E notavel como todos os capitalistas quando analizam qualquer aspecto social se esquecem do ingredient principal: o capital.
Para mim aquele que esta capacitado fisicamente a trabalhar no service bruto manual e nao quer trabalhar esta certo. Estas profissoes sao escravizadas, nao tem valor monetario, nao acenam com nenhuma possibilidade do individuo sair do ciclo da miseria, e no meio desta propaganda consumista, nao tem quem aguenta dar duro e nao ter os objetos propagandeados. Entao ignorando a causa principal saem a divagar pelo irrealismo, a contar historias falsas mas que lhes sirvam de argumentos para sua ideologia, etc.
Who’s Able-Bodied Anyway?
sábado, 3 de fevereiro de 2018
segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2018
Qual a causa da fome no mundo hoje
Postado no Facebook em 1/29/2018
Louis Charles Morelli
Predadores tem interesse em engordar as presas, e estão com os recursos para fazer isso, então porque não estão fazendo? Simples: a população de presas e' abundante, passou da quantidade necessária que podem absorver e por outro lado, existe a competição por mais territórios e luxuria entre eles, então o dinheiro e' investido nesta competição. E o que deve fazer - neste caso especifico do Lula - quem se transcendeu e superou estes instintos de predador e presa herdados do passado animalesco e agora luta para que cada outro humano se exorcize destes instintos? Bem, temos ai um caso obvio destas mutações genéticas em que numa família de presas nasce um gene tendente a predador. A maioria se tornam os bandidos pobres, a mão armada, outros com a língua afiada, etc. Como os grandes predadores continuam no poder e eles tem a força unida ao seu impulse libidinoso `a violência para satisfazer seus caninos abstratos manifestados pela psique, quase nada podemos fazer, apenas algumas estrategias que vá' minando esse poder aos poucos, e uma delas e' jogar estas cobrinhas como o Lula contra as cobras anacondas para ver se se engolem umas `as outras. Então, devemos apoiar o Lula não resta outra coisa a fazer.
Postado no Facebook em 1/29/2018
Vídeo que Lula enviou para a Etiópia, depois de ter seu passaporte apreendido.
Louis Charles Morelli
Predadores tem interesse em engordar as presas, e estão com os recursos para fazer isso, então porque não estão fazendo? Simples: a população de presas e' abundante, passou da quantidade necessária que podem absorver e por outro lado, existe a competição por mais territórios e luxuria entre eles, então o dinheiro e' investido nesta competição. E o que deve fazer - neste caso especifico do Lula - quem se transcendeu e superou estes instintos de predador e presa herdados do passado animalesco e agora luta para que cada outro humano se exorcize destes instintos? Bem, temos ai um caso obvio destas mutações genéticas em que numa família de presas nasce um gene tendente a predador. A maioria se tornam os bandidos pobres, a mão armada, outros com a língua afiada, etc. Como os grandes predadores continuam no poder e eles tem a força unida ao seu impulse libidinoso `a violência para satisfazer seus caninos abstratos manifestados pela psique, quase nada podemos fazer, apenas algumas estrategias que vá' minando esse poder aos poucos, e uma delas e' jogar estas cobrinhas como o Lula contra as cobras anacondas para ver se se engolem umas `as outras. Então, devemos apoiar o Lula não resta outra coisa a fazer.
sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2018
5,3 milhoes abaixo do nivel de pobreza nos USA. Como ajudar? Que tipo de ONG?
5,3 milhoes de pobres com menos de U$ 4,00 por dia! Artigo "out of the box" com tema ocultado na midia geral, muito bem informativo, e a seccao de comentarios melhor ainda.
The U.S. Can No Longer Hide From Its Deep Poverty Problem®ion=Footer&contentCollection=Trending
5,3 milhoes de pobres com menos de U$ 4,00 por dia! Artigo "out of the box" com tema ocultado na midia geral, muito bem informativo, e a seccao de comentarios melhor ainda.
