Postado como Apresentação da Matrix/DNA Theory:
Louis Charles Morelli:
The absence of life's creator - call it God or the primordial atom/marble from Big Bang Theory - here at the humans' world, is explained by cosmological plus biological evolution. The universe is a conglomerate of galaxies, which are the ancestors of ours fresh-meat bodies, like are ours ancestors some bacterias and reptiles. So, we are biological systems growing up inside the bodies of ours ancestors, still alives, or existing as fossils. It is odd, but ours own body is an ancestor of new species of bacteria living inside ours bodies ( genes horizontal transfers).
This agglomerate of galaxies is the womb, containing amnion, placenta, with nutrientes forged by stars. Inside the womb develops an unique natural system, since the Big Bang, which system must be the genetic reproduction of that ex-machine creator, be it called god or primordial atom. Biological systems are merely an evolutionary shape of the universal system, as it is the shape of atoms and astronomical systems. There was no magics creating universes and life, there was no supernatural entities as creator, everything inside this Universe and surrounding it is natural, included the creator.
We humans, are having bad times. We are victims of predators, accidents, natural tragedies, viruses, etc. There are no creator, gods watching and helping us here, like the parents are not inside the womb helping the formation of a new embryo.
Every time that the universal system ( the real embryo from the creator) change shapes ( from a nebulae of atoms into stellar systems or from a morula into a blastulae) there are two evolutionary phases: first, the phasis where eggs are laid out, second, when eggs and embryos are nurtured inside). We are under the phasis of eggs laid out because we are the carrier of a egg containing the embryo of a new shape of this universal system - the embryo of mind, or consciousness.
These two phases were observed at biological evolution: first, from virus, bacterias till reptiles, was the phasis of eggs-out; with mammals began the phasis of eggs-in.
At ours ancestors under the shape of astronomical systems, the two phasis is visible: first, a new baby-astronomical body is produced by a central vortex of a spinning stellar dust ( the womb) and expelled in shape of egg to outside frozen space; second, this astronomical baby falls into the orbit of any star, beginning the phasis of egg-in. This is the state of planets like Earth, today.
So, think about a small reptile as eggs-out. Sometimes, at the birth, it meets a big mouth for devouring it, even the mouth of its own parents.If it survive to birth, the world is opened, full of dangers, could,and possibilities. This was the world waiting for human kind. The mother, the father are far away, ignoring our existence.
When an advanced or evolved intellectual human being understanding its real condition, he immediately understand that the unique supporter he/she has, is another human being. So, he will be a lover of humanity, an agent of peace, a laborer for work, etc. When a human being still has its genetics and mind dominated by animal inheritance, he see other human being as a prey, he/she wish to be a predator.Inside this group are those that invents gods, the high power, and instead lobing humanity, they makes alliance with the alien imagined high power.
We are the carriers of eggs, our heads are the eggs of a new embryo, called consciousness. We are at the phasis of eggs-out. We have nothing for support us, only another human beings. You would understanding it if you was living alone at Amazon jungle, facing the hell,among salvage animals, like I have experienced it. Suddenly you wish another human being at yours side, anyone, for yours life making sense.
There is a signal for great hope to us, revealed by this world: at the universal formula for natural system, really, the eggs-out phasis is merely temporary. Really, the egg never went outside the system. The system is sure that the egg will be nurtured and will have a normal birth. It must be the same in relation to the relationship between us ( as the genes building the new shape of this universal system) and the ex-machine natural conscious creator. What's the relationships between a pregnant woman, her husband, and the new embryo inside the womb? It is the sample for us to understand the relationship between us and the universal creator(s). They are outside the little universe of the embryo. But, it is dependable the level of evolution how much the parents knows about the embryo. How much the parents can watch, taking medicines, medical interventions, when something goes wrong. I don't know how much the ex-machine natural system knows about us, what it is doing in relation to us and all conscious genes spreaded at this universal womb.
I am not deist, I don't like the Bible neither the I Ching nor the Torah, but I like a message from a wise man called Jesus Christ. It resumes everything: "Who is my family? Every man is my brother, every woman is my mother, my daughter... and I need take care of them as they are." The universal sacred family. That's what the brute Nature at the salvage jungle teach to us: no deism, no materialism, only the humble naturalism. But don't follow my world view, I don't know nothing, you need building yours own world view. We are at the phasis of diversification of the primordial cell for consciousness, the morula phase.
Postado em Sunday, May,04, 2014, por...

