Analizando o ultimo episódio de "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odissey", pela Matrix/DNA visão de mundo:
Tyson: "O maior mistério hoje para a Ciência é "dark energy"."
Essa é boa! Dark energy é a energia, a luz, que vemos e conhecemos. O grande mistério que não vemos e nada sabemos é a energia branca, white energy.
Este assunto tornou-se muito importante para mim depois que os resultados da minha investigação terem sugerindo modelos em que existiria uma luz original, branca, que estaria imprimindo movimentos à matéria inerte, ou dark matter, mas movimentos co-ordenados dentro do processo que denominamos "ciclo vital", o qual cria os sistemas naturais funcionais. Se isto estiver correto, a Vida vem a este mundo codificada em ondas de luz. Apenas um resultado teórico por enquanto, já indicando muitas evidencias, e por isso, sendo testado.
Explico: Não vemos nenhuma energia e sim a luz refletida pela energia. Então o certo seria Tyson dizer: luz escura. Para quem não sabe, existem trabalhos hoje demonstrados em gráficos, que a toda onde de luz que se expande, existe sua oposta onda que se contrai. Asim como maré e contra-maré. E tais trabalhos definem a onda que se expande como "luz branca", a outra é "luz escura". O mundo dos fenômenos produzidos pelo que definem como luz branca é perceptível aos nossos sentidos, o outro não. Apenas percebemos os efeitos da luz escura no mundo visível e trabalhamos estes efeitos com nossa inteligencia, a qual aponta ou sugere a sua real existência.
Mas... existem milhões de casos revelados por humanos em que certos estados alterados da mente se deparam com "um mundo de luz intensa", subjazendo a realidade material perceptível. As Ciências atuais e o pensamento materialista reagem a estas revelações como reage às narrativas de visões de discos voadores. A qual é uma reação racionalmente correta, penso eu.
A investigação da natureza por um método extremamente materialista - anatomia comparada entre objetos e eventos naturais -, exclusivamente aplicada na Matrix/DNA Theory, tambem sugerem que a luz escura e seus efeitos existem. Mas ela sugere uma inversão das definições: o que estamos vendo como luz branca, seria na verdade, a luz escura, a contra-maré, enquanto a luz branca não foi ainda percebida pelos nossos sentidos e instrumentos científicos. Ela seria tão intensa, tão "clara" que cegaria nossas vistas, assim como o repentino flash de um farol nos cega a vista e vemos a escuridão onde ela não existe.
A luz branca, natural, segundo sugerem os resultados teóricos da Matrix/DNA, seria produzida por um universo que seria pulsante, como é o coração. Cada pulsar é um Big Bang. E cada Big Bang produziria ondas de luz branca que se expandiriam no meio da substancia do espaço, que poderia ser chamado de eter, ou dark matter. Mas ao encontrar-se com as ondas da contra-maré, seriam produzidas "espumas", o qual seria nosso mundo material perceptivel. Então dentre estas estruturas materiais seriam produzidas estações de re-alimentação da luz, como são as estrelas. É esta luz convertida e transformada que nossos olhos captam e podem resistir a ela mantendo-se ativos, e não a luz original. A original nos cega.
( Tradução para Ingles)
Reviewing the last episode of "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey", by Matrix / DNA worldview:
Tyson: "The greatest mystery to science today is" dark energy "."
This is good! Dark energy is the energy, the light that we see and know. The great mystery that we do not see and know nothing is "white energy". Dark energy is this visible light produced by stars and luminous objects.
This issue has become very important to me after the results of my research have suggested models in which must exists a unique, white light, which have printing these movements to inert matter, or dark matter, but they are ordered movements within the process which we call "life cycle", which creates functional natural systems. If this is correct, "life"comes to this world in coded light waves. As a theoretical result for now, and since there are lots of evidences indicating its reality, therefore the results are under tests.
Let me explain: We see no real natural energy, and so, the its reflection as light. So Tyson would be right if saying: dark light. For those unaware, there are jobs today demonstrating by graphs, where for all the light that expands, there is its opposite wave shrinks. Like tide and counter-tide. And such work define the wave that expands as "white or positive light", the other is dark or negative light. The world of phenomena produced by the defined white light is perceptible to our senses, the other is not. Just noticed the effects of dim light in the visible world and work these effects with our intelligence, which points or suggests its real existence.
