terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014
Climate Change e a Matrix/DNA
Is Genetics Key to Climate Change Solutions? (Op-Ed)
Ler esten artigo para ver se dá para aplicar a fórmula da Matrix aqui
Somos Mortais ou Imortais? Veja Controversia entre a Teoria Academica e a Teoria da Matrix/DNA
Mind uploading won't lead to immortality
Este artigo tras algumas interessantes infoemacoes sobre a controversia ente mortalidade ou nao-mortalidade e sobre conceitos da inteligencia artificial sendo estudada em computadores. Mas o autor tem tendencias ide'ogicas fortes que atrapalham sua abordagem do problema, por isto inseri o post copiado abaixo no seu artigo:
TheMatrixDNA: April/22/2014
You are focusing this issue by a wrong perspective, wrong approach. There is another method (comparative anatomy between living and non-living natural systems), which results - called Matrix/DNA Theory - are suggesting a different history, included that we have a natural property that is 13,8 years old and nobody can say that it could " die" at any day in the future. The image below is a sample of this hidden property, which is a natural formula that is building just now the new shape of a natural universal system called " human consciousness".

It is a complex issue, but think on this way: Humans can't create anything that Nature has no real informations for. We merely mimics mechanisms, structures, process that we discover in Nature. That's our computers, a electro-mechanical copy of our entire self. Computers are composed by hardware and a hidden energy circuit called software, because we are composed by natural hardware and a hidden natural software. The image below is the state of this hidden software about 5 billions years ago, when it was merely a kind of blastula of this evolved state called human mind and its hardware were in the shape of building block of astronomical systems.
Evolution is the process that results from interactions, feed-back between the universal software and its generations of hardwires. Hardwires has the function for absorbing new informations from new environments, sending these informations to the software, which re-designs new hardwires when the old ones becomes obsolete. Everything is explained at Matrix/DNA new world view. It is merely a new theory, but, its logics and rationalization suggests that we must be careful about our beliefs.
Este artigo tras algumas interessantes infoemacoes sobre a controversia ente mortalidade ou nao-mortalidade e sobre conceitos da inteligencia artificial sendo estudada em computadores. Mas o autor tem tendencias ide'ogicas fortes que atrapalham sua abordagem do problema, por isto inseri o post copiado abaixo no seu artigo:
TheMatrixDNA: April/22/2014
You are focusing this issue by a wrong perspective, wrong approach. There is another method (comparative anatomy between living and non-living natural systems), which results - called Matrix/DNA Theory - are suggesting a different history, included that we have a natural property that is 13,8 years old and nobody can say that it could " die" at any day in the future. The image below is a sample of this hidden property, which is a natural formula that is building just now the new shape of a natural universal system called " human consciousness".

It is a complex issue, but think on this way: Humans can't create anything that Nature has no real informations for. We merely mimics mechanisms, structures, process that we discover in Nature. That's our computers, a electro-mechanical copy of our entire self. Computers are composed by hardware and a hidden energy circuit called software, because we are composed by natural hardware and a hidden natural software. The image below is the state of this hidden software about 5 billions years ago, when it was merely a kind of blastula of this evolved state called human mind and its hardware were in the shape of building block of astronomical systems.
Evolution is the process that results from interactions, feed-back between the universal software and its generations of hardwires. Hardwires has the function for absorbing new informations from new environments, sending these informations to the software, which re-designs new hardwires when the old ones becomes obsolete. Everything is explained at Matrix/DNA new world view. It is merely a new theory, but, its logics and rationalization suggests that we must be careful about our beliefs.
Cérebro e Neurologia
Penn Medicine Researchers Show How Lost Sleep Leads to Lost Neurons
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Is it OK to make art?
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Big Bang : Metade dos Americanos não Acreditam
The Big Bang Theory: Half of Americans 'Doubtful' it Happened
sonoran uglyamerican • 16 hours ago
It's the same type of straw man argument that's made about evolution, that evolution says: "we all originated from from some chemicals and lightning bolts". Evolution is silent on how life started; the theory is about how life evolved after it started. Life's origins is another discipline altogether: Abiogensis.
Likewise The Big Bang theory doesn't hypothesize about where the expansion came from or what started it. The Big Bang Theory is a melding of Einstein's Theory of Relativity and The Standard Model of Particle Physics and these two theories aren't compatible at the high energy densities at or before the universe's origin ("The Planck Regime"). So the mathematical tools used to construct the Big Bang Theory aren't suited to explain where the universe came from and it's not part of the theory.
But the expansion of the universe after that is what the Big Bang Theory is about and it has been hugely successful in predicting: The Cosmic Background Radiation, Hubble's Law redshift of photons, Motion of Galaxies, Nucelosynthesis and most recently BICEP2's discovery of gravity wave patterns.
