terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2019

Física: condenada a um descanso temporário?


Descobri algo agora. Tenho dito que Física tem sido a desgraça na busca do conhecimento do Universo e da vida. Mas agora percebo que o agente daninho tem sido outro: Cosmologia. Ela é a responsável pelos modelos astronômicos errados, os quais se projetam causando os erros nas interpretações das origens da vida, etc. A Física é mais o trabalho de campo buscando novas tecnologias uteis e nisto ela tem funcionado muito bem. O problema esta nas Teorias do mais abrangente e aqui a Física para e nasce a Cosmologia.

Porque a Cosmologia tem que ser uma extensão da Física e continuar usando a logica matemática, ignorando totalmente a biologia e a logica genética?

Assunto extraído do debate no artigo:


What has become of physics!
It used to be an empirical science based on observation and experiment. Today we have mathematicians debating physics derived from their "Theory of Ideas", which is not different from Plato's philosophy.
Mathematics is not physics. Let's explain what we can see, not philosophize about the invisible!

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      "Mathematics is not physics." It's certainly a huge part of physics. "Let's explain what we can see," isn't that what they're trying to do? By positing various theories, and using supercomputers to crunch the numbers, we're able to see if the results match our observations. Remember, atomic theory has been refined since the Greeks invented it, but we had no way of verifying it until recently. Still, by applying mathematics and testing new theories against observations, we were able to hone in on the truth. We have now reached the point where the theories are difficult to verify. We cannot visit black holes, we cannot access the early universe, so what are we to do? Theorize, that's what, and test the theories as best we can. I don't know what else you expect physicists to do, the easy questions have already been answered. Some things aren't directly testable, not by us, not yet at least.
      Physics hasn't stagnated. Not for decades. Not at all. We're building quantum computers that will soon transcend the power of all classical ones. We're developing useful nanotech with medical and material science applications. We've recently taken a picture of a black hole. We've detected the Higgs particle. More recently we've been able to detect gravitational radiation. The source of that radiation was a black hole merger about a billion light years away. And the signal itself corresponded to a displacement of about 1/1000 the width of a proton in a detector of length ~4 km.
      You might be expected to be in awe of the beauty and power of modern physics. Instead you come across as an unimaginative, grumpy old man, who can't even spell Hawking's name right.
      GPS and the internet itself are now mundane but truly magnificent marvels of modern technology which would not exist had physics stagnated.
      And I see that you have access to an internet connection and are able to use it to express your opinions.
      That's a shame

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