturais, os quais produziram aquela fecundação. Pois bem: agora vamos deixar a micro escala de tempo/espaço dentro do pequeno universo ovular do embrião e vamos à macro-escala astronômica do Universo. Já descobrimos, pela Matrix/DNA Theory, que não existe a tal evolução do Universo, mas sim a evolução de um único sistema natural que vem evoluindo desde o Big Bang, passando pelas formas de sistemas atômicos, sistemas galácticos, sistemas vegetais, animais, chegando ao sistema-humano aqui netas regiões do Universo. E aqui nesta forma atual do sistema universal emergiu esta nova propriedade chamada de auto-consciência, a qual é uma nova forma do mesmo sistema. Ora, qual o problema em ver que enquanto na micro-embriogênese humana a consciência demora 7 ou 8 meses paras se manifestar completa, na embriogênese do sistema universal ela demora para se manifestar 13,7 bilhões de anos?! Para ver que não foi a estupida matéria deste perdido planeta nesta imensidão sideral que criou, inventou a auto-consciência?! para entender que esta auto-consciência manifestada na forma de sistema-humano já existia "inconsciente", como potencial latente, inserida no intimo da natureza, desde antes do Big Bang? Que portanto ela tem que ter existido no desconhecido e ainda misteriosos sistema que existia antes e que disparou o Big Bang, como um ato de fecundação?!

    A visão de mundo da Matrix/DNA descobriu que esse universal sistema natural é composto como nossos computadores, de hardware e software. Com uma diferença notável: o software natural é formado por bits-vivos, portanto, é um software vivo. O ponto de partida desta descoberta foi a descoberta de que pela radiação cósmica e solar, o sistema galáctico transmite fótons contendo bits-informação daquele sistema e que estes fótons compõem na Terra o mesmo sistema astronômico, porem com matéria orgânica, gerando os sistemas biológicos, aos quais dizemos serem "vivos". Os fótons dentro de um sistema-humano compõem uma arquitetura de espectro de luz invisível que funciona exatamente como um software dentro de um computador. Alguns misticos tinham a habilidade de captarem essa presença e denominaram-na de aura, outros de "alma", etc. Acontece que nesta dualidade do sistema universal, o software e hardwares funcionam como num processo de feed-back: um novo software mais desenvolvido exige um mais potente hardware, o qual é usado para captar mais informações do mundo e transmiti-las ao software, o qual se desenvolve exigindo novo hardware... e assim caminha a evolução. Enquanto as gerações e gerações de hardwares são meramente temporárias, substituíveis, o software é único, já tendo sobrevivido por 13,7 bilhões de anos. O hardware particular deste software aqui na Terra é o RNA/DNA, o qual apareceu pela primeira vez a milhões ou bilhões de anos atras aqui e nunca "morreu", pois o que vemos hoje aqui é o mesmo inicial milhões de vezes mais desenvolvido e multiplicado em bilhões de cópias. No meu website mostro inclusive a formula deste software, em forma de diagrama inteligível para nós.

    O fato é que esta teoria se baseia nos mesmo dados científicos que o programa da Fox tem se baseado. E não existe nenhuma lei natural conhecida, nenhum fato realmente comprovado cientificamente, que possa derrubar esta teoria. Então vem o motivo oda minha inserção nestes debates a nível internacional: se Tyson e a Fox inseriu no programa a sua teoria preferida ( como o Big bang sendo deflagrado por um minusculo inicial átomo que conteria toda a mate'ria, toda a energia, todas as galaxias, etc., ou como a mente humana tendo sido "criada" diretamente pelo macaco), porque não inserir as outras teorias existentes que são fundamentalmente baseadas nos mesmo fatos científicos, apenas são diferentes porque se conectou os fatos de maneira diferente?!

    E principalmente, porque omitir justamente aquilo que tornaria a meta do programa realmente surtindo o efeito desejado? Aplicando a mesma estratégia das religiões, agora para estimular o individual a um tipo necessário de comportamento social e relativo à sua convivência com a natureza?

