Argumento absurdo a favor do escravagismo feito por predadores - da Fox e religiosos conservadores fundamentalistas, como o autor do texto abaixo - e a pronta resposta de um comentador:
( E aqui tambem vai uma severa reprimenda a quem esta comprando biblias que estao sendo feitas por escravos)

What the people circulating it are ignoring is that the presenter is right. Sweat shops, while considered an abomination by socialists and liberals, often offer a number of advantages to the people in them.
While so-called "Sweat Shops" often pay wages that are well below what it would cost cost to do comparable work in the United States, they are usually well above the wages people normally get in the area in which sweat shop workers live. Nike, Wal-Mart and other corporations are not exploiting native people, they are investing heavily in these regions, offering pay and benefits well beyond what the people there would normally get. In most places with a sweat shop operation, the sweat shop employees are among the highest paid in their area. In some nations they're making more than the doctors and other educated professionals in their city. They have no trouble finding qualified employees because the sweat shop jobs are highly desirable and sought after.
Wal-Mart and similar companies are literally creating a new middle class in impoverished regions, providing stable employment to people who would otherwise starve or exist at a subsistence level, or worse yet as parasites on the government.
People who would normally word 20 hours a day, seven days a week farming land that barely provides enough food to feed their families instead are working 14 to 16 hour days for not just a living wage, but enough money to feed, house and clothe their families. If you think those hours are harsh, remember that these people are working fewer hours than their neighbors, doing an easier job, for more pay.
In areas with a seat shop, most the local hate is from jealous people who want the sweat shop jobs but can't get in.
Resposta: AnonymousJanuary 23, 2013 at 8:54 AM
Can't tell if you're being deliberately provocative or ridiculously stupid. These people - and I have lived and worked in the places they do, are NOT privileged or benefiting from the kindness of western corporations. They are exploited cheap labour with no rights, basic amenities, starvation wages and no prospects, yet you think that because they're not dying it's OK?
That bible you place so much faith in, its like is printed in a factory that never stops, where discarded, often dangerous, equipment is shipped in from Europe. Shifts run in twelve hours and the workers collapse exhausted into the bed of a person they share their life with but will never meet. After a dinner of chickpeas and rice, whatever's the basic and least expensive nutrition they can find, just so there's enough to wire transfer home the money keeping their family alive, they can stare at the ceiling of the room they share with 8-10 others for entertainment and try to sleep - that is if the noise of their workplace will let them and the stench of the open sewer that serves as plumbing doesn't choke them.
Fact: Corporations do not pay THEM - they pay the owners of the companies that pay them, owners who live in luxury, employees who live in filth. Wallmart can say "we pay a fair wage", doesn't mean the workers get that.
Fact: The wage of these people could doubled at little to no consequence to profit margins and their quality of life greatly increased.
Fact: We simply do not need the things they produce, we could pay them a reasonable wage to produce goods and food that are needed.
Fact: You've never seen above or beyond the horizon of whatever podunk your mommy had the misfortune to slop you out into the world, do yourself the favour of actually seeing some of the world before commenting on it.