No link abaixo descubro mais dois buscadores que chegaram à idéia da existência de uma Matrix Universal. No blog do Dr. Nick Campos ele faz uma critica de um livro ( Counterpoint to Reality, de
Stephen John O’Conner o qual preciso procurar e ler tambem) e pelo que entendí o autor ingeria a bebida sul americana dos nativos da Amazonia, a Ayahuasca, parecida com o Santo Daime que meu amigo, guia na selva e xamã no Alto Tapajós , Sêo Pedro, como nós o chamavamos no garimpo. Interessante é que a interpretação da matrix e visão do mundo do Dr Nick tem várioas pontos de diferença com a do Stephen, e as duas são diferentes da minha. Aliás, já tenho visto algumas dezenas de websites de pessoas descobrindo a Matrix, fazendo sua pregação, mas todas são diferentes entre si. O que é de esperar, dada a complexidade e a distancia à dimensão onde ela deve existir. Fica aqui registrado o artigo para eu voltar à pesquisa, se for possivel. E abaixo vai o comentario que deixei no blog do Dr.Nick e um trecho do artigo que copio aqui para uma pesquisa mais detalhada:
No Mistakes in the Matrix: Book Review for Counterpoint to Reality
Used by indigenous people of the Amazon for divinatory and healing purposes, Ayahuasca contains the psychoactive substance dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), that work synergistically to give the psychedelic, or shall we say, mind-expanding experience.
Meu comentario, postado em July 31, 2014:
Louis Morelli:
My website - The Matrix/DNA - tells how the native amazon beverage has influenced my investigation about natural systems for 7 years in Amazon jungle and lead me to meet the Matrix. But, as I have observed tens of people with websites telling about the Matrix, everyone has a private interpretation different from the others. The explanations is that each one is entering by a different door, knowing a small portion of data and trying to compose the big picture.
My Matrix is a formula ( showed at my website), a template for all natural systems. I did not experienced the drug but I learned how to hypnotize de xamã that used it for driving him to "see" what I was looking for. His description about a human body energy is equal the antique chinese/hindu description of the "aura", composed by two serpents ( kundalinis) and colored stars (chakras), which was surprising since that my "witness" never could know about the existence of chineses. But, drawing his descriptions, I discovered that he was describing just the DNA ( two spiral serpents are the lateral strands and the chakras are the nitrogenous bases ( guanine, thymine, etc.) But, my witness went far away, talking about a 8 chakra as a "spiral black hole", which led me to fit some gaps when trying to make a new astronomical systems model, like galaxies and stars systems, based on life's properties. The same formula of this "DNA" is seem as the template for astronomical and atomic systems, so, I concluded that it is a universal Matrix/DNA. I think that we should creating a channel here for everybody discovering the Matrix bringing on his/her information and interpretation: the final result will be the best theory of the Matrix. Abrazos, Louis Morelli (