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This was a debate in my school, support and opposing to the motion of " Your Academic excellence determines your success in life .. I oppose the given motion, with reasons that states : My success is defined only by my knowledge of my world and I am of free will to bring it to life or not,
Louis Charles Morelli
If you are ready to pay the hard price for not following the academic excellence, you can get more as peaceful mind satisfied with yourself. An analogy could help here: imagine a school installed by lions in their territory for educating the medium predators as wolfs and the prays. Of course lions have a wrong world view and their goals are against the laws or movements of Nature ( in fact, all big predators were or are going to be discarded by Nature). The academic excellence would be awarded to those that better fits the lions interests, which means that the best student is cooperating for the annihilation of human specie. Since that all human created social systems (so, its scholar curriculum) still is mimicking the rules of the wild jungle of our ancestors, the analogy fits well here. Some professional education is a benefit to human kind because it improves this technology that is leading us towards the Brave New World of Huxley, and we need that for to be free from physical routine jobs. But, what will save the human mind from being the stupid resident of that world is individuals like you that does not permit academic indoctrination. Only my two cents, here, I don't know very well the academic mindset also.
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