But ... there are millions of cases detected by humans in certain altered states of mind are faced with "a world of intense light", implied maleness the perceived material reality. Current Science and materialistic thought react to these revelations as react to the narratives of visions of flying saucers. Which is a reasonably correct reaction, I think.
The investigation of nature by an extremely materialistic method - comparative anatomy between natural objects and events - exclusively applied in the Matrix / DNA Theory, also suggest the existence of dark light and its effects here. But she suggests a reversal of definitions: what we see as white light would actually be the dark light, the counter-tide, while the real natural white light is not perceived by our senses and scientific instruments. It would be so intense, so "clear" that would blind our eyes, like the sudden flash of a lighthouse in the blind sight and see the darkness where there is none.
The natural white light - as suggested by the theoretical results of Matrix / DNA - would be produced by a universe that would be pulsating, as is the heart. Each pulsar is a Big Bang. And every Big Bang would produce waves of white light that would expand amid the substance of space, which could be called ether, or dark matter. But to meet the waves of counter-tide, would be produced "foams", which would be our perceptible material world. So among these structures would be produced materials re-supply of the light stations, as are the stars. This is converted and transformed light that our eyes can perceive and resist her remaining assets, and not the original light. The original blinds us.
Tyson: "Voce pode apreciar a vida num pequeno mundo, eu quero um grande universo"
Eu tambem queria , porem são as condições de nascimento dos humanos que determinam qual será a dimensão de mundo que pode ser apreciada, e não a livre vontade na escolha. Não acho moralmente honesto sair a investigar e conquistar o Cosmos enquanto se é suportado por escravos humanos. Como tambem não é justo impedir que os apreciadores de grande universos exerçam sua vontade para trabalhar para humanos sem auto-controle em sua auto-suficiencia. Disso se deduz que deve se dividir o nosso tempo entre arrumar nossa casa planetaria, instalando o justo sistema social, e praticar a elevada Ciencia sobre horizontes alem do nosso imediatismo.
Tradução Ingles:
Tyson: "You can enjoy life in a small world, I want a big universe"
I also wanted a bugger world, however are the conditions of human birth that determine what is the dimension of the world that can be enjoyed, and not the free will to choose. It is not morally honest researching and conquering the Cosmos as one is supported by human slaves. And also is not fair to prevent appreciators of large universes exert their will for to work for humans without self-control in their self-sufficiency. It suggests we should split our time between fix our planetary home, installing a fair social system, and to practice high Ciencia about immediacy beyond our horizons.
Tyson: Hoje, todo o conhecimento do mundo está acessivel a todos os humanos, na Internet, bastando ter apenas um pequeno computador"
Na realidade, 95% dos humanos, não estão buscando esse conhecimento. Porque? De um lado, a disponibilidade de algo útil, do outro, o não uso desta ferramenta. É como se um agricultor tivesse disponível um cavalo e o arado, mas não o utilizasse, preferindo continuar a fazer os sulcos na terra com a cavadeira. Porque? Falta de educação? Esta palavra, este nome, é uma abstração que tem nos impedido de praticar a solução correta.
Óbviamente, o humano não é masoquista por natureza. Se isto ocorre, é porque ele não tem a liberdade de escolha. E claro que não: como um chines operário, depois de 10 ou 12 horas como robot numa fabrica, e tendo que voltar ali algumas horas depois, vai ter tempo e disposição para mais trabalho voluntario mental? Ou mesmo o trabalhador ocidental na construção, depois de 8 horas no exercício sujo e pesado, vai ter tempo e disposição para ir à escola? Ora, já sabemos que não adianta se apegar em justificativas falsas para definir o problema, ele existe e ponto final. A unica solução é dividir com mais justiça o trabalho produtivo entre todos que o consomem, desenvolver a tecnologia da automação e dividir igualmente sua propriedade entre todos, e incentivar com recompensas a maior quantidade de empenho individual nesta atividade voluntaria. Então a correta Ciência tem que se voltar para a necessidade de desmanchar a estrutura deste sistema social desumano e refazer tudo diferente.