    Reconheço que ainda não tenho recursos para provar que a aura, a imortalidade individual, existem, mas mostro uma lógica e racional teoria apresentando fatos e resultados de cálculos corretos. Porem, A Fox e Tyson também não tem recursos para provar que o inicial átomo criador existiu, ou que o cérebro do macaco teria sido capaz de criar por si próprio a auto-consciência. Estamos no mesmo nível de testes e provação de nossas teorias

    Isto não foi honesto da parte de Tyson e da Fox, e assim, é motivo para eu sair gritando por aí. Abaixo vai um exemplar dos posts que tenho inserido nos debates:        

    TheMatrixDNA  veon • 3 minutes ago

    I agree. First, appealing to individual humans for sacrificing their addictions through out thinking about the immortality of human species, does not works. It would work if to the individual should be shown that he/she is immortal, at individual level. And that addictions like consumism, slavery, is the way for immortality as a hell. That's the moral code invented by religions and had been successfully transforming tribal groups into big societies.

    From a naturalist, even materialist, perspective, it is not difficult to find this moral code supported by the real proven and known scientific data we have today. These data are suggesting there is individual immortality. That's what is discovering a new world view, called Matrix/DNA Theory. Like our computers, there is a unique natural system under evolution since the Big Bang, and it is composed by hardware and software, with the difference that it is a "living software". There is a process of feed-back between this natural duality: the software needs a new developed hardware, which gets more environmental information, passing it to the software, which will build the nest more evolved hardware, ans so on. Hardwares are temporaries, the software is one and infinite, at lest has survived till now 13,7 billion years, and just now and here, its shape is human consciousness. The re-written Universal History by Matrix/DNA can not be debunked by any real proved data and fits the exigence of any rational logistics.

    Why Tyson should insert such theory into the series? Because he inserted other theories, included his elected one (smallest atom-marble triggering the Big Bang, directly human-ape descendancy, etc.). If you tell about one theory supported by all data, it would be honesty to insert others also supported by all data. And the very fact that collective immortality will not change the immediate selfishness of humans.

    At embryogenesis, you see that the embryo's brain begins to shape thoughts and minds only after 7 or 8 months after fecundation. But you know that the embryo had not created or invented consciousness by the first time at Earth. You know that consciousness was there, as latent potential, since before the beginnings of the embryo's little universe. Now, leaving the small scale of embryos aside, and going to macro-scales of the Universe, what is yours problem to accept that the embryogenesis of the unique natural universal system takes 13,7 billion years for to express the conscious and living software existing at the unknown thing that triggered the Big Bang?! Why do you appeal to never seen and known laws and natural phenomenas for believing that the micro-history is different from the macro-history?! Tyson should be more "naturalist and rationalist".

    EPISODIO 12 - The World Set Free

    'Cosmos' recap: Climate change is explained in 'The World Set Free'