The U.S. Can No Longer Hide From Its Deep Poverty Problem®ion=Footer&contentCollection=Trending
sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2018
Latest Technology In Computer Science: The Effects of New Technology in Human Lives
quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2018
Das Teorias da Conspiracao, a Natureza tem sido a maior
Quando surfamos na Internet e' impossivel evitar atencao `as teorias de conspiracoes que abundam pela nuvem. No entanto, a maior mestra em teorias da conspiracao e' a ... Natureza! Eu ja detectei duas gigantescas conspiracoes da Natureza que nunca vi nenhum outro humano comentar:
1) De alguma maneira a Natureza Universal nasceu demasiada simples no Big Bang e hoje chegou na Vida e na Consciencia. Se o Universo estava ou nao tunelado - programado - para produzir estas coisas e' uma controversia que nao interessa aqui: o fato que decide e' o resultado final e este e' que a Natureza se dirigiu ou foi dirigida a produzir isso que ai esta hoje. E toda essa obra permaneceu oculta de todas as estrelas, bacterias, macacos, e ate' dos humanos de muitos humanos ainda hoje em dia que nao conseguem enxergar e por isso nao acreditam quie a Natureza tem feito isso, na surdina.
2) A Natureza ilude bonitinho os microbios que poderiam estarem vivos dentro de um ovulo fecundado e iludiu ate a humanidade antes que esta descobrisse o DNA e o codigo genetico. Os microbios ali veem no centro do ovulo um carocinho aparecer, depois veem este carocinho aumentando de tamanho, podem achar curiosos mas sem importancia, e' apenas uma rocha mole a mais, porem, ela continua crescendo, a esfera vai se deformando e adquirindo formas estranhas, nao para de crescer tornando-se um gigante quase astronomico que comeca a mexer-se e de repente sai daquele pequeno universo entrando num universo paralelo que elas nunca imaginaram existir. Muitos animais e humanos primitivos nem sabiam que o sexo comeca aquele plano incrivel. Tudo orquestrado e realizado em silencio, na surdina. Isto e' a melhor definicao de uma teoria da conspiracao.
Estou errado?
Mas os humanos se cegam ou se esquecem destas duas que sao as maiores conspiracies do mundo para ficarem bombardeando continua e incansavelmente o que eles acreditam sejam conspiracies ocultas contra a humanidade. Algumas delas nao consigo entender como nascem num cerebro humano e porque tem tanta gente crendo e militando contra... o que talvez nao passe de produto da imaginacao, opu da psicose de perseguicao, sei la'... Por exemplo, veja abaixo o caso de David Icke. Como o cerebro desse cara produziu tudo isso?! O que e' - raios - essa mente humana capaz de acreditar nisso? E pode ate ser verdade, porque nao? Curioso fui assistir um video com palestra do Icke e fiquei admirado com tantas informacoes que eu nao sabia mostrando que o homem e' muito bem informado, mas admirado ainda me perguntando como uma mente pode se tornar obcecada numa ideia a ponto de trazer os detalhes mais escondidos de uma pintura antiga numa caverna e associando tudo a um padrao unico, a partir do qual tudo mais giraria a sua volta. Existem teorias aqui que podem ter algum fundamento - como a do Bilderberg Group, ou a de governos inserirem substancias esterilizantes no cloro que vai na agua publica. Esta da agua pode ter uma realidade que os crentes na conspiracao nao consideram importante, como degradar os cristais da glandula pineal prejudicando assim a evolucao natural prescrita para a inteligencia humana. Eu me lembro que passei seis ou sete anos sem tomar agua natural dos rios na Amazonia - apenas agua colhida da chuva, por temer os microbios. Ja imaginou beber uma agua onde se decompoe corpos de anacondas e crocodilos? E foi na selva, sem agua urbana, que enxerguei profundidades da Natureza que jamais veria vivendo na civilizacao, entao talvez poupei minha pineal. Porque nao? ( acabei de inventor mais uma teoria da conspiracao da Natureza que assim acionou o principio da autocura para corrigir a mente coletiva que esta se distanciando da realidade natural no meio urbano... kikiki...).
