quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2020

Associações para produção: Em Newark, emp0regados tornam-se socios produzindo derivados de papéis, como papem higienico, toalha, papeis 0para escola e escritorios


Newark welcomes a new kind of business, where employees are investors


Newark Paper Company: Employee Owned

NPC is both owned and controlled by its members. Our common goal is to achieve success and operate for the benefit of members

website: https://newarkpapercompany.com/

 The warehouse, located on New Street, is the city’s first employee stock ownership program business.

Its three employees will soon own a stake in the business after receiving a $500,000 grant in seed money from Invest Newark and building the distribution center on city-owned property. The employees will be in charge of hiring and expanding the small businesses’ profits -- and reaping the financial rewards that come along with that.

Newark Paper Company is a Cooperative made up of residents from Newark.

What does that mean? The employees are mainly benefited which means we share a common goal and work well together! Our diligent efforts to provide not only quality products but also superb customer service is unmatched!

NPC has its own warehouse, delivery trucks and vans locally in Newark.
The good news for you? You can get your office supplies as quickly as possible, and in some cases on the same day!
Our drivers are dependable and are committed to delivering your products and supplies in the best condition!

Paper company opens in Newark

Newark Paper Company employees cut the ribbon on their newest warehouse with city officials, including Newark Mayor Ras Baraka and Central Ward Councilwoman LaMonica McIver. Aug. 26, 2020.Rebecca Panico | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com