O paper abaixo requer subscrição, portanto não posso lê-lo. Este paper gerou um debate no Peaceful Science que vai link abaixo.
Pelo geral que entendi, existiu na evolução da vida primordial um simples building block chamado bacterial ferredoxin (ferredoxina) e que consiste numa pequena especie de bolha "small soluble iron-sulfur constaining protein". Ele é um assimétrico dimer, quer dizer, duas moléculas iguais no fenótipo mais diferentes no spin. Moléculas assimétricas não permitem a passagem de elétrons. Mas para a evolução ou metabolismos da vida toda molécula, todos os dimers, tem que permitirem o elétron transfer, então, para serem building blocks, estas moléculas tem que serem simétricas, que permitem a transferência de elétrons. ( ... all organisms are dependent
upon transducing electron transport chains
for the production of ATP...). Então este tem sido um problema sem solução porque o ferredoxin esta presente como um dos building blocks que atuou na evolução. O que os cientistas fizeram neste paper foi construir um ferredoxin que funciona como tal porem é simétrico e permite a transferência de elétrons. Então a teoria que surgiu é que antes do assimétrico ferredoxin existiu o simétrico, apenas mais tarde houve a mutação e assim estaria resolvido o problema.
Para a Matrix/DNA, este paper foi bastante alimento para pensar. Logo se nota muita semelhança de como funciona a formula para sistemas. os elementos ferro e sulfa imediatamente lembram o núcleo da Terra e a nossa teoria de que este contem 50% das informações que formaram a primeira célula viva ( os outros 50% viriam do Sol e outros elementos astronômicos pela radiação cósmica), quando afloram na superfície do planeta. (The origin and development of iron-sulfur proteins
occurred in the prokaryotes and especially in
anaerobic - o que reforça nossa teoria, pensando-se que o ambiente anaeróbico são os mais profundos da superfície terrestre.) Então os primeiros building blocks eram apenas pedaços de um sistema, e pedaços referentes a parte esquerda do circuito esférico da formula. Os pedaços de uma mesma parte da formula ( esquerda ou direita) são simétricos entre si, pois a energia flui no circuito numa direção ( da direita para a esquerda). Enquanto houver conexões de pedaços de apenas uma metade da formula, os elétrons passam livremente. mas quando chega no pico alto da formula (F4) inicia a entropia, o decaimento da energia, e assim em toda a metade direita a energia é a oposta da outra metade. E assimétrica. Quando um composto molecular é assimétrico, ele se configura como sistema fechado em si mesmo, ele tem em si o principio da vida e o principio da sua morte, a energia circula no sentido horário e e se ele não tiver F5 - o elemento reprodutor de uma metade em outra como faz o DNA na sua duplicação - a molécula se desfaz. Se tiver, fica assim eternamente, quer dizer, enquanto a entropia que expulsa partículas do circuito não atuar.
Então, segundo nossos modelos teóricos, os cientistas estão plenamente corretos. No inicio se juntaram pedaços do lado esquerdo da formula, o ferredoxin era simétrico e com isso permitiu a evolução primordial. Quando desceram ou se juntaram os outros 50 % de informações estelares que compõem a metade direita, estas se conectaram na molécula simétrica, completaram o circuito esférico e o ferredoxin se tornou assimétrico. Cabe agora a nos fazer uma cuidadosa pesquisa sobre ferredoxin e tentar conseguir o paper. Por enquanto vamos tentar participar do debate copiado abaixo ( já sabendo que vamos ser escorraçados porque estaremos falando grego...e ninguém vai nos entender)
De novo design of symmetric ferredoxins that shuttle electrons in vivo
Early life is thought to have evolved from simple building blocks that were propagated through gene duplication events. A classic example is the small soluble iron-sulfur containing protein, bacterial ferredoxin, which is an asymmetric dimer, an essential component of many extant electron transfer chains and has ancient origins. To probe the theoretical gene duplication origins of bacterial ferredoxins, we designed a series of synthetic symmetric constructs. All designs bound two iron-sulfur clusters and were able to support electron transfer between a pair of oxidoreductases in vivo in Escherichia coli. Our results strongly suggest that simple, symmetric ancestral proteins probably evolved early in Earth’s history and can be engineered to facilitate functional electron transfer in synthetic metabolic pathways.