Post na pagina acima:
Since that Matrix/DNA Theory suggested a rational astronomical system's model that surprisingly reveals galaxies with primordial biological/living properties, we have reasons to suspect that the entire Universe has biological properties also. If such possibility is true, the "origins" of this Universe will not be defined by Physics+Math, and a Theory of Everything will need the participation of Biologists, even, Neurology. So, this "origins" found through Physics+Math, suggesting an event as the Big Bang, is far away from the ultimate thru.
Being not confident about a theory about something that never nobody saw is and relates to time and space far away from us, is not science ignorance. I think the opposite is true: science ignorance is with those that thinks about universes believing, starting, from an imaginary big bang.
Godel's theorem: : ""Nobody can know the thru about a system standing inside it." This is a scientific statement because it is rational. So, any human beliefs about universes makes no sense.
At Matrix/DNA Theory we have a commandment: never develops the next step of a theory before finding in Nature a real fact as foundation for the last conclusion. Math became an excess of imaginative exercise and intelectual masturbation that does not translate the logics of the long evolutionary chain of causes and effects running along the universal history, not obeying the above commandment. Physics is studying the structural foundation of the universe and from here trying to describe the whole. But, if Physics and Math, which can describes the motions and structure of a human body's skeleton, tries to describe the soft meat, the mind, using the same laws of the skeleton, it will do everything wrong. That's Big Bang Theory.
I think that this internal conflict between ideas in America is the cause that keeps this country strong and creative, differently from countries of Europe that are indoctrinated by a wrong world view. I think that Matrix/DNA model of the universe makes lots more sense.
At Matrix/DNA Theory we have a commandment: never develops the next step of a theory before finding in Nature a real fact as foundation for the last conclusion. Math became an excess of imaginative exercise and intelectual masturbation that does not translate the logics of the long evolutionary chain of causes and effects running along the universal history, not obeying the above commandment. Physics is studying the structural foundation of the universe and from here trying to describe the whole. But, if Physics and Math, which can describes the motions and structure of a human body's skeleton, tries to describe the soft meat, the mind, using the same laws of the skeleton, it will do everything wrong. That's Big Bang Theory.
I think that this internal conflict between ideas in America is the cause that keeps this country strong and creative, differently from countries of Europe that are indoctrinated by a wrong world view. I think that Matrix/DNA model of the universe makes lots more sense.
Teoria do Big Bang: Registro das Evidências, Analise dos Motivos Matemáticos e Outros, Entendimento da Teoria
It's the same type of straw man argument that's made about evolution, that evolution says: "we all originated from from some chemicals and lightning bolts". Evolution is silent on how life started; the theory is about how life evolved after it started. Life's origins is another discipline altogether: Abiogensis.
Likewise The Big Bang theory doesn't hypothesize about where the expansion came from or what started it. The Big Bang Theory is a melding of Einstein's Theory of Relativity and The Standard Model of Particle Physics and these two theories aren't compatible at the high energy densities at or before the universe's origin ("The Planck Regime"). So the mathematical tools used to construct the Big Bang Theory aren't suited to explain where the universe came from and it's not part of the theory.
But the expansion of the universe after that is what the Big Bang Theory is about and it has been hugely successful in predicting: The Cosmic Background Radiation, Hubble's Law redshift of photons, Motion of Galaxies, Nucelosynthesis and most recently BICEP2's discovery of gravity wave patterns
Ver este interessante artigo:
Um Universo que não cabe no Nobel
Black Holes e Demais Modernas Superstições Fabricadas por Esta Virtual Matrix Cultural
Mais uma teoria sobre buracos negros no link com video abaixo. E o nosso comentario deixado lá:
There are no "black holes". Nature never reaches the point of singularity. Infiniti is a human concept, that makes no sense. Time is merely human creation for organizing events into a chronological picture.
There was no origins of life and universe. There is no genetic "code". Genes have no purposes for the future, as their replication. There was no small atom containing all galaxies, exploding in big bangs. There is no "something from nothing".
There are no magical gods, no supernatural powers.
My God! The modern human beings are becoming more superstitious than the ancient people! You are losing the control of yours minds!
Please, take a moment and think about these beliefs. Or go to Matrix/DNA Theory and know a world view by naturalist philosophers. All these ghosts are sucked into the black holes of human imagination.
There was no origins of life and universe. There is no genetic "code". Genes have no purposes for the future, as their replication. There was no small atom containing all galaxies, exploding in big bangs. There is no "something from nothing".
There are no magical gods, no supernatural powers.
My God! The modern human beings are becoming more superstitious than the ancient people! You are losing the control of yours minds!
Please, take a moment and think about these beliefs. Or go to Matrix/DNA Theory and know a world view by naturalist philosophers. All these ghosts are sucked into the black holes of human imagination.
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