terça-feira, 19 de março de 2019

Maiores predadores invadem e tomam de assalto as universidades de prestigio




Mais um crime dos maiores predadores de humanos, agora contra estudantes das classe media e pobre. Nos USA, pais ricos pagam para que seus filhos preguiçosos sejam selecionados por exames e testes falsificados, contra os mais capazes para entrarem nas universidades de maior prestigio. Eu particularmente fico indignado contra isso porque isso me prejudicou diretamente na pele. Entrei numa universidade como o terceiro colocado para passar 4 anos p... da vida ao lado de cocotinhas e boizinhos que nada queriam aprender, prejudicando minha necessidade de aprender de fato, que apenas iam bater cartão ou procurar maridos para casamento, enquanto via milhoes de bons estudantes la fora sem poderem entrar. O engraçado e' que estes estudantes de classe media que perdem as oportunidades abocanhadas por assalto pela oligarquia vivem como robots e inocentes uteis na Internet defendendo os seus assaltantes enquanto ofendem os que os chamam para corrigir o sistema... Continuo a dizer, este sistema e' um teatro dos horrores e quem o defende são os personagens horrendos no palco.
Nos USA e' diferente do Brasil pois a competição entre estudantes e' por universidades privadas, que se sustentam com seu proprio dinheiro, portanto podem falsear seus exames e documentos como quiserem, pelo que der mais lucro. mas no Brasil a maior competição e' por universidades publicas pagas pelo suor do povo... para que os ricos apenas as usufrutem. Por isso essa gang de altos funcionarios publicos e de estatais nadando na corrupcao, ja vem com o virus da corrupcao desde a infancia inserido pelas "exemplares familias de bem"... e autoridades imaculadas...

Como funciona:

It's common knowledge that the tutoring companies in LA (and other big cities) have access to the tests. They do this by simply having employees go and take the tests with the general population, then snapping photos or just remembering the questions. If you send in 10 guys, they can recreate the test pretty easily. Since both the ACT and SAT tests are recycled, it is easy for them to expose their kids to those specific questions, raising scores. This also happens for the ERB and ISEE tests, which younger kids take to get into middle and upper school. Many ISEE kids will sit for the reading section, for example, and will have already read and answered all of the passages before with their tutor. 
Time to shut these people down.

Minha participação nos debates:


Louis Morelli
in reply to
fWell, let me ask you a questio...more »
1 second(s) ago

What a conservative animal kingdom you are. You mentioned Bezos as winner due merit. This is the way natural selection works in the jungle, electing the most smart and strong for keeping the chaos with predators and preys . So, the school must selecting who will keep and re-enforcing the wild social system. But, Nature also says that upon every chaos will came order. When order arrives, lions, dinosaur, whales anacondas, gorillas, are all extinguished. Go conservatives, keep smiling now while you are going nowhere... It is not dinosaurs walking today in the ceilings of queen`s palace, it is the little lizards...xxxxhttp://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-cheating-scandal-parent-la-20190314-story.html
whoawhoawhoa 1 day(s) ago
Don't stop here. Time for some alleged reporters to step up to the plate and bust this thing wide open. Who provided the medical documentation that falsified a learning disability? Name and shame. He/she needs their license taken away. The LA Times did it to the USC gyno, do it to this quack too. If only some readers knew how hard it is for parents of children with legitimate disabilities to get the help they need, they'd be outraged at this aspect of the story.
See more...
loquimini veritatem
in reply to
fDon't stop here. Time for some...more »
1 day(s) ago
Right. Don't stop there. Let’s start with illegal immigrants. Latino parents and others who cross borders illegally, forge/fake/steal identities and documents, pay coyotes, lie, cheat, steal, endanger lives (their own and others), receive tuition breaks and scholarships, etc., and often are less qualified than their Asian or white applicants (this is one of the reasons the Asians are suing Harvard) yet they are applauded not punished. Do you want to go after them too? Would you toss Elizabeth Warren from the senate for lying about her background to gain advantages?

I think a better conversation especially for high school students is that you do not need to go to Ivy League schools to be successful. You get out of school and life what you put into it.

For example, of the CEOs of the top 20 companies in last year’s Fortune 500, exactly one — Amazon.com Inc.’s Jeff Bezos — went to an Ivy League school (Princeton). (www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-03-13/college-admissions-scandal-top-ceos-didn-t-go-to-elite-schools)

On another note, if the students are doing well academically then I would not toss them and I would not send the parents to prison. Make them pay "x" amount for scholarships and tutoring for "x" number of students who need help for the next ten years, and help the students find jobs (maybe with the rich white parents' companies) when they graduate. 

Louis Morelli
in reply to
loquimini veritatem
fRight. Don't stop there. Let’s...more »
5 minute(s) ago
What? So you promote illegal emigration because you wants cheap labor and uses the bad effects of immigration for justifying your illegal conduct at schools against other children... My God, I know that these illegal things are due the predator gene inherited from predator animals, but I can't believe that you are such mentally sick believing that we are idiots... You must search yours evolution, towards transcendency, man, because Nature has proved that all big predators goes nowhere, they are extinguished. Where are the dinosaurs, the

1.4 ENGT(s)
Greed, dishonesty, corruption, wealth and privilege, institutional failure, higher education found to be less about meritocracy and quality education than fundraising and covering scandals...That's the American way now, and many think you either play dirty or you get left in the dust.

Key Worldwide Foundation and College Admissions Scams
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Mr. Isackson graduated from UCLA in 1980, then joined Cushman and Wakefield, where he specialized in the leasing and sales of industrial properties. During his twelve years at Cushman, Mr. Isackson was consistently among the firm’s top producers on a nationwide basis.