From Matrix/DNA Theory: There is no "coded information" in Nature. DNA is merely a pile of copies of a unique natural system, like 7 billion humans are copies of a unique biological system. There is no genetic code.Code means informations organized by human intelligence ( or other intelligence, if there is any), and Nature has no "intelligence".
The wrong astronomical models made by all humans till now ( exception for Matrix/DNA) has eluded humans to believe that DNA/RNA is a code. It's not. The right astronomical model reveals that the building blocks ( the fundamental units of information) of atoms systems and astronomical systems are the ancestors of the building blocks of DNA/RNA ( a lateral, horizontal, base-pair of nucleotides). These building blocks are a complete working system, where all components performs specific functions and the whole has an identity. So, DNA is merely a pile of copies of the same universal system, each copy with a specific derivation. When these copies are connected becomes a new larger and more complex copy, called genes. See the figures about the evolution of this universal matrix formula for natural systems, from primordial light waves to nowaday shape of DNA. The mystery remains about the source of those primordial light waves, which came from ex-machine, but, from equally and most complex natural system.
Nicholas Christie Blick - According to 633495, the entire field of molecular biology has left the rails. Only he (or she) truly understands the significance of the genetic code. The arrogance of ignorance is truly remarkable
To Nicholas C. Blick
From Matrix/DNA Theory: Yes, 633495 is wrong when believing that is necessary intelligence for to seed life (biological systems) anywhere in the Cosmos, as if mother giraffe needs apply intelligence for to generate a new baby giraffe. But, he is right as saying that the field of molecular biology has left the rails. The proof is these milenar diseases still with unknown causes, the non complete models of primordial Earth for understanding the flourishment of biological systems, etc. The cause that leads molecular biology, evolutionary biology, medicine, etc., far away off the beam is that our entire Academic Science is dominated by Physics and Math, which furnishes the basics for biologists interpretations of natural phenomena. These fields have elaborated wrong models for atoms and astronomical systems that are the ancestors of biological systems, so, molecular biologists can not grasp the final meaning about the phenomenon they are dealing.
The atomic and astronomical academic theories does not points out the real model since that their cosmological evolution has no evolutionary link with biological evolution. So, molecular biologists does not have the knowledge of the hidden forces, elements, variables, coming from cosmological evolution for understanding biological systems, like DNA and RNA. Only Matrix/DNA Theory has made the effort for elaborating theoretical models of these hidden elements, but, then, the molecular biology theory falls down.

Louis Charles Morelli
To 633495 ( "a primordial self-replicating molecule...")
There was no "primordial self-replicating molecule assembling sequences of RNA". Yours own body have thousands of cells-bacterias species that does not belongs to yours body.The explanation for those cells-bacterias existence is the same explanation for those RNA strands inside the Earth's body. But those cells are based on the same initial sequences of DNA/RNA. Do you believe that those cells overcame humongous odds and invented the RNA? The risen of those cells inside of yours bodies mimics the risen of initial biological systems at earth's surface. Because Earth is part of a system that contains the ancestor and half-biological "molecule" of biological RNA. See the model of this astronomical system suggested by Matrix/DNA Theory.There was no "origins" of life, anywhere inside this Universe.
Self-replication is not a process invented by the stupi matter of this lost planet, neither product of aliens or divine intelligence. It is merely the evolutionary product coming from a process existing at prior non living systems - the process of self-recycling. As you can see in the sky when a nebula of stars dust becomes the old star system again, for becoming stars dust and again... The novelty on biological systems is that the system does not need to "dying" for being replicated. Before the biological system dying, it emits a parallel circuit with all informations about itself, internally, using its own still living body for self-replication. The ancestors non-biological systems had a less evolved shape of this process, able only for replicating its used and no functional parts, organs. The great achievement of the universal system becoming biological is transforming that process into a process more complex, which can replicating the whole system before dying. To this you gave the name of "sexual reproduction"

Louis Charles Morelli
To Zaki: "The reason why atheists..."
To Zaki: "The reason why atheists..."
From Matrix/DNA world view: I am not an atheist, merely an agnostic naturalist philosopher doing my research at Amazon jungle and I am not seeing intelligence in Nature also. Where is there intelligence in the suffering of animals, plants, and terrified scenes that I am watching here? Is the designer a stupid anti-human, against life ?! But I know that from Middle Age to now, there are people with tendency to be predator vampiring the energy of other humans beings, tendency to be slavers, telling to people that they must obey the rules because they are made by a super-intelligence, which the slaves can not understand and so, must no inquiry about "only God knows...".