Bilderberg Group
The Bilderberg group is an annual meeting of 'elite intellectuals' from across the world to discuss — well, no-one really knows. No minutes are published of the meetings, which take place behind closed doors amid tight security. The group has been accused of everything from plotting the rise and fall of world leaders to trying to form a New World Order, made up of the top figures in banks, corporations and countries — a claim former British Labour politician Denis Healey, who helped found the group, did not entirely deny when asked about it.
Bilderberg Group
In 2000, he told the Guardian: "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.
"Below: (Pictured) A soldier of the Austrian army stands next to a mobile radar station that is safeguarding the upcoming Bilderberg conference on June 9, 2015, near Telfs, Austria.
Vaccines, or mass inoculations against disease, have attracted suspicion from conspiracy theorists, who say they are a front for the introduction of other agents into the body. Some say that they are used by the government to implant tracking devices, others that they are a way to sterilize poor people and thus keep the global population down.
The Illuminati are — according to those who believe the theory — a mysterious elite group that uses the media to manipulate the masses and is intent on global domination. The original Illuminati was a group founded in 18th-century Germany by a professor who wanted to form a secret society of well-educated and powerful people. They were discovered and disbanded, but they have existed in the shadows ever since, according to myth. (Pictured) Symbol of the The Bavarian Illuminati secret society (1776-1785).
Symbols most associated with the Illuminati include triangles, pentagrams, goats, the all-seeing eye — such as the one that appears on US banknotes — and the number 666.
Beyoncé and husband Jay-Z are often cited as members by conspiracy theorists — their immense popularity and interpretations of (among other things) Beyoncé’s 'triangle' hand gestures cited as factors. Beyoncé’s half-time performance at the Superbowl (pictured) was particularly cited by Illuminati-watchers as containing lots of symbolism and mind control techniques. Both stars have rebuffed the claims in lyrics to their songs.
David Icke and the Giant Lizard Rulers
Former footballer and TV presenter David Icke claims the world's leaders are actually super-intelligent twelve-foot alien lizards disguised as humans who control our reality from the moon and indulge in child sacrifice and pedophilia. Among this group Icke puts the likes of George W Bush, Ted Heath, the Rothschild family, the Queen of England, her husband and mother and Kris Kristofferson. Icke now has a global following and has performed a stage show at venues around the world to thousands of people.
The skies over most of the world are routinely crisscrossed with white lines left behind by jets — trails of condensation, known as 'contrails'. But some believe that they are something much more sinister — 'chemtrails', or chemicals deliberately sprayed into the air. Theories about what these chemicals may contain range from drugs to keep the people on the ground compliant to airborne agents that affect the weather and even attempt to control the climate. The Chemtrails theory is reportedly one of the most widely supported on Earth, with millions of adherents. (Pictured) A man demonstrates against 'Chemtrails' in a protester encampment in Watford, England, on June 6, 2013.
Fluride in Drinking Water
Fluoride has been added to public water supplies in countries around the world for decades. According to the public health organizations responsible, the purpose is to strengthen the teeth of the populations concerned and prevent people suffering from painful cavities. (Pictured) Gerry Keoghan protesting about fluoride in drinking water outside Leinster House in Dublin on Nov. 25, 2011. However, people around the world have long objected to fluoridation of water. Some don't like the fact it doesn't give the drinker any choice in whether they want it or not. Others go further and say — as with chemtrails and vaccinations — that it is a method of controlling the population by keeping them docile and numbing parts of the brain that would cause them to question things. In particular, they say it suppresses the action of the pineal gland, a 'third eye' that allows humans to think creatively, and even transport themselves to other realities.
