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Hitchen's Razor rightly states that any claim made without evidence can likewise be dismissed without evidence. Is this priniciple being correctly applied when somebody rejects a claim that some provided anecdote or data set qualifies as "evidence" towards some conclusion? .... (see more)
Louis Charles Morelli
This topic would be very useful for me, if someone here wants to collaborate. I made a personal investigation in Amazon jungle, 30 years ago. Observing the whole biosphere, locating and isolating natural systems, applying comparative anatomy between living and non-living systems. My final conclusion is a new world view very different than that being teaching by Science in schools. When debating with them, I, say I am applying the Occam's Razor they are not. For example, about the origins of life. I have a theoretical model of the evolutionary link between Cosmological and Biological Evolution. The model is an astronomic "Matrix/DNA" which is identical the picture of biological DNA's unit of information. They say this is impossible, does not exist. But, they has no rational clue about life's origins, their theory is mystical, since that it appeals to magical events. Their problem emerges when they divide Universal Macro-Evolution into two separated blocks, without any evolutionary link ( cosmological and biological evolution). I think this is an arbitrary and very wrong way of thinking, there is no real fact suggesting that there are two nature with two different methods of evolution. One unique evolution is logical, is Occam's Razor applied. What do you think?
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