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Exploring Europa
Louis Charles Morelli · Top Commenter · Works at Self employed
The goal must be not searching for "life", but, searching for mechanical and electromagnetic systems more complex than those we know, as atoms and astronomicals. My calculations reveals that is possible the existence of very primitive systems, make only with rock bodies and vortexes, performing biological properties as self-replication included by sexual mechanic process. Humans need to escape from mental prisons created by words, like "life", "origins", "genetic code", etc., which are anthropomorphic projections into places where there are no humans. Then, learning how evolution works from non-organic matter we discover that natural systems able to be intelligent can be made from the most surprising structures, shapes, not recognized as "life". The seed for complex systems are hidden into less complex systems, then, if we don't search those seeds and trying to understand less complex systems, we can not detect the possible existence of a mechanical or electromagnetic "tree" at those di
scovered exoplanets and its moons. A sample of a mechanical astronomical complex system that can be a seed spreading "life and intelligence" by all universe can be seen at Matrix/DNA Theory
scovered exoplanets and its moons. A sample of a mechanical astronomical complex system that can be a seed spreading "life and intelligence" by all universe can be seen at Matrix/DNA Theory