Moon Landing
Thirty years after the moon landings, a poll reported in Time magazine showed that some 6% of Americans believed that Neil Armstrong's great leap for mankind was faked, with another 5% undecided. 'Evidence' that the U.S. government staged them (some say with the assistance of legendary director Stanley Kubrick, an accusation vehemently denied by his family) include the fact that the flag planted on the moon 'flapped' despite the fact there couldn't be any wind in the vacuum of space. (NASA says it was caused by motion of the flagpole, and the fact there is a pole along the top to support it).
Polls have suggested millions of people believe the destruction of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, were staged or executed not by Al-Qaeda, but by the U.S. Government. Some campaigners have devoted their lives to uncovering what they say is the truth.
Pentagon - Among the theories that have gained traction are that the towers were destroyed in a controlled demolition, and that the plane that crashed into the Pentagon did not do so, but rather the damage was done by a missile, or another sort of plane.
Area 51
Area 51 is a U.S. airbase in the Nevada desert where, according to some, alien spacecraft are kept by the military in the hope of copying their technology. (Pictured) A road sign near the U.S. military base, Area 51. The fact that the base was fiercely guarded and its existence comprehensively denied for decades only added fuel to the fires, but the official version of events is that it does indeed exist, but was used to test cutting-edge planes and weapon technology during the Cold War … some of which flew at Mach 3 and would have looked like flying saucers to anyone who saw them. (Pictured) Part of Area 51.
Area 51
Bermuda The Bermuda Triangle is an area between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico where ships and planes are said to disappear without any trace or explanation. Theories behind this include a rift in space-time, a hidden colony of aliens or the presence of the lost city of Atlantis below the waves sucking passing craft down beneath them. However, critics argue that in fact the rate of disappearance is no greater than elsewhere on the oceans. (Pictured) The brigantine, Mary Celeste, in a cyclone in the Bermuda in 1872.
John F. Kennedy's Assasination
Many theories exist to explain the assassination of the popular U.S. president in Dallas, Texas, U.S., in 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, the man arrested for the crime, was himself shot and killed two days later. Some say the CIA were behind the hit, with commanders anxious about its future in the wake of the president's alleged comment that he wanted to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds". Others insist the mafia organized and carried out the murder after the president's administration cracked down on their operations.
Quando surfamos na Internet e' impossivel evitar atencao `as teorias de conspiracoes que abundam pela nuvem. No entanto, a maior mestra em teorias da conspiracao e' a ... Natureza! Eu ja detectei duas gigantescas conspiracoes da Natureza que nunca vi nenhum outro humano comentar:
1) De alguma maneira a Natureza Universal nasceu demasiada simples no Big Bang e hoje chegou na Vida e na Consciencia. Se o Universo estava ou nao tunelado - programado - para produzir estas coisas e' uma controversia que nao interessa aqui: o fato que decide e' o resultado final e este e' que a Natureza se dirigiu ou foi dirigida a produzir isso que ai esta hoje. E toda essa obra permaneceu oculta de todas as estrelas, bacterias, macacos, e ate' dos humanos de muitos humanos ainda hoje em dia que nao conseguem enxergar e por isso nao acreditam quie a Natureza tem feito isso, na surdina.
2) A Natureza ilude bonitinho os microbios que poderiam estarem vivos dentro de um ovulo fecundado e iludiu ate a humanidade antes que esta descobrisse o DNA e o codigo genetico. Os microbios ali veem no centro do ovulo um carocinho aparecer, depois veem este carocinho aumentando de tamanho, podem achar curiosos mas sem importancia, e' apenas uma rocha mole a mais, porem, ela continua crescendo, a esfera vai se deformando e adquirindo formas estranhas, nao para de crescer tornando-se um gigante quase astronomico que comeca a mexer-se e de repente sai daquele pequeno universo entrando num universo paralelo que elas nunca imaginaram existir. Muitos animais e humanos primitivos nem sabiam que o sexo comeca aquele plano incrivel. Tudo orquestrado e realizado em silencio, na surdina. Isto e' a melhor definicao de uma teoria da conspiracao.
Estou errado?