Strangely, though, they see themselves as PRODUCTS of this STUPID "nature" - and AT THE SAME TIME think they're in a position to claim that they're intelligent! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! HOW is it even possible to exist with so much SELF-CONTRADICTION within oneself? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
To Zaki: "Natural means stupid..."
Aren't you able to see a third alternative, which is more plausible and intelligent? Even when Nature is showing to you here and now how things works? Look to the natural process of embryogenesis. Until the 7 month, everything inside, every evolutionary event, occurs among stupid matter - the fetus, the embryo, etc. About 8 months the brain is developed and begins to emerge consciousness, some intelligence. The natural Universe has revealed same history: 13,8 billion years and all evolutionary process, every event, everything stupid, no intelligence detected. Only at 13,8 billion years old, here and now emerges consciousness, some intelligence. Do you think it is merely coincidence? Same history, evidences? Do you have any problems that humans' ( a microscopical architecture) embryogenese takes a time shorter than the Universe's time ( a macroscopic architecture)?
There are no parents applying intelligence inside the nine months of embryogenesis, neither the parents makes babies applying intelligence. So, now goes to the Universe, and see what it is suggesting that created it: a natural conscious system that creates universes as wombs for their babies by genetic process, never being necessary the use of intelligence. We came from stupid matter, stupid Nature, but if we got consciousness and intelligence, neither nature neither us created them. Neither magical parents, mether a microscopic marble containing all energy and galaxies exploding under big bangs... This is what the real world is showing to me.
Intelligence is the undisputed source of information flow operating within the rules of a code.
DNA replication – even in bacteria – has evidently been designed with both surveillanceand error correction functions, rather than merely on physicochemical precision.
James Shapiro (2011) considers these surveillance and error correction capacities to be’cognitive processes.’
Exonuclease proofreading has been shown to increase the replication of DNA by 100 to 1,000-fold over the one mistake in 10^5 precision of the replication apparatus. Thisinformation management function of the cell is carried out by DNA polymerase, serving as both a sensor that detects the mistakes and the activator of the correction functions.
Postreplication proofreading detects DNA replication errors by scanning the newly replicated DNA and binding to regions where the double helix has been distorted by a mismatch of nucleotides.
Here, the actions of three different proteins effectively excise the mismatched segment and replace it with a newly synthesized, error-free DNA strand.
Part of the cell’s intelligently designed sensory proofreading system is a trio of proteins involved in mismatch repair following the completion of DNA replication.
One of these, MutS (Mutator S), is a large protein (125 x 90 x 55 Å) whose N-terminal mismatch-recognition domain can detect, for example, an adenine-to-adenine mismatch.
To 633495 : "Folloying the rules of a code..."
From Matrix/DNA: There is no genetic or DNA code, so, there are no rules of a code. There are rules of organization of matter into natural systems, when inertial matter are penetrated by natural light waves, which, the sequence of frequencies/vibrations are the same sequence that rules any body under the process of life's cycles. This process changes the shapes and functions of bodies during their existence and those different shapes are organized under the same functional circuit, which means "system".
The 4 characters are the biological tools performing the 4 intermediate systemic functions. See the Matrix picture/formula for natural systems at my website: the 4 characters are F2, F3, F6 and F7. While F1 and F2 are systemic functions that uses as tool at DNA the sugars at both lateral strands of the DNA. And F5, the function of system's reproduction is the character called "uracil", which exists only at RNA and makes the duplication of DNA sections.
So, the base-pair nucleotide, the fundamental unit of information of DNA is a system, not a signal of code.
About amino acids: they where the temptative of Nature, at a liquid, organic, environment, to replicates the Matrix formula, that's why all 20 amino acids has as central atom a carbon, which is the atom selected as F1 because carbon is the most exactly copy of Matrix formula.
The mechanism called "exonuclease proofreading" has no surveillance and error correction, it is not a cognitive process. Every reading is made having a template for to fit, the template is the matrix formula for natural systems, and it operates at the level of the energy that flows internal the channel of a systemic circuit. If a reading has any tool/character that does not fit the template, it is obligated to change and fitting the template. Mutations occurs only at "opened sky", when uracil makes the reproduction of the last nucleotide into a new nucleotide that can be invaded by outsiders units of informations, called photons.
But, things are very more complex than you think...
Part of the cell’s intelligently designed sensory proofreading system is a trio of proteins involved in mismatch repair following the completion of DNA replication.
One of these, MutS (Mutator S), is a large protein (125 x 90 x 55 Å) whose N-terminal mismatch-recognition domain can detect, for example, an adenine-to-adenine mismatch.
