quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

Um Pouco do Humor Estranho mas Profético, da Matrix/DNA: Estações Orbitais para Lançamento de Naves e Foguetes.


Baseado em:

NASA _ Space Launch System (SLS)


Louis Charles Morelli  19/June/2014 - 11:33 AM

This is a louvable intelligent system, but... How is the Launch Systems in Orion, Nebula? A orbital station with a ball containing nuclear reaction, a chamber-ring of gas surrounding that ball and hundreds valves, where they put the rockets. They can launch hundreds at any time and at same time, towards all directions. This system is merely a copy of a pulsar, which model is described at Matrix/DNA Theory. Pulsars are results of developments of old planets when the reactive nucleus goes "eating" the external geological layers, producing giant volcanoes for escape of pressure and gas. The material (magma) expelled by those volcanoes are such strong balls that pss by gravity and falls into the space. Our names for these balls? Comets...
I will teach you how to access the galactic Milk Way Internet and you can see by yourself. But please, be respectful with the God of the Orion Emperor, my Almighty and Loved Lord Pink Unicorn.