Mas os humanos se cegam ou se esquecem destas duas que sao as maiores conspiracies do mundo para ficarem bombardeando continua e incansavelmente o que eles acreditam sejam conspiracies ocultas contra a humanidade. Algumas delas nao consigo entender como nascem num cerebro humano e porque tem tanta gente crendo e militando contra... o que talvez nao passe de produto da imaginacao, opu da psicose de perseguicao, sei la'... Por exemplo, veja abaixo o caso de David Icke. Como o cerebro desse cara produziu tudo isso?! O que e' - raios - essa mente humana capaz de acreditar nisso? E pode ate ser verdade, porque nao? Curioso fui assistir um video com palestra do Icke e fiquei admirado com tantas informacoes que eu nao sabia mostrando que o homem e' muito bem informado, mas admirado ainda me perguntando como uma mente pode se tornar obcecada numa ideia a ponto de trazer os detalhes mais escondidos de uma pintura antiga numa caverna e associando tudo a um padrao unico, a partir do qual tudo mais giraria a sua volta. Existem teorias aqui que podem ter algum fundamento - como a do Bilderberg Group, ou a de governos inserirem substancias esterilizantes no cloro que vai na agua publica. Esta da agua pode ter uma realidade que os crentes na conspiracao nao consideram importante, como degradar os cristais da glandula pineal prejudicando assim a evolucao natural prescrita para a inteligencia humana. Eu me lembro que passei seis ou sete anos sem tomar agua natural dos rios na Amazonia - apenas agua colhida da chuva, por temer os microbios. Ja imaginou beber uma agua onde se decompoe corpos de anacondas e crocodilos? E foi na selva, sem agua urbana, que enxerguei profundidades da Natureza que jamais veria vivendo na civilizacao, entao talvez poupei minha pineal. Porque nao? ( acabei de inventor mais uma teoria da conspiracao da Natureza que assim acionou o principio da autocura para corrigir a mente coletiva que esta se distanciando da realidade natural no meio urbano... kikiki...).
Bilderberg Group
The Bilderberg group is an annual meeting of 'elite intellectuals' from across the world to discuss — well, no-one really knows. No minutes are published of the meetings, which take place behind closed doors amid tight security. The group has been accused of everything from plotting the rise and fall of world leaders to trying to form a New World Order, made up of the top figures in banks, corporations and countries — a claim former British Labour politician Denis Healey, who helped found the group, did not entirely deny when asked about it.
Bilderberg Group
In 2000, he told the Guardian: "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.
"Below: (Pictured) A soldier of the Austrian army stands next to a mobile radar station that is safeguarding the upcoming Bilderberg conference on June 9, 2015, near Telfs, Austria.
Bilderberg Group
Vaccines, or mass inoculations against disease, have attracted suspicion from conspiracy theorists, who say they are a front for the introduction of other agents into the body. Some say that they are used by the government to implant tracking devices, others that they are a way to sterilize poor people and thus keep the global population down.
The Illuminati are — according to those who believe the theory — a mysterious elite group that uses the media to manipulate the masses and is intent on global domination. The original Illuminati was a group founded in 18th-century Germany by a professor who wanted to form a secret society of well-educated and powerful people. They were discovered and disbanded, but they have existed in the shadows ever since, according to myth. (Pictured) Symbol of the The Bavarian Illuminati secret society (1776-1785).
Symbols most associated with the Illuminati include triangles, pentagrams, goats, the all-seeing eye — such as the one that appears on US banknotes — and the number 666.
Beyoncé and husband Jay-Z are often cited as members by conspiracy theorists — their immense popularity and interpretations of (among other things) Beyoncé’s 'triangle' hand gestures cited as factors. Beyoncé’s half-time performance at the Superbowl (pictured) was particularly cited by Illuminati-watchers as containing lots of symbolism and mind control techniques. Both stars have rebuffed the claims in lyrics to their songs.