One of these, MutS (Mutator S), is a large protein (125 x 90 x 55 Å) whose N-terminal mismatch-recognition domain can detect, for example, an adenine-to-adenine mismatch.
You never will understand Nature, neither abiogenesis, neither proteins, while you don't know the real creator of these things at Earth's surface. The creator was the state of the world ( and I means: the shape of the most evolutionary natural architecture at that time) that ruled abiogenesis here.It was the astronomical system to which Earth belongs to. And if you see the face of this world ( it is pictured at my website) you will see where nature got the idea for developing the proteins here. proteins are the biological tools that mimics the flow of informations that moves inside the channel of the circuit of non-biological systems. Those circuits are composed by two alternates states ( as waves, transducing time and particles, transducing space). Proteins are the biological counterparts of those waves of time, and the 4 characters at nucleotides, and the organelles inside a cell, are the counterparts of particles of space. So, proteins performs the reproduction of a system, the template that is coming from the sky, form the building blocks of this Mik Way. The template can not have two parts/particles equals for performing a unique systemic function, so, no adenine+adenine.
Things are a little bit more complex than you and Shapiro are thinking...
You never will understand Nature, neither abiogenesis, neither proteins, while you don't know the real creator of these things at Earth's surface. The creator was the state of the world ( and I means: the shape of the most evolutionary natural architecture at that time) that ruled abiogenesis here.It was the astronomical system to which Earth belongs to. And if you see the face of this world ( it is pictured at my website) you will see where nature got the idea for developing the proteins here. proteins are the biological tools that mimics the flow of informations that moves inside the channel of the circuit of non-biological systems. Those circuits are composed by two alternates states ( as waves, transducing time, and as particles, transducing space). Proteins are the biological counterparts of those waves of time, and the 4 characters at nucleotides, and the organelles inside a cell, are the counterparts of particles of space. So, proteins performs the reproduction of a system, the template that is coming from the sky, form the building blocks of this Mik Way. The template can not have two parts/particles equals for performing a unique systemic function, so, no adenine+adenine.
Things are a little bit more complex than you and Shapiro are thinking...
Do you know why the building blocks of atoms and galaxies are systems where the parts are connected by an energetic circuit that is composed by waves and particles? ( The answer is at my avatar). Because natural systems are assembled by the dynamics of a process that we call "life's cycles". The human family system is a good sample of that. A complete perfect family should be composed by seven humans, each one at one specific shape: a baby, a children, a teenager, young adult, mature adult, a senior and a pregnant woman. All family and social functions are here, so, this family template should be the trigger for creating a perfect social system. This is the universal natural template for systems, which multiplies as living fractals. The universal perfect system must have the seven systemic functions, which are derivations of shapes of a unique body. What makes these derivations is the force called life's cycle.When the system is a closed one and finally formed, the force becames its internal circuit, linking all seven shapes. But, how do you put in that formula the intermediates shapes that are hidden? I mean: the time that it takes from the shape of tenager to the shape of adult"? It is all about time, and time is a wave. Proteins fit that time at biological level, keeping the informations that existed during that time. Tell it to Shapiro...
Morse Code Genetic code
dots & dashes nucleotide sequence
wired transmission mRNA
human decoding translation
converted message polypeptide
intelligent code intelligent code
First of all, there is a big difference between a code made with dots & dashes and the pile of nucleotides that you call "DNA". I have a question for you:
You know that no human being is exactly equal to other human being. We are 8 billions. Do you think that there is a code composed by 8 billions humans? Even if they were aligned in a long line? Would it be a sequence? Of course, not.
DNA is just that. Millions, billions of copies ( no one exactly equal other) of a unique species of natural system. ( If you are interested see the formula and picture of that system at my website - there are no advertising there, it is grateful).
You can take John, Peter for composing an army if necessary, them take them for working in a factory, and after that, for a musical group. DNA takes genes A and B for making different functions, also. There is no code, no intelligence is necessary.
Second difference: wired transmission is not made with those bits of the code, and RNA is made of those bits that composes the informations it carries on...
Really you have a point: the process for morse code is not equal, but remember the process applied by Nature. So, what? Men makes airplanes that mimics birds, cars that mimics horses pulling carriages... This cellular or genetic process that converts an object into an image is repeated by the structures and functioning of the brain.The entire process was encrypted in the inner structure of humans, it is merely a copy of something that nature has made long time ago. It is called "intuition".
Oh... Maybe you think about God as Hitler, making engineering of nucleotides like Hitler trying making engineered humans?
