segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014

Audiência de "Cosmos" Está Caindo e a Matrix/DNA Tem Mais uma Fascinante Explicação do Motivo

Meh, the show is slowly losing viewers. It starting with a strong 8.5 million and now has around 3.9 million and going down. Its not a good show simply because there is no point to any of its episodes.

I think the cause of losing viewers is the contradiction between the goal ( stimulating people for practicing and loving Sciences) and the the final message of the content ( stimulating nihilism, as religious state of mind, which is a science-stopper).
When Tyson said at the first episode that there was a Big Bang and produced by a small atom containing all matter, all galaxies of the Universe, he unconsciously, pictured the new modern magical god. Like any other religion, the watchers got the final answer from the priest, and can not reply to it. Neither these people are stimulating to think, to search, which is the propulsor of scientific endeavour.
At Matrix/DNA Theory, we are interpreting all known natural phenomena with a different approach, and the final world view is great for stimulating the continuity of search, keeping people with an opened mind. Our models does not points towards a final answer, instead it, they are suggesting a fascinating model of that producer of the Big Bang ( and a biological interpretation of the Big Bang, not merely the interpretation from Physics and Math that Tysons' world view is advocating)