David Icke and the Giant Lizard Rulers
Former footballer and TV presenter David Icke claims the world's leaders are actually super-intelligent twelve-foot alien lizards disguised as humans who control our reality from the moon and indulge in child sacrifice and pedophilia. Among this group Icke puts the likes of George W Bush, Ted Heath, the Rothschild family, the Queen of England, her husband and mother and Kris Kristofferson. Icke now has a global following and has performed a stage show at venues around the world to thousands of people.
The skies over most of the world are routinely crisscrossed with white lines left behind by jets — trails of condensation, known as 'contrails'. But some believe that they are something much more sinister — 'chemtrails', or chemicals deliberately sprayed into the air. Theories about what these chemicals may contain range from drugs to keep the people on the ground compliant to airborne agents that affect the weather and even attempt to control the climate. The Chemtrails theory is reportedly one of the most widely supported on Earth, with millions of adherents. (Pictured) A man demonstrates against 'Chemtrails' in a protester encampment in Watford, England, on June 6, 2013.
Fluride in Drinking Water
Fluoride has been added to public water supplies in countries around the world for decades. According to the public health organizations responsible, the purpose is to strengthen the teeth of the populations concerned and prevent people suffering from painful cavities. (Pictured) Gerry Keoghan protesting about fluoride in drinking water outside Leinster House in Dublin on Nov. 25, 2011. However, people around the world have long objected to fluoridation of water. Some don't like the fact it doesn't give the drinker any choice in whether they want it or not. Others go further and say — as with chemtrails and vaccinations — that it is a method of controlling the population by keeping them docile and numbing parts of the brain that would cause them to question things. In particular, they say it suppresses the action of the pineal gland, a 'third eye' that allows humans to think creatively, and even transport themselves to other realities.
Moon Landing
Thirty years after the moon landings, a poll reported in Time magazine showed that some 6% of Americans believed that Neil Armstrong's great leap for mankind was faked, with another 5% undecided. 'Evidence' that the U.S. government staged them (some say with the assistance of legendary director Stanley Kubrick, an accusation vehemently denied by his family) include the fact that the flag planted on the moon 'flapped' despite the fact there couldn't be any wind in the vacuum of space. (NASA says it was caused by motion of the flagpole, and the fact there is a pole along the top to support it).
Polls have suggested millions of people believe the destruction of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, were staged or executed not by Al-Qaeda, but by the U.S. Government. Some campaigners have devoted their lives to uncovering what they say is the truth.
Pentagon - Among the theories that have gained traction are that the towers were destroyed in a controlled demolition, and that the plane that crashed into the Pentagon did not do so, but rather the damage was done by a missile, or another sort of plane.
Area 51
Area 51 is a U.S. airbase in the Nevada desert where, according to some, alien spacecraft are kept by the military in the hope of copying their technology. (Pictured) A road sign near the U.S. military base, Area 51. The fact that the base was fiercely guarded and its existence comprehensively denied for decades only added fuel to the fires, but the official version of events is that it does indeed exist, but was used to test cutting-edge planes and weapon technology during the Cold War … some of which flew at Mach 3 and would have looked like flying saucers to anyone who saw them. (Pictured) Part of Area 51.
Area 51
Bermuda The Bermuda Triangle is an area between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico where ships and planes are said to disappear without any trace or explanation. Theories behind this include a rift in space-time, a hidden colony of aliens or the presence of the lost city of Atlantis below the waves sucking passing craft down beneath them. However, critics argue that in fact the rate of disappearance is no greater than elsewhere on the oceans. (Pictured) The brigantine, Mary Celeste, in a cyclone in the Bermuda in 1872.
John F. Kennedy's Assasination
Many theories exist to explain the assassination of the popular U.S. president in Dallas, Texas, U.S., in 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, the man arrested for the crime, was himself shot and killed two days later. Some say the CIA were behind the hit, with commanders anxious about its future in the wake of the president's alleged comment that he wanted to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds". Others insist the mafia organized and carried out the murder after the president's administration cracked down on their operations.
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