Tradução Ingles:
Tyson: Today, all the world's knowledge is accessible to all humans on the Internet, simply by having only a small computer "
In fact, 95% of humans are not looking for such knowledge. Why? On one hand, the availability of something useful, on the other, most humans are not using this tool for searching scientific knowledge. It is as if a farmer had a horse and plow available, but he does not uses them, preferring to continue to make the grooves on earth with the spade. Why? Lack of education? This word, this name is an abstraction that has prevented us from practicing the correct solution.
Obviously, the human is not a masochist by nature. If this occurs, it is because he has no freedom of choice. Of course not: as a Chinese worker, after 10 or 12 hours as a robot in a factory, and having to go back there a few hours later, you'll have time and inclination to volunteer more mental work? Or even the western worker in construction, after 8 hours in the dirty and heavy exercise, will have the time and inclination to go to school? Now, we know that it is useless to cling on false justifications to define the problem, it exists, period. The only solution is to split more fairly productive work among all who consume i. To develop the technology of automation and divide equally its property among all people. And to encourage the greatest amount of rewards for individual effort in this activity voluntarily. So the correct Science has to go back to the need to dismantle the structure of this inhuman social system and rebuild it, everything different
Meus comments em:
'Cosmos' recap: From Alexandria to dark matter
From the start, the series' most serious flaw has been a tendency to wander from topic to topic, with only the most tenuous of links between the segments. It made it difficult at times to follow the logic, and often felt like a bunch of random facts strung together -- fascinating facts, to be sure, but if the aim is to transfer knowledge, you need a little something beyond the "Wow!" factor to cement those facts in viewers' memories.
The Tyson and his fellows minds were educated with this serious flaw. It is evident when reading their world view, their "scientific theories". Science has been limited to reductionist method, when the goal is to describe the smallest bit of any object or system, there is no time and will for the hard exercise of connecting the dots, searching the meanings of big pictures. This is the result of modern education method at our schools. So, there is no evolutionary link between cosmological evolution and biological evolution, which produces "scientific mystical explanations" for life's origins, etc. What would happens if we acts as naturalist philosopher, who is the responsible for connecting the dots, under the scientific systemic method? What kind of links we find and what meanings for each natural phenomena, or for the big picture? That's what have produced Matrix/DNA Theory and world view.
Today we have the Internet, an electronic repository of knowledge, and one available to anyone with a computer and a connection. But we have to be open to that knowledge
In fact, 95% of humans are not looking for such knowledge. Why? On one hand, the availability of something useful, on the other, most humans are not using this tool for searching scientific knowledge. It is as if a farmer had a horse and plow available, but he does not uses them, preferring to continue to make the grooves on earth with the spade. Why? Lack of education? This word, this name is an abstraction that has prevented us from practicing the correct solution.
Obviously, the human is not a masochist by nature. If this occurs, it is because he has no freedom of choice. Of course not: as a Chinese worker, after 10 or 12 hours as a robot in a factory, and having to go back there a few hours later, you'll have time and inclination to volunteer more mental work? Or even the western worker in construction, after 8 hours in the dirty and heavy exercise, will have the time and inclination to go to school? Now, we know that it is useless to cling on false justifications to define the problem, it exists, period. The only solution is to split more fairly productive work among all who consume i. To develop the technology of automation and divide equally its property among all people. And to encourage the greatest amount of rewards for individual effort in this activity voluntarily. So the correct Science has to go back to the need to dismantle the structure of this inhuman social system and rebuild it, everything different
Whitney Berry · Follow · Adminstrative Assistant II at U.S. Army Research Laboratory
If the universe came from a big bang.. there must be other big bangs happening every day... butttt how could we ever get to them or see them? Does the inside of a black hole lead to other galaxies?
Louis Charles Morelli · Top Commenter · Works at Self employed
Same conclusion is suggested by Matrix/DNA Theory: The Big bang is composed by micro-big bangs, till today. The Universe is pulsating, like our hearts. Why? The new theories about light waves are suggesting it. Each pulsar emits waves of light, which produces visible matter and imprints dynamics to the space's substance, be it ether or dark matter. Each wave of light is composed by a sequence of frequencies/vibrations which are the same sequences of vibrations of different shapes visible of any natural system, as human bodies. So, when a natural universal light wave from each big bang expands throughout the universe, it imprints the code for life ( or systems' dynamics) into inertial matter. ( ok, this is merely a new theory)