A symmetric origin for bacterial ferredoxins was first proposed over 50 y ago, yet, to date, no functional symmetric molecule has been constructed. It is hypothesized that extant proteins have drifted from their symmetric roots via gene duplication followed by mutations. Phylogenetic analyses of extant ferredoxins support the independent evolution of N- and C-terminal sequences, thereby allowing consensus-based design of symmetric 4Fe-4S molecules. All designs bind two [4Fe-4S] clusters and exhibit strongly reducing midpoint potentials ranging from −405 to −515 mV. One of these constructs efficiently shuttles electrons through a designed metabolic pathway in Escherichia coli. These finding establish that ferredoxins consisting of a symmetric core can be used as a platform to design novel electron transfer carriers for in vivo applications. Outer-shell asymmetry increases sequence space without compromising electron transfer functionality.
Structure, function and evolution of bacterial ferredoxins (PDF)
There are two types of iron in food: haem and non-haem iron. Haem iron is only found in meat, chicken and fish, and is easily absorbed. Non-haem iron is also found in plant foods, such as vegetables, cereals, beans and lentils, but is not absorbed as well by the body.
Mais um indicio indicando que este ferro veio do núcleo da Terra, esta nas camadas mais baixas e cobertas da superfície, de onde são extraídos pelas raízes das plantas.
Louis_Morelli - 07/04/19 Andy:The result is ‘yes’ a symmetrical ferredoxin homodimer is functional (see more)Andy,… this issue is astonishing beautiful for me, it reveals and confirms an impressive meaning of life’s origins and evolution. LUCA ( the last non-biological ancestor) must initially emit from itself symmetrical dimers as ferrodoxin, but continuing this self-emission, its last information transforms the molecule into asymmetrical. LUCA can be represented as a simple software logarithm ( and since you works with computation you would appreciate to see it - and it is at my website). The logarithm is an extraction of the internal systemic circuit of LUCA’s body, an spherical flow of information which build interlaced “pieces”, “organs”. Ok, symmetrical building blocks of life are built by the left side of that sphere, when energy is increasing. The information are spread as bits or slices and when these slices from the left side are inter-connected in another place, they permit the flow of electron transport, which cells need for producing ATP. Primordial Ferredoxin contains only information from the left side. But, the right side is when begin the entropy in LUCA, the energy is decreasing, opposite spin. The building block is becoming asymmetrical. So, the scientists are correct: first there were only symmetrical Ferredoxin, later these molecules became asymmetrical. The difference here between the two states can be saw if you knows that while there is only one side, the molecule is an opened system, and when the sphere is complete with the two sides, it tries to become a closed system. And closed system does not realizes changes with anything else, so no electron transfer. Man, this is astonishing beautiful!!!
Based on my “third” world view, my opinion is that Ool is not only going nowhere, but it will stop without a solution. The problem is that the academic mindset is dividing Universal Evolution into two separated blocks (Cosmological and Biological Evolution). So they never will meet the lost evolutionary link between the two blocks. I began to suspect that this division is not rational, evolution must be a unique universal process, so, I applied the method of comparative anatomy between living and non-living things, the final results suggests an evolutionary link, biological systems are direct product from the evolution of astronomic systems and these astronomic systems contains all biological properties. But, then, was necessary to build a different astronomic model for to fit as ancestor of the first cell system.
And I think that Jewish/Christian religions are in the same boat, they will arrive to a point where their assertions can not be supported by our knowledge of reality. The problem with these religions is that they can not grasp the size, the magnitude, the complexity, of the unknown being ( which they call “God”), that was existing before the Big Bang and beyond this material Universe. When they will realize the right size of their God they will come back in the track and fix what is going wrong. Ok,… merely my humble opinion…