O meu método naturalista filosófico aplicado na selva virgem por sete anos me levou a suspeitar e elaborar a existência de uma fórmula universal - a Matrix - da qual o DNA seria apenas uma de suas formas de expressão.Esta fórmula me levou a re-calcular toda a História do Universo e chegar à forte suspeita de que este Universo é uma espécie de estrutura-ovo onde está sendo reproduzido geneticamente um sistema natural que é "filho" do sistema extra-universal que produziu o Big Bang. Nós seriamos os genes construindo uma parte deste "filho", aqui e agora, sendo que outras partes estarão sendo construídas por outros genes espalhados em todo Universo. Então desde que a face fisica material do Universo estava toda desvendada, comecei a me ocupar do mistério que é a auto-consciência. A imagem de que seja uma substancia plasmática iluminada pelos "raios" das sinapses e tom,ando a forma da fórmula da Matrix, me levou diretamente a um extremo interesse para o estudo da "luz". Finalmente descobri que uma mera onda de luz natural pode conter o código da vida, pois ela é a força que desenvolve os ciclos vitais, e assim, este mundo seria apenas a substancia do espaço - dark mater ou eter - sendo penetrada por ondas de luz natural emitidas por um Universo pulsante através de contínuos micro-big bangs . E mais finalmente ainda chego a ultima suspeita, de que o sistema misteriosos que gerou este universo e a nós dentro dele é um sistema natural feito de luz auto-consciente...? Por isso estamos gestando e sendo transformados em auto-consciência de de um corpo plasmático iluminado. Filho do pai. Mas noto que a partir de certo ponto na minha investigação, saltei do mundo visível, real, pragmático e entrei na metafisica, quando comecei com o estudo da mente e depois caí na luz, saltando para fora e alem deste Universo, tendo um vislumbre de quem está do outro lado.Nesta parte da metafisica as coisas ainda estão meio nebulosas, apesar de que cada dia avanço com mais uma solução opara as perguntas existentes, como na semana passada descobri que "vibração, nada mais é que o avanço do fluxo de informação na fórmula da Matrix, de 0 a 1/2 e depois a queda de 1/2 a zero. nesta ainda nebulosidade encontro por acaso um comentário de um cidadão desconhecido que me deu um arrepio... pois parece que o "cara" está sendo tocado por uma sabedoria instintiva, ele esta repetindo palavras-símbolos que estou usando no meu trabalho e os conectando de uma forma que acerta em cheio com os resultados que vou obtendo. Mas como isso tudo deve estar ocorrendo em uma dimensão muito profunda da natureza real, da qual não temos a menor capacidade de percepção, apenas podemos vislumbrar algo de longe aplicando a nossa inteligencia sobre as poucas informações que temos desde essa nossa perceptível dimensão, as palavras do comentarista ainda ficam tambem nebulosas... Uma das principais estruturas que despontam em toda minha cosmogonia é a estrutura dos vórtices, turbilhões, rodamoinhos, pois esta estrutura parece ser a primeira forma da Matrix manifestada nas origens do Universo, e parece ser a fonte primeira daquelas ondas de luz, pois estes vórtices se desmancham tornando-se as ondas de luz. Mas elas parecem estarem cheias de verdade...
Comentário visto em:
Are You Alone?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKMQzkIiB0Y
Dan Heidel- 1 month ago
Acho que a melhor analogia para um ser humano é como um redemoinho em um córrego. Tem a estrutura que é formada pela informação impressa sobre ele pela forma do leito e o fluxo de água, mas isso não tem verdadeira estrutura física permanente. Nós e outros organismos vivos são, basicamente, redemoinhos ou ondas estacionárias que colocam uma marca de auto-regeneração no fluxo de matéria que flui através de nós, impressa pela informação transportada no DNA.
( English: - I think the best analogy for a human is like an eddy in a stream. It's got structure that is formed by the information imprinted upon it by the shape of the riverbed and flow of water but it has no true permanent physical structure. We and other living organisms are basically eddies or standing waves that put a self-regenerating imprint on the stream of matter that flows through us, imprinted by the information carried in the DNA.)
Post completo do Dan Heidel:
I think this was your best video so far by far. I've been studying cosmology for a long time and used to be a biologist so this is familiar ground for me. You've managed to to a wonderful job of conveying both the scale and philosophical implications here.
I think the best analogy for a human is like an eddy in a stream. It's got structure that is formed by the information imprinted upon it by the shape of the riverbed and flow of water but it has no true permanent physical structure. We and other living organisms are basically eddies or standing waves that put a self-regenerating imprint on the stream of matter that flows through us, imprinted by the information carried in the DNA.
The only complaint I'd have about this episode is that I was planning on making a video about the ridiculous length of the total DNA in a human body and you beat me to the punch. :P Also, by my calculations, it doesn't add up to a Pluto round trip. It's more like 2.5 round trips, just to make it more ridiculous. And that's from a total of approximately 1 kg of DNA.
