sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2020

Invitation for participants that wish to fix humanity


Based on the article:

The New York Times

Empty Pockets and No Home After 1,500 Miles

My comments: 

I wish invite everybody for creating an international ONG for to fix humanity. We will fight for:

1) First the land. Every human being has the right to be the owner of the piece of land enough for living by itself;

2) Population control: no human will be permitted to have more than two kids;

3) At each 4.000 lands, a social association promoting cooperative consuming and producing. No commerce and theirs parasite owners, the locals will build their factories beginning with clothes, shoes and arriving to cars, airplanes. The local factories will replace the slave labor in China end other poor countries;

4) No governments, the government will be the people`s assemblies;

5) No policy, no arm: the locals will be their policy and if necessary for self-defense, their arm;

And so on... more suggestions here will be welcome... 

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