Este artigo tras algumas interessantes infoemacoes sobre a controversia ente mortalidade ou nao-mortalidade e sobre conceitos da inteligencia artificial sendo estudada em computadores. Mas o autor tem tendencias ide'ogicas fortes que atrapalham sua abordagem do problema, por isto inseri o post copiado abaixo no seu artigo:
You are focusing this issue by a wrong perspective, wrong approach. There is another method (comparative anatomy between living and non-living natural systems), which results - called Matrix/DNA Theory - are suggesting a different history, included that we have a natural property that is 13,8 years old and nobody can say that it could " die" at any day in the future. The image below is a sample of this hidden property, which is a natural formula that is building just now the new shape of a natural universal system called " human consciousness".

It is a complex issue, but think on this way: Humans can't create anything that Nature has no real informations for. We merely mimics mechanisms, structures, process that we discover in Nature. That's our computers, a electro-mechanical copy of our entire self. Computers are composed by hardware and a hidden energy circuit called software, because we are composed by natural hardware and a hidden natural software. The image below is the state of this hidden software about 5 billions years ago, when it was merely a kind of blastula of this evolved state called human mind and its hardware were in the shape of building block of astronomical systems.
Evolution is the process that results from interactions, feed-back between the universal software and its generations of hardwires. Hardwires has the function for absorbing new informations from new environments, sending these informations to the software, which re-designs new hardwires when the old ones becomes obsolete. Everything is explained at Matrix/DNA new world view. It is merely a new theory, but, its logics and rationalization suggests that we must be careful about our beliefs.
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