E minha resposta a Dan Heidel:
Louis Charles Morelli:
1 second ago
+Dan Heidel Thanks man! This analogy between humans and a eddy in a stream is just the big picture that my personal investigation is getting at this time. Seven years applying comparative anatomy between all known natural systems affecting the heart of Amazon jungle lead me to a final ( theoretical) result where the DNA is merely an evolutionary shape of a universal formula called "Matrix/DNA", which first shape was the waves of light emitted at the Big Bang by bits-informations in shape of eddy, vortexes. If it is right, we are like genes, conscious genes, building the conscious body of a baby, which will be merely reproduction of a natural conscious system that created this Universe. Lots of metaphysics here, but the theory is accumulating too much evidences and had made hundreds of right predictions, so, I think we are on something. Please, develops yours ideas and let me know... cheers...
Meu post no Youtube:
"How I can even feel as "one", if every part of me changes every second?"
Como eu posso até mesmo me sentir como "alguem", se cada parte de mim muda a cada segundo?
Resposta da Matrix/DNA:
Aren't you the same "one" when you - diary - change yours clothes?! The Matrix/DNA world view has a better suggestion for us. You are a packet of active informations contained into particles of light called photons, which came from and go back to a "wave of light", containing in a plasmatic vortex-bubble, which is called "consciousness". And this yellow/purple bubble composes a surface foam of a cosmic ocean of conscious white light. You are a lighter gene building the baby being nurtured inside this womb-universe, the son of the Universe's generator. Don't worry, as a gene you are unique, only you have a bit of information that anything else haven't, you will complete yours mission, in this body and galaxy or another body and another galaxy.
See how a light wave has the code for life encoded into the DNA; see how our biological DNA is merely an evolutionary shape of a universal formula for all natural systems, called "Natrix/DNA", and yours life will discover a deeper meaning that you will appreciate.
Louis Charles Morelli:
High quality video, great job of Science to the public and I have suggestions for doing it better next time. The video does not transmit an existential meaning for an individual human mind, which only could be better if there is a promise of after-life, eternity. If you take only the method used by materialists for connecting the known data about the Universe and life, indeed there is no rational foundations for a "theory of after-life". But, maybe we don't know more than 1% of the data from the whole Universe, so, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There is a new method for connecting the same known data, made by a naturalist philosopher, where the big final picture strongly suggests the existence of after-life. The problem is on the way we use our intelligence for connecting the data and getting a final picture. For instance, you said:
"Humans are made off trillions of biological machines..."
The Universe also is made off trillions of biological machines. Galaxies seen from inside by humans are same as cell's elements seen by viruses inside those cells. To viruses, the elements appears to be machines and they can't see the whole system working through the human eternal scale of time. As the viruses can not understand that the whole system is biological and alive, we can't see yet that galaxies has a biological external cover and is half-alive. For example, it is possible to get a reproductive sexual process by connecting astronomical bodies like one pulsar, one quasar containing a black(white) hole, several comets and several seeds of stars. Biological sex is reduced to mechanical sex, the process are equal. It is possible to get the same sexual reproductive process by connecting the molecules forming a base-pair of nucleotides, like a sugar, a cytosine and a uracil. So, here sex's process is reduced to chemistry. Same thing for atoms' elements. You can see all these pictures and how they works at Matrix/DNA Theory. So, our fresh/meat/bone body is merely an evolutionary product of properties that is coming from the Big Bang. But, then there are several secrets about light waves that you don't know yet. One is that natural light wave emitted by a pulsating Universe contains the code for life. The other secret is that human "counciousness" is taking the shape of the system that created this Universe. Here, yes, there is a rational possibility of human consciousness after biological life. And this theory is like the one you suggest at yours video: both are scientifically falsifiable.
Outro post:
Renato Bittencourt2 days agoMy DNA tells the story of the prehistoric creatures, my atoms tell the story of the universe... Thinking of that is mindblowing...
Louis Charles Morelli:
2 seconds ago
Mindblowing is discovering that DNA, cells, atoms, galaxies, are all natural systems produced by a unique natural formula - the Matrix/DNA. Mindblowing is discovering that all these systems are merely different shapes of a unique universal system under the process of life's cycle - like yours own body goes from morula, blastula, embryo, to teenage, adult, etc., produced by the same process of life's cycle. That's why atoms and galaxies are our ancestors - same and unique evolutionary lineage. Mindblowing is discovering that this universal evolutionary lineage obeys the process of life's cycle, which means that the Universal History of 13,7 billion years is a long chain of causes and effects without any supernatural or randoms interventions.And this means that inside this Universe is occurring a process of genetic reproduction. Reproduction of what?! There is only a rational solution: reproduction of the natural system that produced the Universe starting from the Big Bang. These discoveries were possible after discovering the universal formula for natural systems called "Matrix/DNA Theory". This formula has its first shape as a wave of white positive light, which different shapes of frequencies/vibrations/colors are the basics for life's cycles processes. And mind blowing is discovering that "consciousness"is merely a new shape of that universal system, made off the same primordial light... So, we are going back to beyond the Big Bang... As any new human embryo, when has a birth, is going back to human species' world.