Keaton Smith
18 hours agodots & dashes nucleotide sequence
wired transmission mRNA
human decoding translation
converted message polypeptide
intelligent code intelligent code

You know that no human being is exactly equal to other human being. We are 8 billions. Do you think that there is a code composed by 8 billions humans? Even if they were aligned in a long line? Would it be a sequence? Of course, not.
DNA is just that. Millions, billions of copies ( no one exactly equal other) of a unique species of natural system. ( If you are interested see the formula and picture of that system at my website - there are no advertising there, it is grateful).
You can take John, Peter for composing an army if necessary, them take them for working in a factory, and after that, for a musical group. DNA takes genes A and B for making different functions, also. There is no code, no intelligence is necessary.
Second difference: wired transmission is not made with those bits of the code, and RNA is made of those bits that composes the informations it carries on...
Really you have a point: the process for morse code is not equal, but remember the process applied by Nature. So, what? Men makes airplanes that mimics birds, cars that mimics horses pulling carriages... This cellular or genetic process that converts an object into an image is repeated by the structures and functioning of the brain.The entire process was encrypted in the inner structure of humans, it is merely a copy of something that nature has made long time ago. It is called "intuition".
Oh... Maybe you think about God as Hitler, making engineering of nucleotides like Hitler trying making engineered humans?

think that regardless of which theory or faith is more credible, children should be taught to think critically and for themselves. Whether they support the theory of evolution, or support any faith that says otherwise, coercion never fixed anything.

To Keaton Smith: You are right that if theories elaborated by one human created method of investigation of natural phenomenon, like the scientific reductionist method, all others theories created by another methods of investigation of natural phenomenon ( like intelligent designer) must be taught. But no faith, of any kind. Faith is the killer of critical thinking, it is a close-mind. Maybe intelligent aliens that are not made by DNA, neither are biological systems, have designed DNA and biological systems, why not? There is a third world view, neither materialism neither deísmo, that have elaborated different theories for those same issues, applying different method of investigation, the so called "systemic method". If there are no known proved facts debunking a theory based only on natural real phenomenon and events, it makes a better environment at school for producing opened minds.

It's simply not possible to properly and fully understand
living systems in terms of chemistry and physics.
It's imperative that we acknowledge the supreme role
of INFORMATION as the bedrock of life.
Louis Charles Morelli
My dear 633495. You are right and yours words recognizes that information for life have a natural source.If there was a micro-intelligent-being living at the surface of a ribossome inside a cell of a bone of human skeleton, he should be expert in Physics and Math, because his world is mechanical. It should understanding something of basic chemistry, due the reactions inside the cell. When it tries to understand what have beyond the skeleton, ( its universe) and making a theory of everything, my God! Its Universe is far away off the beam, because beyond the skeleton there is the fresh soft meat, the brain, the thoughts, etc...
This is like the modern cosmovision of this Universe made by Physics and Math. Galaxies composes the skeleton of the Universe, but there are lots more thing out there. For instance, the building blocks of galactic systems are mechanical, but they have a cover of interactions that is half-biological. Every property of life is there, working beautiful, at astronomical scales! But it will be discovered onlt when Biologists will add to Physics and Math in search of a theory of everything.
So, you are right: Physics and Math alone does not explain this Universe and can not see the forces and elements that developed biological systems, aka, life.But, information... What is information, natural information?
Natural information is composed by bits which came from the transmission/fragmentation of the natural system that produced this universe, by a common genetic process. Each information has a "body" in shape of vortex in quantum or almost abstract state. The vortex is a complete and working living system itself. It has seven spiral waves, which are the initial seven brute forces, that evolved into the properties of life at biological systems. Each force is derivative from 0 to 1 and in between there are infinite numbers of sub-states. So, you can give a number for each bits of information, like +1,04857699 and the number can be very large. It happens that those bits-vortexes propagates as light waves, penetrating the inertial substance of space ( dark maytter?) and creating natural systems, from atoms to galaxies, which develops to biological systems like you.
There are two groups of bits-information, one spinning right, other spinning left, and it is the cause of universal duality for everything here.The interactions among the bits is very simple but beautiful, and they were explained by Hideki Yukawa, who earned the Nobel Prize and his explanation about the nuclear glue between protons and neutrons is the same for those two groups of vortexes, how they composes quarks and leptons, after that the super-particles as protons, etc.
Natural information is not merely the bedrock of life, it is the bedrock of consciousness. Life is merely an evolutionary and temporary shape of the son of the system that produced this universe... by genetic process.
