quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2017


A Visual History of Inequality in Industrial America


Louis Morelli
Posted a few seconds ago
It is simple: the capitalism way produces more unhappy people than happy people. And so is the communist way, the feudalism, monarchism,... all social systems created by humans till now were wrong. Why? Because humans came from animals and still mimics the rules of the jungle: the high class ( the big predators, as lions, anacondas, etc.); the medium class ( the small predators, like wolves, fox, monkeys); and the prey ( the vacuums, the horses, etc.: 85 % of human population?). ,So, the solution will be exorcising these primitive instincts from the human psyche modelled by this genetics and then, we will find the social system that really works for all humans. I don't want employees, I do not want to be employer and having luxury, I want only partners... that is the way...

Catadores de lixo: Continuidade do Trabalho de Integracao Social


TED Talks
Pimp my carroca... trash cards


Posted at 5/25/17      
Good Mundano... the next steps must be seeking a technological way for these people being partners-owners of companies doing the total industrialized recycling. Then, seeking technologies, machines, that they could transforming the recycled material into new products. But, in parallel, teaching them to create cooperatives of consume, buying larger amounts of food together, saving their money. These people have no home, so, from the profit of their industry and in cooperative way they could build their houses. We would transform 20 million people from poverty to satisfied citizens. If Mr. Trump had doing this with the 200 million dollars he wasted in his mansion, he had saved 20 million people's lifes.
But, it would be a mistake if we forget their education towards a different mentality than the normal human beings. Having shares of a company, house, abundant food, etc. they will not know what to do with their life, and will became greed, slaving others, etc.. Finally, besides being greed capitalists as the normal, they would be fat and inertial, seeking more and more money because now they want a big mansion, a Ferrari, etc. Black holes of society, swelling the energy and blood of people working like they are doing now.
What kind of mentality, of world view, of meaning of human and the world existence, they should be educated, since they can not discover by themselves? Religions we see now, is not the solution. Mr. trump is a religious person.
I have my suggestion, a kind of world view that should transform these people into very beneficial to continuing saving people from poverty, but I will leave it to you think about...