    Venus was not much different from Earth back in the earliest days of the solar system, (-----)
    What happened to Venus to turn it from a nascent paradise into an uninhabitable hell? (----)
    That fiery temperature isn't because the planet is 30% closer to the sun.(---)
    Venus is covered by thick sulfuric clouds, which keep much of the sun's light from ever reaching the planet. So why isn't Venus a block of ice? A little light gets through — but it can't back out again because there is so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So that energy never escaped and Venus got hotter and hotter. It's called the runaway greenhouse effect.(----)
    Earth benefited from a milder version of the greenhouse effect. Whereas most of the Venusian CO2 is in gaseous form in the atmosphere, our planet developed an efficient conversion cycle through which carbon could be stored in coral reefs, or limestone rock,  — like the stunning White Cliffs of Dover on the coast of England. (----)
    We don't think of planets as living organisms, but Tyson insists that the Earth "breathes" with the seasons, taking in CO2 (via trees and other vegetation) in the spring and "exhaling" it back into the atmosphere in the winter. (The seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.) So there's a natural fluctuation to CO2 levels in the atmosphere. (----) 
    as rochas sedimentares são sujeitas a grandes pressões e temperaturas debaixo da superfície da Terra, derretendo e reagindo com outros minerais, libertando CO2. O manto terrestre participa deste ciclo.1 O CO2 é devolvido a atmosfera através das erupções vulcânicas e outros tipos de atividades vulcânicas, completando-se assim o ciclo. (---)
    Os mais antigos sedimentos geológicos, datados de épocas anteriores ao desenvolvimento da vida na Terra, apontam para concentrações de CO2 atmosférico 100 vezes superiores aos atuais, proporcionando um forte efeito de estufa.(---)
    "That fiery temperature isn't because the planet is 30% closer to the sun."
    The first cause feeding climate debate is the same for "evolution debate". Science is based on wrong astronomical model, which suggests wrong processes of planets' formation and development. This mistakes creates the gaps of our knowledge, which is opportunistically caught by the deniers, like the Darwinian' gaps are feeding creationists.
    Venus is 30% closer to the Sun: which is the scientific fact suggesting that this difference is not the cause of difference between Venus and Earth development? I am waiting for astronomers answering this question.
    We still have wrong astronomical models like the Middle Age believed on geocentrism, which had no observable data showing the right model at that time.
    Matrix/DNA Theory is suggesting a different model, by which the 30% difference is the cause of the different fate. This model is suggesting that astronomical bodies have their lifetime ruled by the life cycle process as any biological system. So, the nucleus of planets are germs of new stars, germs that were frozen but gets triggered by stimulus from a star energy, like any vegetable seed.  The closer a planet is at a star, the fast is its germination, and if it is too much closer, there is a principle of abortion and death of the seed. The nuclear reactions produced by the star energy at the germ produces CO2, were the carbon mimics the perfect fetus, but Oxigen is the signature of death, accordingly to Matrix/DNA formula for natural systems. So, there is no mistery between Venus and Earth different developments: earth is a germ being functional at the right time by the right amount of star energy.
    The academic scientists need to understand that stellar and galactic systems had two different processes of formation, like the biological cell had the first process known as symbiosis and then, the second process when the system learned to replicate itself. This difference is what is keeping Matrix/DNA Theory still with no final model for Earth formation and development, because is necessary to calculate how this evolution happened at astronomical level. 
    While we are believing on wrong astronomical models, we don't get the real causes of climate change and don't have a convincing justification for climate changer's deniers. 
    Postado em:

     To J.L.S : Yes you are right, accordingly to Matrix/DNA theoretical astronomic model.See my post above.

    To Freddy the redcat: So, are you saying that the scientific fact used for saying that 30% is not the cause is absence of magnetic field? But... accordingly to Matrix/DNA models, the lack of magnetic field is due the "geographical" position of a planet inside the stellar system. Again, the differences between venus and earth should be the 30% 9 ( the planet's nuclear "germ" is dead, and magnetic field is signal of active nuclear reactions)

    To Mars |: You have a good point. But, maybe there is an explanation: Mercury could be the newest planet. Accordingly to Matrix/DNA models, planets of a unique stellar system could have  different ages, being formed at different times - if the formation of Sun's system obeys the first process of galactic formation ( symbiosis instead self-recycling or replicating) 

    Outro Post  a Ser Espalhado:


    There are organisms surviving to extreme conditions, but it is not proof that they came from other worlds. There is other alternative suggested by Matrix/DNA Theory: worlds with extreme conditions were "ancestors" of these organisms as biological systems, so, these worlds are genetically encrypted into these primordial organisms. This alternative emerged when Matrix/DNA models suggested that the building block of all astronomical and atomic systems has the same configuration/functionality of the fundamental unit of information of the RNA/DNA: a lateral pair of nucleotides. It is the galaxy that was "nanno technologized" and came here.


    FZ: The earliest period in Earth's history is known as the Hadean, and was very different from modern earth. 

    As you said, there was no oxygen in the atmosphere, which was mostly CO2, N2 and H2O.
    No life on earth. 
    Surface temperatures well above 100 C, so all water was in the atmosphere. 
    The moon was much closer than it is today, so would have been much larger in the sky. 
    The sun was much dimmer than today, so it would have been quite dark, even in the daytime. 
    Volcanic eruptions were much more common.

