quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2020
sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2020
400 pessoas possuindo U$ 2,34 trilhões ( 400 people, owning 2.34 trillion.)
20 People Now Richer Than Half Of America
by Dariel Garner
Twenty people, all white and mostly male, nine of them from just three families, are now richer than the poorest 152,000,000 Americans combined.
The Institute for Policy Studies makes that and many other eye-popping revelations in the just released report, Billionaire Bonanza: The Forbes 400 and the Rest of Us.
With a combined worth of $2.34 trillion, the Forbes 400 own more wealth than the bottom 61 percent of the country combined, a staggering 194 million people.
- America’s 20 wealthiest people — a group that could fit comfortably in one single Gulfstream G650 luxury jet – now own more wealth than the bottom half of the American population combined, a total of 152 million people in 57 million households.
- The Forbes 400 now own about as much wealth as the nation’s entire African-American population – plus more than a third of the Latino population – combined.
- The wealthiest 100 households now own about as much wealth as the entire African American population in the United States. Among the Forbes 400, just 2 individuals are African American – Oprah Winfrey and Robert Smith.
- The wealthiest 186 members of the Forbes 400 own as much wealth as the entire Latino population. Just five members of the Forbes 400 are Latino including Jorge Perez, Arturo Moreno, and three members of the Santo Domingo family.
- With a combined worth of $2.34 trillion, the Forbes 400 own more wealth than the bottom 61 percent of the country combined, a staggering 194 million people.
- The median American family has a net worth of $81,000. The Forbes 400 own more wealth than 36 million of these typical American families. That’s as many households in the United States that own cats.
quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2020
Valor do trabalho (salario) no Brasil, dos mais baixos na América Latina. Perde para Equador, Guatemala, Argentina, etc.
A é um site com vários indicadores econômicos de todos os paises, como preços dos alimentos, aluguéis, salários, etc.
Os salários mais altos e baixos da América
- Ranking de salários médios após imposto (líquido) na América.
Atualizado em dezembro de 2020.
País | Dólares ($) | Euros (A) |
1. Estados Unidos | $3600.00 | $2990.29 |
2. Canadá | $2547.54 | $2116.08 |
3. Porto Rico | $1900,00 | $1578.21 |
4. Haiti | $782.67 | $650.12 |
5. Costa Rica | $771.87 | $641.15 |
6. Panamá | $750.00 | $622.98 |
7. Jamaica | $657.01 | $545.74 |
8. Chile | $643.33 | $534.37 |
9. Uruguai | $616.58 | $512.15 |
10. Honduras | $530.70 | $440.82 |
11. Bolívia | $521.23 | $432.95 |
México 12. | $503.87 | $418.53 |
13. Equador | $490.00 | $407.01 |
14. Guatemala | $473.34 | $393.17 |
15. Peru | $443.40 | $368.30 |
16. Argentina | $436.10 | $362.24 |
17. Brasil | $361.37 | $300.16 |
18. El Salvador | $360.00 | $299.03 |
19. República Dominicana | $342.91 | $284.84 |
20. Paraguai | $335.08 | $278.33 |
21. Colômbia | $317.57 | $263.79 |
22. Nicarágua | $289.81 | $240.72 |
23. Cuba | $29.90 | $24.84 |
sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2020
Invitation for participants that wish to fix humanity
Based on the article:
The New York Times
Empty Pockets and No Home After 1,500 Miles
My comments:
I wish invite everybody for creating an international ONG for to fix humanity. We will fight for:
1) First the land. Every human being has the right to be the owner of the piece of land enough for living by itself;
2) Population control: no human will be permitted to have more than two kids;
3) At each 4.000 lands, a social association promoting cooperative consuming and producing. No commerce and theirs parasite owners, the locals will build their factories beginning with clothes, shoes and arriving to cars, airplanes. The local factories will replace the slave labor in China end other poor countries;
4) No governments, the government will be the people`s assemblies;
5) No policy, no arm: the locals will be their policy and if necessary for self-defense, their arm;
And so on... more suggestions here will be welcome...
sábado, 21 de novembro de 2020
Como o racional culpa os trabalhadores
Wealth of Jeff Bezos in 2009: $6.8 billion Wealth of Jeff Bezos in 2020: $184 billion Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg in 2009: $2 billion Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg in 2020: $103 billion
Dinheiro não cai do céu. A maquina só pode fazer mais uma nota de 5,00 se mais um objeto real for produzido. E só produz objetos reais, o trabalho duro das mãos. Estes dois caras não produziram com suas mãos um quilo de arroz nestes 11 anos. Então qual a magica?!!
De onde veio esse dinheiro todo?
Daqui: U.S. Minimum Wage from 2009-2020: $7.25
Claro, está evidente uma pratica de crime de escravagismo.
O escravagista é o culpado? Nem tanto, ele é apenas um corpo que recebeu da Natureza uma força (o instinto animalesco para predador ) e a executou, automaticamente. Ele está na "natureza" dele.
Então são os escravos? Sim. Eles são apenas corpos que receberam da Natureza o poder quando unidos e a fraqueza quando separados, e como estão separados, executaram a ordem da fraqueza, automaticamente.
Apenas esquematizando o problema desta forma, a partir do ponto de vista da natureza, e não dos humanos, se pode enxergar a solução.
sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2020
Salários no Brasil
Cargo | Salário |
Salários de Vigilante na : 1 salários informados | R$ 1.613/mês |
Cabo da PM de SP é sócia de empresa que faz segurança no Carrefour onde João Alberto foi morto
quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2020
Presas votando nos seus predadores: Encantados pela falsa luz, como as mariposas suicidas
Some people who have historically been oppressed will stand with the oppressors, and will aspire to power by proximity.
Exit Polls Point to the Power of White Patriarchy
No exemplo abaixo, se demonstra que o extremo egoismo é proproedade intrinseca à psique da presa, principal motivo porque os pobres são fracos porque não se unem. Por dinheiro vendem sua comunnidade .
As the Human Rights Campaign president, Alphonso David, pointed out in June, “The Trump-Pence administration is the most virulently anti-LGBTQ administration in decades.”
Comentário de um leitor:
I have LGBTQ friends in Georgia who voted for trump because they made a lot of money in the trump stock market. They expected to make even more during a second trump term. They regard money as their insulation against any of the ills that might befall the LGBTQ community.