Louis Charles Morelli
Wait... let's go asking the explanation for Matrix/DNA Theory:
What?!! Translation?! Are you saying that a bunch of atoms makes translations, like intelligent human beings?! Ok.you are saying that the ovule of my mother made translation of my father's spermatozoon and I am the result of this operation of translation...Because it is just this mechanisms that DNA ( the ovule), receiving the mRNA ( the spermatozoon) elaborates a protein-fetus, which is infolded becoming a new babby-protein.
What came first? The coded information for human species or me, as a new baby? The coded information that came from apes. In relation to "the coded information in the nucleotide sequence and the translator machinery", who came first? The natural system called "building block of atoms and galactic systems that became a biological lateral pair of nucleotides inside who there is a reproductive process of parts, organs, composing that system, process that you are calling "translation".
Let me explain how works the "ape of the DNA", the ancestor of the DNA. I will take its shape as building blocks of astronomical systems, but there is its ancestral shape also, for atoms, particles, quarks, leptons, etc.
There is a nebulae of spinning stars dust. At the center arises a vortex. The vortex receives dust and comets containing energy in shape of magma from volcanoes of a pulsar. The vortex mixes the ingredients producing balls of incandescent iron. These balls are expelled to space, they are seed of new pulsars, stars, etc. So, the vortex is the ovule, the comets are the spermatozoon, the see is the product. As nucleotide, the sugar at the left strand of the DNA performs the function of the vortex. The sugar at the right strand performs the function of pulsar, mRNA performs the function of comets and dust. The new protein is the seed. From here evolved biological sexual reproduction.
Proteins are the biological counterpart of slices of the systemic circuit of the Matrix/DNA formula, only the left face. That's why all life's molecule are left-handed. The whole left circuit is encoded as RNA and half of DNA.
Translation?! That's fanny... There is embryogenesis of proteins, not translations, my friend.
"The origin of the genetic code presents formidable unsolved problems.
The coded information in the nucleotide sequence is meaningless without the translation machinery, but the specification for this machinery is itself coded in the DNA.
“Thus without the machinery the information is meaningless, but without the coded information, the machinery cannot be produced.
“This presents a paradox of the 'chicken and egg' variety, and attempts to solve it have so far been sterile."
[John Walton, "Organization and the Origin of Life"]The coded information in the nucleotide sequence is meaningless without the translation machinery, but the specification for this machinery is itself coded in the DNA.
“Thus without the machinery the information is meaningless, but without the coded information, the machinery cannot be produced.
“This presents a paradox of the 'chicken and egg' variety, and attempts to solve it have so far been sterile."
Louis Charles Morelli
Wait... let's go asking the explanation for Matrix/DNA Theory:
What?!! Translation?! Are you saying that a bunch of atoms makes translations, like intelligent human beings?! Ok.you are saying that the ovule of my mother made translation of my father's spermatozoon and I am the result of this operation of translation...Because it is just this mechanisms that DNA ( the ovule), receiving the mRNA ( the spermatozoon) elaborates a protein-fetus, which is infolded becoming a new babby-protein.
What came first? The coded information for human species or me, as a new baby? The coded information that came from apes. In relation to "the coded information in the nucleotide sequence and the translator machinery", who came first? The natural system called "building block of atoms and galactic systems that became a biological lateral pair of nucleotides inside who there is a reproductive process of parts, organs, composing that system, process that you are calling "translation".
Let me explain how works the "ape of the DNA", the ancestor of the DNA. I will take its shape as building blocks of astronomical systems, but there is its ancestral shape also, for atoms, particles, quarks, leptons, etc.
There is a nebulae of spinning stars dust. At the center arises a vortex. The vortex receives dust and comets containing energy in shape of magma from volcanoes of a pulsar. The vortex mixes the ingredients producing balls of incandescent iron. These balls are expelled to space, they are seed of new pulsars, stars, etc. So, the vortex is the ovule, the comets are the spermatozoon, the see is the product. As nucleotide, the sugar at the left strand of the DNA performs the function of the vortex. The sugar at the right strand performs the function of pulsar, mRNA performs the function of comets and dust. The new protein is the seed. From here evolved biological sexual reproduction.
Proteins are the biological counterpart of slices of the systemic circuit of the Matrix/DNA formula, only the left face. That's why all life's molecule are left-handed. The whole left circuit is encoded as RNA and half of DNA.
Translation?! That's fanny... There is embryogenesis of proteins, not translations, my friend.