    The point being, that conditions of early Earth are much different than present day Earth, and the differing amount of CO2 is not the only variable.

    The fact that we did not get 'greenhouse locked' like Venus could have been due in part to a number of different factors that may or may not be relevant today

    Estes posts abaiso são muito importante porque mostra o pensamento dos negadores de que a atividade humana esteja sendo responsavel pela mudança do clima. Eles não negam que está havendo a mudança, mas creem piamente que é devido a natureza. Repete-se o caso dos reis da França indo para a guilhotina e dos grandes predadores indo à sua extinção.
    Paul - um denialista
    To Martha - what I'm seeing is proof that the climate is changing. Where does this indicate what is causing it to change? That's what these political hacks are doing, is connecting the naturally occurring climate change to our emissions of CO2 so that they can extract money to pretend to "fix" it...then they implemented this plan to extract money from the "rich" but not from the "poor," forcing industry to the "poor" countries. The result is they will be free to, and will, emit even more CO2. The net result is the IPCC ( the UN rich so they can afford things like their dream of their own standing army...and the formerly "rich" like the US middle class goes broke...and the atmospheric CO2 content goes up even faster than it is now. So yes, of course the climate is changing....but no, we're not the cause.

    Martha to paul: So Paul... is it coincidental the there is a build up of CO2 and all of the fossil fuels we burn create CO2 as a by product when burned. Where else do you think all the excess CO2 is coming from??

    Paul: I didn't remark about the source of the CO2. The increase from 0.03% to 0.04% does not account for the (expected) cyclic increase of temperature since the 1600s, which makes its source a moot point. It also doesn't explain why the temperatures stopped rising about 17 years ago, but the cyclic nature of the temperature does. This is most probably the reason the IPCC, with the power and money of the UN behind them, is doing its best to censor anything published explaining these cycles. It does not support their CO2 myth. 
    CO2 isn't causing the's creating an excuse for the IPCC to wield its power to control the economies on the planet, not the climate. The IPCC is a political advisary group, not a group of scientists. There's far more money in politics.
    MGC to Paul:
    Paul writes: "CO2 myth" "CO2 isn't causing the warming" and other delusional conspiracy theories.

    Paul the pseudoscientist is back at it again, spewing his idiotic nonsense.

    Martha makes a very valid observation - practically the only place in the entire world where you find climate science denial is among the political right wing in the U.S. The same place you find all kinds of other science denial, like creationists denying evolution. Now we have "climate creationists" too. And among regular Yahoo message board visitors, Paul is the captain-in-chief of climate creationism.
    E este debate continua, no link acima.


    Louis - June, 03, 2014
    After the end of this civilization, will emerge from the middle of Amazon jungle a small group with a total different technology, a super-science. Motors will be made with crystals moved by gamma-ray. This is the people that discovered the new world view called Matrix/DNA Theory.

    Plutarch : In the vastness of the Cosmos we are but a speck of dust… so why is 90% of 'Cosmos' dedicated to 'Climate Change'???
    The propaganda polluting us from the filth in the media is nearing Goebbelsian proportions...

    Louis: Good question! But... let's go putting it on other way?

    In the vastness of my body there is a cell. This cell is getting cancer. Inside this cell, there is a big population of a particle, called "quark Z". They know that if the cell dies, they will die. They are inquiring if they are creating the cancer. 

    We know that the cancer is caused by the whole body as a system. Now... why nobody is asking if the whole Cosmos is changing, causing the climate change everywhere? Or at least, that this stellar system or this galaxy is changing? Sincerely I never thought about that...
    There are organisms surviving to extreme conditions, but it is not proof that they came from other worlds. There is other alternative suggested by Matrix/DNA Theory: worlds with extreme conditions were "ancestors" of these organisms as biological systems, so, these worlds are genetically encrypted into these primordial organisms. This alternative emerged when Matrix/DNA models suggested that the building block of all astronomical and atomic systems has the same configuration/functionality of the fundamental unit of information of the RNA/DNA: a lateral pair of nucleotides. It is the galaxy that was "nanno technologized" and came here.