Max Loughan talk during 2016 Nexus Global Youth Summit

Lol! Lots of negative comments here. Till Nexus is target of deep soul's poison. Why?
My explanation about why these people do this: Inherited genetic animalism.
Any big predator - be it lions,sharks,eagles, dinosaurs - fight any threat that can change the order among its preys. The world can not be better to the preys than the system made and ruled by the predator. Humans that has their inherited genetic from the half-carnivore/half-vegetarian ancestral and express strongly the predators instinct will fight and if necessary, will kill any other human trying to changing the order of their territories. Examples? Jesus, Kennedy, Luther King, etc.
They are still invincible, they keeps the world power. But,... where are the dinosaurs? What are doing lions, eagles, tigers, anacondas? All them has no future, every one going to extinction. Nature takes care of them. Nature is slow, but its laws points towards evolution and it will destroy any obstacles...